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Skip Navigation LinksHigh Fantasy HERO>Content>Magic>Magic Systems>Adeptology>Volomancy


Adeptology System Adepts Adept Package Deals
Variant: Volomancy Variant: Thanomancy Variant: Urzadrek
Sample Volomancer: Tumakaptkeh Gafka
VARIANT: Adeptology Magic System
To use this variant Magic System, simply use the Adeptology document in its entirety with the exception of sections that have been "overridden" by this document, as indicated in the section headers below.
NOTE: Practitioners of Volomancy (VOLO-MAN-cee) are called Volomancers (VOLO-MAN-SURS) collectively, or Volomancer (VOLO-MAN-SUR) singularly.
Volomancy is a form of Arcane Magic. Volomancers are naturally occurring individuals able to warp reality to their will in various ways.. The Adeptology model is used as the base mechanic for this type of Magic, but with some changes where noted below.
Volomancers are essentially the same as Adepts as presented in the base Magic System; differing only in slight variations to the underlying mechanics governing their access to Powers of different categories.
MODIFY: Means to Power
The general rules given in the Means to Power section of Adeptology apply to Volomancy, but with the following alterations.
Volomancy requires a number of custom Talents based on Base Powers that can only be taken at Character Creation to allow access to the Magic System. This is described more fully under Restrictions below.
A character with the Magical Adept Talent can at any point in their careers start purchasing a Volomancy Variable Power Pool defined as follows.
  • 0 Phase Change (+1)
  • No Skill Roll Required (+1)
  • Only Arcane Magic (-1/2)
  • Variable Limitation (-1/2; each Spell must take -1 of Limitations from Extra Time, Gestures, Incantation, Limited Range, Increased Endurance in any combination at a MINIMUM)
  • All Spells Must Take Concentration (-1/4) and Delayed Phase (-1/4)
  • Spells May Not Have Any Other Limitations
  • All Spells Must Cost END
    • (Spells may cost END only to Activate where allowed)
Control Cost per 10 Pool = 6 Real Points
Total Cost per 10 Pool = 16 Real Points
Volomancers do not suffer Long Term Endurance Loss in the fashion specified for Adepts.
MODIFY: Restrictions
The general rules given in the Restrictions section of Adeptology apply to Volomancy, but with the following alterations.
As mentioned above a Volomancer must take Magical Adept Talents at Character Creation to use various types of Powers with this style of Magic. A Volomancer can use Spells built on a particular Category of Power with Active Points equal to or less than half the Adept's VPP Pool for 1 point each, or with Active Points of up to the Adept's full VPP Pool for 2 points each.
The Power Categories are: Adjustment, Attack, Body-Affecting, Defense, Mental, Movement, Sense-Affecting, Sensory, and Size.
Thus to have full access to all nine categories would cost 18 Character Points. The applicable Talents would be listed as "Magical Adept (Adjustments)" or "Magical Adept (Attacks)"  for instance.
A Volomancer must have a minimum of three Category Talents, and at least one of them must be taken at the 2 point Full Access level. Further these Talents must be taken at Character Creation, and 1 point Partial Access Talents may not be upgraded to 2 point Full Access Talents after Character Creation.
MAGICAL ADEPT (Choose Category): Full Access
A Volomancer with this talent can use Spells in their Volomancy VPP with up to their full Pool in Active Points for the selected Category of Power.
The Categories are: Adjustment, Attack, Body-Affecting, Defense, Mental, Movement, Sense-Affecting, Sensory, and Size.
Magical Adept Cost: 2 Points
MAGICAL ADEPT (Choose Category): Partial Access
A Volomancer with this talent can use Spell in their Volomancy VPP with up to half of their full Pool in Active Points for the selected Category of Power.
The Categories are: Adjustment, Attack, Body-Affecting, Defense, Mental, Movement, Sense-Affecting, Sensory, and Size.
Magical Adept Cost: 1 Point
MODIFY: Available Spells
Volomancers can use the Healing Power normally, but cannot use the Resurrection Adder.
Spells built on EDM, FTL, or Summon are not allowed, and all Stop Sign Powers require permission prior to use.
MODIFY: Creating New Magic Items
Volomancers cannot create Magic Items.