Wargear: Hands-free Lumens

This fighter has one or more very bright light sources attached to their gear which can be toggled on or off as a Simple action. While toggled on, the following conditions apply:

  • This fighter cannot be Hidden. If they were Hidden prior to toggling the lumens on, they become Revealed.
  • The lumens affects a 24'' area within this fighter's vision arc and line of sight.
    • If this fighter has a modified vision arc, such modification does not apply to the lumens affected area; in such a case place a vision arc marker next to the fighter to represent the arc affected by the lumens.
  • Low light conditions are cancelled within the lumens area.
  • Sentries automatically spot this fighter and any other fighter within the lumens affected area, if within their own vision arc and line of sight.
  • Effects that are concerned with targeting fighters that have a Burn marker on them can be applied to this fighter and any other fighter within the lumens affected area.

The default setting for the lumens is off, but you may specify that the lumens is on when you set this fighter up onto the battlefield if you prefer.