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Adeptology System Adepts Adept Package Deals
Variant: Volomancy Variant: Thanomancy Variant: Urzadrek
GM Notes on Adeptology
Adeptology (AY-dep-TOL-oh-GEE), practitioners of which are properly called Adepts (AY-depts), is flexible Magic System of staggering breadth and flexibility, but at the expense of raw power.
However, often the ability to effectively will reality to bend to their whim makes up for the lack of overall potency and Adepts can work powerful magic.
Adeptology has a strong central concept, and can handle different nuances and flavors by setting some simple parameters, allowing for some customizability.
Casting Model
Adeptology requires a custom Talent called "Magical Adept" that can only be taken at Character Creation to allow access to the Magic System. This is described more fully under Restrictions below.
A character with the Magical Adept Talent can at any point in their careers start purchasing an Adeptology Variable Power Pool defined as follows:
  • 0 Phase Change (+1)
  • No Skill Roll Required (+1)
  • *Only Arcane Magic (-1/2) or Only Divine Magic (-1/2)
  • Variable Limitation (-1/2; each Spell must take -1 of Limitations from Extra Time, Gestures, Incantation, Limited Range, Increased Endurance in any combination at a MINIMUM)
  • All Arcane Spells Must Take Concentration (-1/4) and Delayed Phase (-1/4)
  • All Divine Spells Must Take "Only In Service Of Patron Deity"; -1/2
  • Spells May Not Have Any Other Limitations
  • All Spells Must Cost END
    • (Spells may cost END only to Activate where allowed)
Control Cost per 10 Pool = 6 Real Points
Total Cost per 10 Pool = 16 Real Points
With GM Permission a Character could buy off -1/4 of the "Arcane Magic" or "Divine Magic" Limitation, allowing them to have both "Arcane" and "Divine" Spells in the same Magic VPP. This would only be appropriate if the character met the criteria for being a Divine Spellcaster (i.e. worships some entity or deity which grants Divine Spells). This might be allowed in the case of a Adept that is also a Priest of a God of Magic (or vice versa) for instance. However, the potential for abuse is very high with this option; a high level Adept could buy off the Arcane restriction and suddenly also be a very powerful Priest and vice versa.
Despite the risk of abuse, the cost involved and the limiting factor of how many Spells the character could have in their Magic VPP at any given time both help minimize the abusiveness of this option. To help preserve verisimilitude a GM may require such a character to do a partially limited buy off on the Control Cost 10 Pool at a time, preventing an Adept with a 100 Pool VPP going from knowing absolutely zero Divine Spells to suddenly knowing all Divine Spells up to 100 Pool by simply buying off a -1/4 Limitation.
It is worth adding extra stress to the idea that this particular option should be heavily controlled by the GM. It is perhaps the single easiest way to make an Adept instantly too powerful if not strictly curtailed to only-when-it-makes-sense occasions.
Adept Spells are simply Power Constructs (including Compound Powers) with sufficient Limitations to comply with the mandatory Limitations applied to the Control Cost of the Adept's VPP.
The Adeptology VPP functions normally as indicated in the HERO System Rulebook; thus an Adept may have any number of Spells currently "active" in their VPP with an Active Point total equal or less to the Pool size and with a total Real Cost for all "active" Spells equal to or less than the Pool size.
Spells may be of any sort with any intended effect not otherwise proscribed by a GM, but the GM as always has final approval of all Spells.
However, as a Campaign Groundrule worth no points, Limitations, or Disadvantages, Adepts suffer some fatigue when using their abilities at the higher end. Essentially, when an Adept activates a Spell with Active Points greater than half their total Pool size they suffer Long Term Endurance (LTE) loss as indicated in the chart provided. This is in addition to normal END costs for a Spell.
EXAMPLE: Sharn, who has a 150 Pool Adeptology VPP, uses a Spell with 76 Active Points, and thus suffers 1 point of Long Term Endurance (LTE) loss because 76 is between 51-60% of 150 Pool.
Later Sharn uses a Spell with 140Active Points, and thus suffers 5 points of Long Term Endurance (LTE) loss because 140 is between 91-100% of 150 Pool.
Long Term Endurance is discussed at length in the HERO System Rulebook, but essentially it can be thought of as a Drain vs. END against which Power Defense does not work that Fades back after 5 hours of rest. The net effect in this case is to cause an Adept to grow heavily fatigued if they use their Magic to it's fullest potential.
Available Spells
By default Adeptology is a wide-open Magic System, but a GM should consider placing some restrictions on what Spells are available by producing a set list of Spells for both Arcane and Divine Adepts.
The following is not in effect in my campaigns.
A GM could produce set lists of Spells available for both Arcane and Divine Adepts. There might even be many set lists for different varieties of Divine Adepts, appropriately tailored to various deities or the like.
The following is in effect in my campaigns.
Instead of taking the time to produce a finite list of Spells available a GM might instead lay down broad guidelines such as the following sample restrictions:
Arcane Adepts may only use up to half the total Active Point maximum in their VPP for Spells based on Adjustment, Mental, and Sensory Powers.
Arcane Adepts may not build any Spells based on Healing, FTL, Summon, or any Special Power.
Spells built with any Stop Sign Power require prior GM Permission on a case by case basis (and GM's are encouraged to heavily restrict or effectively forbid the use of such powerful destabilizing effects in a Cosmic VPP).
Example: Borlen has 60 Pool in his Arcane Adeptology VPP allowing him to cast Attack, Body Affecting, Defense, Movement, Sense-Affecting, and Size Powers (that are not also Special, Adjustment, Mental, or Sensory Powers).
He may only use Spells involving any Adjustment, Mental, or Sensory Power (if they are not also Special Powers) if they have 30 Active Points or less.
He may not use any Spell built with Healing, FTL, Summon, or any Special Power like Duplication. He must have the GM's prior express permission to use any Spell built on a Stop Sign Power like Transform, EDM, Desolidification, or Clairsentience.
Divine Adepts may only use up to half their total Active Point maximum for Spells based on Attack, Body-Affecting, Movement, and Size Powers.
Divine Adepts may not build any Spells based on FTL, or any Special Power.
Spells built with any Stop Sign Power require prior GM Permission on a case by case basis (and GM's are encouraged to heavily restrict or effectively forbid the use of such powerful destabilizing effects in a Cosmic VPP).
Example: Yendosh has 60 Pool in his Divine Adeptology VPP allowing him to cast Adjustment, Defense, Mental, Sense-Affecting, and Sensory Powers (that are not also Special, Attack, Body-Affecting, Movement, or Size Powers) with up to 60 Active Points.
He may only use Spells involving any Attack, Body Affecting, Movement, or Size Power (if they are not also Special Powers) if they have 30 Active Points or less.
He may not use any Spell built with FTL, or any Special Power like Duplication. He must have the GM's prior express permission to use any Spell built on a Stop Sign Power like Transform, EDM, Desolidification, or Clairsentience.
There are a number of restrictions which apply to this type of Magic Use, as follows.
As mentioned above an Adepts must take a special Magical Access Talent at Character Creation to use this type of Magic. This prevents characters from later spontaneously deciding to buy into a Cosmic VPP for some cantrip type effects, which if ungoverned could seriously unbalance a campaign.
Some of the Variants described for Adeptology override this behavior and define their own version of a Magical Access Talent.
Some GM's may opt to waive this requirement.
A Magical Adept is born with the capacity to use Adeptology Magic. This ability may only be taken at character creation.
Magical Adept Cost: 5 Points
Magic Spells have very broad Special Effects. In addition to any specific SFX that a particular Spell might have such Electricity for a Lightning Bolt Spell or Fire for Flamebolt Spell, all Magic Spells also automatically have the additional SFX of Magic, plus either Arcane or Divine, the type of Magic (Adeptology),  and finally in the case of Adeptology the caster themselves have signature that becomes part of the SFX. These mandatory SFX cannot be altered by any means, including Variable Special Effects.
NOTE: An Arcane Magic Adeptology Spell is always Magic, always Arcane, and always an Adeptology Spell. Additionally all of the Spells cast by a particular Adept have a "signature" that identifies the Spell as theirs and can be interacted with by other Spells.
EXAMPLE: Borlen the young new Arcane Adept casts Jolting Arc: RKA 2d6 (vs. ED), AOE (3" Any Area; +1) (60 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), Extra Time (Delayed Phase, -1/4), Incantations (-1/4), (uses END Reserve). This Spell as cast by him has the following SFX: Magic, Arcane, Adeptology, Electricity, and Adept Barlen. A character with appropriate detects could determine all of this information either directly or secondhand if observing the effects of the Magic later.
Adepts can use Armor, but suffer Spellcasting penalties for doing so as indicated by the following table. In addition to any relevant non-proficiency penalties, Adepts are able to use only a percentage of their full VPP Pool while wearing Armor as indicated by the following chart. Note that a Adepts available Active Points are reduced while wearing Armor, but not the Real Cost limit of their VPP.
Active Point Limits While Wearing Armor
(All penalties are cumulative)
Light -25%
Medium -50%
Heavy -75%
Shield -15%
Tower Shield  -50%
Gauntlets -15%
Fully Enclosed Armor -30%
EXAMPLE: Findros the Magnificent has a 80 Pool Adept VPP. While wearing Heavy Armor he can cast Spells of 20 Active Points or Less (25 % of 80), but may not cast Spells of 21 or more Active Points; if he also carried a Shield, he would only have -75% + -15% = -90% = 8 Active Points available -- not enough to cast much of anything with. Conversely if wearing Light Armor he would have 60 Active Points available.
  • Spells May Not Have Any Limitations Other Than Those Cited In The VPP Control Cost
  • All Spells Must Cost END
    • (Spells may cost END only to Activate where allowed)
Since Adeptology is essentially a "Cosmic VPP" style of Magic, most Limitations are much less limiting to an Adept. The only limitations that may be taken are those mandated by an Adepts VPP Control Cost.
Just to be clear, the Limitations required to comply with an Adepts VPP Control Cost are:
  • Variable Limitation (-1/2; each Spell must take -1 of Limitations from Extra Time, Gestures, Incantation, Limited Range, Increased Endurance in any combination at a MINIMUM)
  • All Arcane Spells Must Take Concentration (-1/4) and Delayed Phase (-1/4)
  • All Divine Spells Must Take "Only In Service Of Patron Deity"; -1/2
No other Limitations are allowed. The only exception to this is that Powers that normally don't cost Endurance must take a Limitation that makes them cost END, even if only to Activate.
The single greatest restriction on this Magic System is that all Spells must cost Endurance to activate. This serves to restrict the frequency of Magic Use over a short term period, such as combat scenes. It also prevents or discourages certain Power Constructs from being used by Adepts due to mechanical conflicts or inefficiency. Note however that Adepts that have END Reserves can get around many of the inconveniences of Spells costing END via the use of Uncontrolled.
Adepts may have an END Reserve to power their Spells with, but if they have one all Spells must draw their END from this Reserve.
The Standard "May Use Either Personal END or END Reserve" +1/4 Advantage may be used in this case on individual Spells where desired unless forbidden by the GM.
By default an END Reserve of this sort Recovers in the normal fashion, but some GM's might want to place Limitations on the REC to model various flavors of Magic, such as 1 REC per Day (a Charge), or some increment of Extra Time.
It should be noted that Adepts can "float" Spells that have been cast by making them Uncontrolled and paying sufficient END to keep them going, or by keeping a Constant Spell "active" in their VPP and paying END as normal to maintain them (with the commensurate impact on the available Real Cost for other Spells in the VPP).
In the case of Costs END Only to Activate Uncontrolled Spells, some reasonable termination must be defined as normal for such Power Constructs.
The Spell Resistance concept is not applicable to Adeptology Magic.
Adeptology does not interact with the Spellcraft ability. A character can not use Spellcraft to learn Adeptology Spells.
Due to their "Cosmic VPP" nature, all Adepts are broadly capable and do not have a concept of "Specializing".
If an Adept were to create a Magic Item they would use a Major Transform based Spell to change an Item into a Magical version of itself with whatever abilities they are trying to add to it factored into the difficulty using the rules for Adding Abilities given under Transform.
GM's might wish to curtail potential abuse of this method by applying a restriction to it as a Campaign Groundrule. A possible control factor is to require very common "Heal Back" criteria, such as contact with a Dispel Magic effect with equal or greater Active Points.