Nyomar Llwydocaled 
Val Char Base Points Total Roll Notes
8 STR 10 -2 8/18 11- / 13- HTH Damage 1 1/2d6/3 1/2d6 END [1]
23 DEX 10 39 23 14- OCV 8 DCV 8
12 CON 10 4 12 11-
14 BODY 10 8 14 12-
15 INT 10 5 15 12- PER Roll 16-
15 EGO 10 10 15 12- ECV: 5
15 PRE 10 5 15 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
20 COM 10 5 20 13-
2 PD 2 0 2/11 2/11 PD (0/9 rPD)
2 ED 2 0 2/11 2/11 ED (0/9 rED)
5 SPD 3.3 17 5 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12
4 REC 4 0 4
24 END 24 0 24
24 STUN 24 0 24
10" Running 6 8 10"
2" Swimming 2 0 2"
1 1/2"/0 1/2" Leaping 2 0 1 1/2"/3 1/2" 99 Total Characteristics Points
Type Total
Run (6) 10" [20" NC]
Swim (2) 2" [4" NC]
H. Leap (2") 1 1/2"/3 1/2"
V. Leap (1") 0 1/2"/1 1/2"
Teleport 5" [10" NC]
Total earned: 200
Spent: 199
Unspent: 1
Base Points: 50
Disad Points: 150
Total Points: 399
Hair Color:  Gold
Eye Color:  Violet
Height:  6' 0"
Weight:  100 lbs
Haelfinan are superbly graceful and exquisitely beautiful as a rule. They are equally as likely to favor archery or Aeldenari Magic, with many of their number mastering both.

Nyomar Llwydocaled 
Type Amount Notes
Physical Defense 2/11 Current BODY:
Res. Phys. Defense 0/9 (14)
Energy Defense 2/11 Current END:
Res. Energy Defense 0/9 (24)
Mental Defense 23 Current STUN:
Power Defense 0 (24)
Powerful Willcrafter.
OCV: 8 DCV: 8
Combat Skill Levels:
+1 with all Bows
+1 with All Combat
+3 with Long Bow
Maneuver Phase OCV DCV Effect
Block 1/2 +0 +0 Block, abort
Brace 0 +2 1/2 +2 vs. Range Mod.
Disarm 1/2 -2 +0 Can disarm
Dodge 1/2 -- +3 Abort, vs. all attacks
Grab 1/2 -1 -2 Grab two limbs
Grab By 1/2 -3 -4 Move and Grab
Haymaker 1/2* +0 -5 +4 DC attack damage
Move By 1/2 -2 -2 STR/2 + v/5
Move Through 1/2 -v/5 -3 STR + v/3
Set 1 +1 +0 Ranged Attacks only
Strike 1/2 +0 +0 STR or weapon
Range 0-4 5-8 9-16 17-32 33-64 65-128
RMOD 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10

Nyomar Llwydocaled 
Cost  Power END
20 Aeldenari: EC, 60-point powers, (30 Active Points); all slots Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Extra Time (Delayed Phase, -1/4)
1) Bedazzle: Sight Group Flash 5d6, Personal Immunity (+1/4), AOE (6" Radius; +1 1/4) (62 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x5 END; During the Day Common; -1 1/4), Extra Time (Full Phase, Delayed Phase, -3/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) (uses END Reserve)
2) Bend Light: Invisibility to Sight, Hearing, Mental, Smell/Taste and Touch Groups , No Fringe, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (62 Active Points); Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) (uses END Reserve)
3) Blinding Field: Darkness to Sight Group 5" radius, Personal Immunity (+1/4) (62 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x5 END; During the Day Common; -1 1/4), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, Delayed Phase, -1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) (uses END Reserve)
4) Force of Will: EB 4d6 (vs. ED), NND ([Standard]; [Force] effects; +1), Does BODY (+1) (60 Active Points); Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Extra Time (Delayed Phase, -1/4), No Knockback (-1/4), Beam (-1/4), Cannot Be Used With Multiple-Power Attacks (-1/4) (uses END Reserve)
Notes: Force
5) Hawkeyes: (Total: 54 Active Cost, 23 Real Cost) +12 versus Range Modifier for Sight Group (18 Active Points); Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, Delayed Phase, -1/2), Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2), Costs END (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4), Linked (Penalty Skill Levels; Greater Power is Constant or in use most or all of the time; -1/4) (uses END Reserve) (Real Cost: 7)
Penalty Skill Levels: +12 vs. Range Modifier with All Attacks (36 Active Points); Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, Delayed Phase, -1/2), Costs END (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) (uses END Reserve) (Real Cost: 16)
6) Hypersensitive Awareness: Spatial Awareness (no Sense Group), Discriminatory, Analyze, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Telescopic (+24 versus Range Modifier): +24 (49 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), Only to Activate, -3/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Costs END (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) (uses END Reserve)
7) Personal Wards: FF (9 PD/9 ED/5 Flash Defense: Hearing Group/5 Flash Defense: Sight Group) (Protect Carried Items), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Hardened (x2; +1/2) (66 Active Points); Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, Delayed Phase, -1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) (uses END Reserve)
8) Riftstepping: Teleportation 5", x8 Increased Mass, Safe Blind Teleport (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), MegaScale (1" = 100 km; +3/4), Can Be Scaled Down (+1/4) (62 Active Points); Extra Time (Full Phase, Delayed Phase, -3/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) (uses END Reserve)
9) Seeming: Shape Shift (Sight, Mental, Hearing, Smell/Taste and Touch Groups, any shape), Makeover, Costs END Only To Change Shape (+1/4) (59 Active Points); Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, Delayed Phase, -1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) (uses END Reserve)
10) Will-surgeon: Healing BODY 6d6 (60 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), Character May Take No Other Actions, -1 1/2), Concentration, throughout (1/2 DCV; -1/2) (uses END Reserve)
11) Willsword: HKA 2d6 (2d6 / 2 1/2d6 w/STR) (vs. PD), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Lingering up to 1 Minute (+3/4) (60 Active Points); Extra Time (Full Phase, Delayed Phase, -3/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) (uses END Reserve)
12) Worldwarping: Major Transform 4d6 (Anything into anything) (60 Active Points); Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) (uses END Reserve)
24 Aeldenari: Endurance Reserve (170 END, 7 REC) (24 Active Points)0
Haelfinan Package
1) Archers Strength: +10 STR, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (15 Active Points); Only to Offset STR Min of Bows (-1), No Figured Characteristics (-1/2)
2) Haelfinan Eyes: Nightvision
3) Haelfinan Mind: MD (23 points total) (20 Active Points); Only vs Sleep/Charm Effects (-1)
4) Haelfinan Senses: +4 PER with all Sense Groups
5) Tireless Running: Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (10 Active Points) applied to Running
6) LS (Longevity 1600 Years; Sleeping Character does not sleep)
264 Total Powers Cost
Equipment END
Long Bow: HEAVY (2D6+1), 2 handed, -6 to Conceal, Puncturing: +2 OCV to hit; +2 damage per die vs Chain Armors (up to the total DEF of the armor); -2 OCV to Block with' Launcher (175"); Readied: Takes 1/2 Phase Action to Load/Ready weapon0

Nyomar Llwydocaled 
Cost  Name
Haelfinan Package
1) Haelfinan Archery: +1 with all Bows
2) Haelfinan Weapons Group: WF: Blades, Bows, Haelfinan Weapons Group Discount, Spears
3) Language: Haelfinan (idiomatic; literate) (5 Active Points)
Light Foot Package
1) +1 with All Combat
2) +3 with Long Bow
3) Fast Draw 14-
4) Tracking 12-
26 Total Skills Cost
Cost  Name
1 Aeldenari Gift: Gift of Commanding
Notes: This Gift gives Aeldenari the power to control the minds of any sentient creature or create nightmares and hallucinations capable of inflicting real harm upon the victim. Having this Gift enables an Aeldenari to purchase Powers which are constructed using Mental Illusions, Mind Control, and with GM's discretion BOECV Entangles.
1 Aeldenari Gift: Gift of Decieving
Notes: This Gift enables the Aeldenari to fool the senses of others. Having this Gift enables an Aeldenari to purchase Powers which are constructed using Images and Invisibility
1 Aeldenari Gift: Gift of Depriving
Notes: This Gift gives Aeldenari the power to deprive others of their own senses. Having this Gift enables an Aeldenari to purchase Powers which are constructed using Darkness and Flash.
1 Aeldenari Gift: Gift of Effecting
Notes: This Gift allows the Aeldenari to affect other living creatures directly. They can heal any living thing or sap the essences of life from them. Having this Gift enables an Aeldenari to purchase Powers which are constructed using Drain and Healing.
1 Aeldenari Gift: Gift of Killing
Notes: This Gift gives Aeldenari the power to inflict direct harm upon the people and world around them. Having this Gift enables an Aeldenari to purchase Powers which are constructed using Energy Blast, Hand Attack, Hand Killing Attack, and Ranged Killing Attack.
1 Aeldenari Gift: Gift of Knowing
Notes: This Gift gives an Aeldenari the capacity for vast mystical awareness. An Aeldenari that has this Gift may purchase Powers which are constructed using Clairisentience, Telepathy, Enhanced Senses, or Mind Scan.
1 Aeldenari Gift: Gift of Rifting
Notes: This Gift gives Aeldenari the power to bend Space to their will, allowing them to travel far distances in their own plane of existances and perhaps (with GM's Permission) into others as well. Having this Gift enables an Aeldenari to purchase Powers which are constructed using Teleportation and Extra Dimensional Movement.
1 Aeldenari Gift: Gift of Shifting
Notes: This Gift gives an Aeldenari control over their own form. Having this Gift enables an Aeldenari to purchase Powers which are constructed using Shape Shift and Multiform.
1 Aeldenari Gift: Gift of Warding
Notes: This Gift gives Aeldenari the power to erect magical barriers. Having this Gift enables an Aeldenari to purchase Powers which are constructed using Force Field, Force Wall, and with GM's discretion appropriate Barrier-only Entangles.
1 Aeldenari Gift: Gift of Willing
Notes: This Gift enables the Aeldenari to force their will upon the world around them, changing nearly anything in the surrounding enviroment and the environment itself into anything the Aeldenari can imagine. Having this Gift enables an Aeldenari to purchase Powers which are constructed using Change Enviroment, Transform, and appropriate Entangles.
10 Total Talents Cost
Cost  Disadvantage
10 DF: Aeldenari (Concealable; Extreme Reaction; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses)
5 DF: Haelfinan (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses; Not Distinctive In Some Cultures)
15 Enraged: Haelfinan Lands Are Invaded Or Despoiled (Uncommon), go 11-, recover 11-
20 Haelfinan Characteristic Maxima
20 Psych. Lim.: Arrogant (Very Common, Strong)
10 Psych. Lim.: Hates Nordmanner (Uncommon, Strong)
10 Psych. Lim.: Unforgiving (Uncommon, Strong)
10 Reputation: Aggresive Protector of Borders, 11- (Extreme; Known Only To A Small Group)
20 Susceptibility: Iron & Steel 1d6 damage Instant and then per Minute (Very Common)
15 Vulnerability: 1 1/2 x BODY Iron & Steel (Very Common)
15 Vulnerability: 1 1/2 x STUN Iron & Steel (Very Common)
150 Total Disadvantages Cost

Nyomar Llwydocaled 
Height: 6' 0" Hair:  Gold
Weight: 100 lbs Eyes: Violet
Appearance: Haelfinan are superbly graceful and exquisitely beautiful as a rule. They are equally as likely to favor archery or Aeldenari Magic, with many of their number mastering both.
Personality: Nyomar is bitter, arrogant, and hates the thought of lesser beings invading his peoples lands.
Quote:"Mawruwy o'r gloch ydi, dynion!" (Roughly translated: Now is the time that you die, manling)
Background: Nyomar inhabits the Haelfinan Forests of the northlands and is one of the most vocal members of the Nuwynamadd Caleb (nu-we-NOM-ath CAW-leb; literally "Vengeance Hunt"), which is a collection of Haelfinan that bitterly work to halt the collapse of Haelfinan held lands, fighting against all comers that encroach on their demenses. Nyomar is a warleader among the Caleb and usually has many numbers of Tarbhdynion (tarv-DEEN-eon; beast men) under his command.

Nyomar is a little over a thousand years old, and has seen the Nordmanner grow in strength and fears that his people are doomed to attrition, but is determined to not let it happen on his watch.
Campaign Use: Healfinan are very rare, appearing only in small pockets in the deep forests of the World of San'Dora, or on distant islands. They have a dire sensitivity to ferrous metal, which encourages them to avoid proximity to the races of Var and Men, who favor Iron based equipment.
Character created with Hero Designer (version 2006111006)