Simuto Daku
The Simuto Daku (SEH-MOO-TOH DAH-KOO) is a Dam-kar Nam-us (DAHM-KAHR NAHM-US), which
literally translates as "Guild of Death" in their native language; they
are an assassin organization that accepts contracts on people's lives with an extensive
and successful history.
Unlike some Assassin Guilds that are joined by those that have developed their skills
independently the Simuto organization prefers to take young men and women in their
early teens and train them in a one-on-one mentorship fashion in a particular blend
of skills and techniques common to all in the organization.
A Simuto's mentor is called an I-ku (EE-KOO), and is part older sibling, part teacher,
and part dispenser of harsh punishment for failure. When a student's apprenticeship
is complete they are put to the test by a panel of respected Simuto, and those that
are found wanting are usually dealt with fatally though a borderline case might
be given another year with a different and more experienced I-ku to shape up if
they show promise or if it is suspected that their original I-ku was laggard in
their responsibility.
The Simuto exist as a hidden society; they do not publicly advertise their existence
or keep a public establishment even in countries where such is legal. Instead they
prefer to operate through a network of ku-li (KOO-LEE), or "friends" that
interface with clients, arrange meetings, and function via word of mouth and referrals.
This allows actual practicing Simuto a level of anonymity and security that is very
Many Simuto maintain cover identities as traveling merchants as it allows them to
move around, show up in unusual places, talk to people at all levels of society,
and otherwise affords a convenient means of misdirection.
Though on the surface a group of assassins might seem to be a lawless organization,
in fact the Simuto have rules of their own that are followed far more vigorously
than most people obey mainstream laws, for within the Simuto most infractions are
punishable by death. There are many little rules and expected behaviors, but the
major known ones are:
- Rule of Obedience: Simuto are expected to have total loyalty to the organization.
Any signs of disloyalty are often fatal.
- Rule of Precedence: Simuto are expected to give deference to all those of
higher rank than them. Simuto of higher rank can administer stiff punishments to
those that they feel lack the proper respect, though more serious punishments require
a committee decision.
- Rule of Contracts: Simuto of less than Nir-itu rank are not permitted to
accept or negotiate contracts on their own; they are given contracts to fulfill
and must fulfill them to the letter or die trying
- Rule of Triumph: If a Hamsah (HAHM-SAH), a group of five Simuto led by an
Abu-sat, attempt to slay a target and the target manages to slay four of them single-handedly,
then the fifth must disengage, abandon the contract, and return to a more senior
Simuto to report the deed. The word will be spread and the organization will not
take another contract on the target. This practice is done both to show respect
to the target, but also out of sheer practicality as the contract price of one target
is not worth the life of so many Simuto.
- Rule of Mentorship: If assigned to be an I-ku to a young recruit, a Simuto
has a responsibility to protect and train their charge to the best of their ability.
Negligence in this regard is harshly punished, though rarely fatally so. However,
a person that has failed as an I-ku is extremely unlikely to ever be accepted as
a Si-muthi (see below).
In the World of San'Dora the Simuto Daku is of Allishani origin, based in the city
of Kasaad, and have existed for a little over a century. Only those of Undari descent
are accepted into the organization. Most Simuto were orphans or street kids that
were recruited due to standing out from the crowd in some fashion such as displaying
unusual dexterity or skill as a pickpocket or mugger. The Simuto number more than
two hundred and less than five hundred, but beyond that even members don't know
the true size of the organization as they are never gathered together in one place.
Though based in Kasaad they are very active along the Great Northern Trade Route,
and occasional accept work that takes them to more far flung lands unless Undari
would be grossly out of place (and therefore easily caught after the contract is
fulfilled). They have also been tentatively successful taking contracts within the
encroaching Zadeshi Empire, though the distance involved is a deterrent.
Simuto Daku
When plying their trade Simuto dress all in loose flat black cloth and wear a mask
that only leaves their eyes uncovered. They typically bear many daggers used both
in HtH and to be thrown. They wear soft leather boots that are flexible and quiet.
Otherwise Simuto dress appropriately to blend in with the mainstream populace, or
as appropriate to whatever cover they are currently using.
Dagger Attack: Deadly Blow: +2d6 KA Only With Daggers
Advanced Move Silently & Hide in Shadows: Invisibility to Sight Group,
Normal Hearing, Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2) (34 Active Points); Only When Not
Attacking (-1/2), Only in Shadows or Darkness (-1/2)
Wall Climbing: Clinging (+15 STR) (15 Active Points); Cannot Resist Knockback
Detect Traps: Detect A Class Of Things 14- [Separate Sense], Analyze, Discriminatory,
Increased Arc of Perception: 240-Degree, Range, Sense
Dagger Mastery:
- WF: Daggers
- WF: Thrown Daggers
- Combat Skill Levels: +2 OCV with Daggers
Dodgy: Combat Luck (6 PD/6 ED) (12 Active Points); Not While Wearing Armor
PS: Simuto Daku
Membership Perk: Simuto Daku
Reputation: Dangerous Killers (A medium-sized group) 11-, +1/+1d6
Puissant: Skill Levels: +1 with Overall
Total Cost of Abilities
Distinctive Feature: Recognizable Fighting Style
Distinctive Features: Recognizable Garb (Easily Concealed)
Social Limitation: Simuto Daku Code Of Honor (Occasionally, Major)
Social Limitation: Profession is Illegal In Many Lands (Frequently, Major,
Not Limiting In Some Cultures)
Watched: Simuto Daku Leadership 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Limited Geographical Area, PC has
a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)
Total Cost of Package
Self Defense Techniques
Street Finances Skill (remove Streetwise)
Moving Target
- Evasion: (Flying Dodge: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +4 DCV, Dodge All Attacks, Abort;
- Snatch n Run (Flying Grab: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, -1 DCV, Grab Two Limbs, +10
STR for holding on; FMove)
Cover Identity
Dagger Deflection: Missile Deflection (Thrown Objects) (5 Active Points);
Daggers Only (-1/2)
Dagger Reflection: Missile Deflection (Thrown Objects), Missile Reflection
(25 Active Points); Daggers Only (-1/2)
Dagger Redirection: Missile Deflection (Thrown Objects), Missile Reflection,
Reflect At Any Target (35 Active Points); Daggers Only (-1/2)
Disciplined Mind: +5 Mental Defense
Better Lucky than Good: 3d6 Luck
Lethal: Deadly Blow: +1d6 Killing, any circumstance, any weapon (+1d6
HKA; OIF: Weapon of Opportunity (-1/2); Limited Circumstances (-1/2))
Alert: Danger Sense (Function as a Sense, Intuitional, Sensitivity: Out of
Combat) 11-
Security Systems +10
Sleight of Hand
Acrobatic Fighting: +1 All Combat; RSR: Acrobatics or Breakfall (-1/2)
Living on the Edge: Environmental Movement: +2 to Offset Penalty For Being
On A Narrow Surface
Footwork: Defense Manuever I-IV
In the World of San'Dora, members of the Simuto Daku also have the following mandatory
abilities as part of their Package.
Home Turf: CK: Kasaad + 1
Stompin Grounds: Great Northern Trade Route And Environs
A Simuto Daku with ten confirmed hits is given special recognition, authority, and
the title Abu-sat (AH-BOO SAHT). The Abu-sati often lead packs of four Simuto Daku
plus themselves, which are collectively called a Hamsah (HAHM-SAH), on significant
Rank Perk: Abu-Sat
NOTE: This is an ideal Rank for Player Characters as they have the most latitude
to move around and live independently of their organization
A Simuto Daku with ten confirmed hits that has lead five successful Hamsah can,
if they wish, become a Ahisa-ina (AH-HEE-SAH EE-NAH), an independent assassin. An
Ahisa-Ina must swear to tithe thirty percent of their earnings via assassinations
to the Simuto and to never reveal the secrets of or act against the Simuto Daku.
The punishment for oathbreaking is of course death.
Ahisa-ina are free to make their own way in the world acting as free agents, or
give up assassination as they wish. They retain their membership in the Simuto,
are held loosely accountable to the Simuto code (though they will not be called
upon to be I-ku), and might be called upon for favors every now and again,
but they are essentially independent. Many Ahisa-Ina that have given up the blade
become ku-li.
Rank Perk: Ahisa-Ina
Reduce Social Limitation: Simuto Daku Code Of Honor to (Occasionally, Minor)
A Simuto Dake with ten confirmed hits that has lead five successful Hamsah that
does not become a Ahisa-ina becomes a Nir-itu (NEER-EE-TOO) and joins the inner
council of the Simuto Daku where they become part of the leadership of the organization,
though a minor part.
Nir-itu are junior in their position and are often given tasks that keep them active
as assassins, getting assigned the very toughest assignments, leading large operations called
galrikistu (GAHL-REEK-IST-TOO) using several Hamsah and / or individuals, acting
as middle management, working as go-betweens with ku-li, and doing similar tasks
not left to the rank and file but not worthy enough to be handled directly by the
upper ecehelon of the Simuto.
Rank Perk: Nir-Itu
A Nir-itu that has put their time in, gained influence, and proven themselves are
made Si-muthi (SEH MOO-THEE) by a majority vote of the current Si-muthi. This is
the highest echelon of the organization and the exact number of Si-muthi is unknown
to any outside of the Simuto. A Si-muthi basically has the freedom of a Ahisa-ina
while still wielding humongous influence within the Simuto. All major decisions
are made by the committee of the Si-muthi, but each Si-muthi has a number of Nir-itu,
Abu-sat, and unranked Simuto assigned to them to be used at their own discretion.
However a Si-muthi cannot afford to become a liability or mismanage their assets
or else they will be removed from power...permanently.
Rank Perk: Si-Muthi
Extention Package Deals
characters are taught basic techniques to help defend themselves versus
physical assailiants, while others are just naturally intent on saving their
own hide as much unfortunate impact as possible. |
Cost |
Ability |
5 |
Dodgy: +1DCV |
12 |
Martial Dodge, Martial
Block, Martial Escape |
Value |
Disadvantages |
0 |
None |
+17 |
Total Cost of Package |
Package Deals
characters are adept at wheeling and dealing on the
street, finding a good deal on the low down, knowing where to go to fence
something, and similar useful things. |
Cost |
Ability |
3 |
Bribery |
3 |
KS: Black Marketeering (INT-based) |
3 |
Persuasion |
3 |
Streetwise |
3 |
Trading |
2 |
Thieves' Cant or Street
Lingo: (Language;
basic conversation; literate) |
Value |
Disadvantages |
0 |
None |
+17 |
Total Cost of Package |