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Skip Navigation LinksWorld of San'Dora>Inhabitants>Haelfinan>Race Packages>Cenhedlu
Haelfinan Nations Creatures Characters
Pureblood Cenhedlu Hannerau Rhanau
Cenhedlu Haelfinan
In some areas Haelfinan have deliberately interbred with their Human creations lest their colony become extinct. Generally the Haelfinan will attempt to supplement their numbers in this fashion, and then breed the resulting half-blooded Haelfinan with a full-blooded Haelfinan to reduce the "Human taint". Haelfinan that had a Human ancestor two or more generations previously are referred to as Cenhedlu (ken-HAID-lee). It can take four to five generations for a Human taint to be effectively "bred out", but it can happen in three generations from time to time. The easiest determination of "pureblooded"-ness is sensitivity to iron; Cenhedlu do not have it, purebloods do.
This practice is found among some small enclaves of Haelfinan that managed to survive on the continent, and the Haelfinan nations of Eandrial and Llishima who have what amounts to a breeding arrangement with the Eld-folk of Chur'An. The Haelfinan of Eerdrelin and Aelonar are against the practice (strongly so in the case of Aelonar), while the Haelfinan of Aelora have no strong feelings one way or the other and don't practice it formally.
As an unexpected side effect of this process, the resulting offspring do not seem to suffer the Haelfinan sensitivity to Iron, but are unable to use the full breadth of the Haelfinan Aeldenaren Gifts; a Cenhedlu may have no more than three Advanced Aeldenaren Gifts (and may not have more Advanced Gifts than they have Basic Gifts).
Many Cenhedlu are cosmetically indistinguishable from a pureblooded Haelfinan, at least to non-Haelfinan. However, a fair number do show some of their Human heritage in various ways that vary by individual and their particular lineage. The only generality that can be applied is that Cenhedlu tend to be sturdier but not as graceful as pureblooded Haelfinan, and their features may not be quite as sharp and chiseled.
Cenhedlu dress is typically determined by their particular circumstances and which group of Haelfinan they originated from.
Most Cenhedlu are much as pureblooded Haelfinan in their general character, save that they are perhaps not quite as prone to extremes. 
As Cenhedlu don't exist as a separate society, they have no special organizations or groups distinct to themselves, or at least none that are known about or significant. It should be noted that even in Haelfinan communities that purposely interbreed with Humans to avoid extinction, Cenhedlu are relatively rare due to the low birth rate among Haelfinan.
Cost Ability
12 Graceful: +4 DEX
10 Fluid: +1 SPD
5 Quick-witted: +5 INT
3 Attractive: +6 COM
5 Alluring: +5 PRE
6 Archer's Strength: +12 STR; Only to Draw Bows (-1)
6 Light of Foot: +3" Running
6 Haelfinan Senses: +2 PER All Senses
5 Haelfinan Eyes: Nightvision
5 Haelfinan Mind: +10 Mental Defense vs. Sleep & "Charm" Effects Only (-2)
3 Haelfinan Archery: +1 OCV w/ all Bows
2 Haelfinan Weapons Group: WF: Blades, Spears, Bows
4 Longevity: LS: 1000 Years; Sleep 8 Hours Per Week
6 Aeldenari Gifts: Choose 6 different Gifts. You may not choose more Advanced Gifts than your character has Basic Gifts, and no more than 3 Advanced Gifts total.
Value Disadvantages
-20 Normal Characteristic Maxima
-5 Distinctive Feature: Elf (Concealable w/ Magic, Noticed, Not Distinctive in Some Cultures)
-1 Slight of Limb: -1 STR
-6 Frail: -3 CON
-6 Frail: -3 BODY


Total Cost of Package
Cost Options


Each Additional Aeldenaren Gift