Fighters participating in a
Free-for-all campaign use the following guidelines for earning Experience and gaining Advancements.
Gaining XP
The standard ways to gain Experience Points during a Free-for-all campaign are:
Juves Participation Award XP
Juves are the future of a gang, and they come in two varieties...those who learn fast and those who die fast, chewed up by the violent life of the underhive.
At the end of every campaign battle, every Juve who participated in the battle gains an additional 1 XP.
Scenario Specific XP
Some scenarios offer one or more ways to gain XP, as indicated in a given scenario's scripted write up.
Post-Battle Actions XP
Some Post-Battle Actions grant XP, as indicated in a given Post-Battle Actions write up.
Advance Fighters
Each Advanceable fighter on the gang gets a single Advancement roll for every 5 XP they have earned (i.e. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, etc). Fighters on a gang's Roster who are not Captured and have fewer Advances applied to them than their current earned XP allows must roll on either the Hero or Henchman Advancement tables below as appropriate to their fighter type one or more times until the fighter has the correct number of Advancements applied to them.
Leaders, Champions, Prospects, and Specialists roll on the Hero Advancement table, while Gangers and Juves roll on the Henchman Advancement table.
For instance, a Juve with 12 XP earned and only one Advancement applied to them must roll once on the Henchman Advancement table, while a Prospect with 20 XP earned and two Advancements applied must roll twice on the Hero Advancement table.
Hero Advancement chart
improve the fighter's Toughness or Wounds by 1 step
improve the fighter's Movement or Attacks by 1 step
improve the fighter's Initiative or Strength by 1 step
improve the fighter's Ballistics Skill or Weapon Skill by 1 step
improve any two secondary characteristics by 1 step each
Random Primary Skill
Choose any Primary Skill or Random Secondary Skill
Choose any Primary or Secondary Skill
Some of the entries in the Hero Advancement table offer a choice between either of two primary characteristics (Move, Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, Strength, Toughness, Wounds, Initiative, Attacks) to improve, such as Initiative or Strength. The player may choose whichever of the two indicated characteristics they prefer up the fighter's
Characteristics Maxima;
if one of the characteristics is already maxed out the other characteristic is improved. If both characteristics are already at the Characteristic Maxima for that fighter, the fighter may increase another primary characteristic of their choice that is not maxed out instead. If all of the fighter's primary characteristics are maxed out, they may choose a Primary Skill instead.
One of the entries in the Hero Advancement table increases two different secondary characteristics (Leadership, Cool, Willpower, Intelligence) simultaneously up to the fighter's Characteristic Maxima of the player's choice; such as Cool and Intelligence. If all of the secondary characteristics are already at the Characteristic Maxima for that fighter, the fighter may choose a Primary Skill instead.
One of the entries in the Hero Advancement table allows a fighter to gain a random skill from a Skill Category they have Secondary access to; if a fighter has no Secondary Skill Category access they instead gain a random skill from a Skill Category they have Primary access to.
If a fighter would gain a randomly selected Skill and roll a Skill the fighter already has, the fighter may instead choose a Skill from that same Skill Category. In the unlikely event the fighter has every Skill in that Skill Category, they may instead choose any Skill.
Henchmen Advancement chart
improve the fighter's Movement or Attacks by 1 step
improve the fighter's Initiative or Strength by 1 step
improve Cool and Leadership by 1 step each
improve Cool and Intelligence by 1 step each
improve Cool and Willpower by 1 step each
improve the fighter's Ballistics Skill or Weapon Skill by 1 step
improve the fighter's Toughness or Wounds by 1 step
Some of the entries in the Henchman Advancement table offer a choice between either of two primary characteristics to improve, such as Initiative or Strength. The player may choose whichever they prefer up the fighter's Characteristic Maxima; if one of the characteristics is already maxed out the other characteristic is improved. If both characteristics are already at the Characteristic Maxima for that fighter, treat the Advancement as if a result of Promotion had been rolled instead.
Some of the entries in the Henchman Advancement table increase two different secondary characteristics simultaneously up to the fighter's Characteristic Maxima, such as Cool and Intelligence. If either of the characteristics are already at the Characteristic Maxima for that fighter, treat the Advancement as if a result of Promotion had been rolled instead.
A Juve or Ganger who gets a Promotion becomes a Specialist, gaining a Primary Skill choice appropriate to a Specialist of their type of gang, and increasing their Rating by +10. All further Advancements for the fighter are determined using the Hero Advancement table.
Gaining Skills
The Free-for-all campaign format uses a custom
Skills List, which should be consulted when fighters gain new Skills via to Advancement.