Squat Forgekin: This fighter is a Squat Forgekin; any game effect referring to Squat Void Barons or Champions is applicable to them. This fighter is immune to the reduction in movement caused by the Heavy-G trait. This fighter may be equipped from the Squat Void Barons Squat Forgekin Equipment List, uses the Survivor Critical Injury table, and uses the Squat Characteristic Maxima.
Archeotech Seeker: At the end of a battle this fighter participated in, they gain D3+1 additional XP if their gang ended the battle in control of one or more items of Archeotech gained during the battle.
Robust: When this fighter makes a Recovery Test for themselves it is resolved as if they are being assisted, and they may reroll a single Out of Action dice result. Additionally if this fighter is Pinned at the end of the End Phase, they may immediately stand up.
Ballistics Expert: When this fighter selects a weapon profile during the Declare the Shot step of the shooting sequence, the selected weapon profile temporarily gains +3'' Short Range and +6'' Long Range while the attack is resolved. This skill cannot be used with weapons that have the Template or Versatile traits.
Hurler Savant: This fighter gains +1 to hit with thrown objects such as Javelins, Thrown Daggers, Hurlys, and Grenades. Additionally, this fighter gains +1 Strength for purposes of determining range and (if relevant) damage for thrown objects.
Armor: Mesh
Modifiers have been applied directly to profile.
Grenade: Krak
Wargear: Grapnel-Launcher
An Active fighter with a grapnel launcher can make the following action:
Grapnel (Double): Place this fighter at any point on the battlefield within 12'' and along a straight line from their starting position, such that their base does not overlap anything else, and observing the 1'' rule.
This fighter must cross a gap or pitfall or move up or down at least 2'' on the battlefield as part of this movement; simply moving horizontally across open terrain is not allowed.
This fighter cannot move through obstructing terrain or other fighters as part of this action.
Wargear: Grav-chute
If a fighter falls or jumps down to a lower level, they do
not suffer any damage and do not become Pinned, they simply move down without
any rolls being made; place the fighter at the nearest possible point
on the battlefield near where they would have fallen such that their base
does not overlap anything else, and observing the 1'' rule. If this is used in
conjunction with a Charge and this fighter successfully engages one or more enemies,
an extra Attack dice is gained in the ensuing close combat sequence;
this extra Attack dice is resolved as a S+1 Unarmed attack.