Axe Master
The warrior may parry with normal axes as per normal parrying rules.
Crusty Veteran
The warrior has learned to compensate for his old injuries. Heros may ignore the
side effect of one serious injury chosen when the skill is taken (remove it from
the roster or counteract any minuses with a plus), This Skill might also be used
on Hirelings, in which case such Hirelings only leave the band on a roll of a 1
rather than 1 or 2.
Defensive Flurry
The Parry rule is changed for this warrior as follows: after taking normal parries
the warrior may opt to make additional parrys, using his normal attacks to do so.
The warrior may continue to attempt to parry as many incoming blows as he has attacks.
If the warrior still has attacks left at the very end of the HtH phase then he may
try to hit with his remaining attacks. The warrior can attempt to parry a specific
incoming blow only once, but may attempt to parry multiple attacks from the same
opponent. This skill can be combined with other parry affecting skills and weapons.
Dirty Infighting
The Warrior is a master of dirty tricks. Biting, kicking dirt, throwing elbows and
knees to the groin, etc. In each phase of HtH the warrior may trade a single Attack
for a dirty trick. If this is done a chosen opponent in HtH combat with the warrior
must make an Initiative roll. If this Initiative roll is failed all of the warrior's
other attacks are at +1 to hit vs that opponent for that phase of HtH.
The warrior may opt to forego his normal attacks and attempt to disarm a single
opponent. To disarm the opponent, the warrior must declare what weapon he is disarming
and then roll to hit the foe at a -2 WS for a single handed weapon and a -3 WS for
a 2 handed weapon. If succesful the opponent must fight without the designated weapon
until he recovers it. The foe recovers his weapon in the first Recovery Phase out
of HtH. Not vs natural weaponry.
Expert Axeman
The warrior is adept at keeping his axes moving in a defensive pattern, thru which
attackers must pass first to attack him. Thus if the warrior is wielding an axe
he may strike first when being charged. If the opponent has a similar special abilty,
such as that granted by a spear, strikes are resolved in Initiative order. If the
warrior wields 2 axes then he may make 2 attacks first when being charged.
Expert Halberdier
If the warrior wields a Halberd he may add +1 to his roll to wound.This modifier
is to the die roll itself, so that a 1 counts as a 2 and a 5 counts as a 6.
Expert Spearman
If the warrior wields a Spear he gains an additional Attack with that spear.
Fencing Master
The Parry rule is changed for this warrior as follows: If he equals or beats an
opponents attack roll, it is parried. If he has two or more Parrying weapons, he
may use the extra parrys to either attempt more parrys or to reroll failed parrys
as he prefers. For instance, a warrior with two Swords may either reroll a failed
parry as normal or make two separate parry attempts. This skill can be combined
with other parry affecting skills and weapons.
Finishing Move
The warrior may opt to forgo his usual number of attacks and make a single attack
at an additional +2 Strength to its normal strength. This can be used in conjunction
with Mighty Blow, Weapon Bonuses, and any other Strength enhancing abilities. The
blow is resolved last AFTER 2 Handed Weapons. Useful for taking out Knocked Down
models with high Toughness.
Follow Through
In any HtH combat where all of the warriors foes are knocked down, stunned, or taken
out of action the warrior may opt to make a follow thru move of up to 2 inches in
any direction. This move can bring him into base contact with another model, and
he will fight in the next HtH phase, but niether model counts as charging. This
move is executed at the very end of the HtH phase after everyone has finished striking.
If multiple models have this skill, then they move in Initiative order. Simultaneous
movers from opposing forces within range automatically move to intercept one another.
Parry Master
The Parry rule is changed for this warrior as follows: the warrior may add the difference
between their Weapon Skill and their opponents' Weapon Skill to their parry rolls
vs each opponent they attempt to parry. If an opponent's Weapon Skill is equal or
higher, the parry roll is unmodified. For instance, a warrior with Weapon Skill
6 adds +2 to their parry rolls vs. opponents with Weapon Skill 4, and +3 vs. opponents
with Weapon Skill 3; however a warrior with Weapon Skill 4 adds nothing to their
parry attempts vs. opponents with Weapon Skill 4 or higher. This skill can be combined
with other parry affecting skills and weapons.
The warrior may fight barehanded with no penalty one or two handed. The model always
gets an extra attack for having 2 weapons when fighting barehanded or with one weapon
and no shield or buckler. Fight barehanded w/o penalty, +1 Attack
Roll Away
The warrior is adept at giving himself time to recover. If the warrior is knocked
down he may make an Initiative roll, if he passes it he may immediately move 2"
away from his opponent in any direction not blocked by intervening terrain or other
models. This may save the Hero from taking further attacks from other opponents.
The Hero cannot move into contact with another enemy in this fashion
Roll with Blow
The warrior is adept at taking the sting off of Concussing blows and falling by
rolling with them. When hit with non-edged weapons or falling, he is only stunned
an a roll of a 4 rather than 3-4 or 2-4. His Injury chart vs these attacks is therefore
1-3 Knocked Down, 4 Stunned, 5-6 OoA. This is usable in conjunction with a Helmet
and Jump up.
Shield Smash
The warrior has trained to integrate his shield into his fighting style. When using
a Shield or Buckler in HtH he may make a single additional attack resolved at the
warriors Strength. The Shield Smash cannot cause critical hits. ; +1 Attack
Sweeping Blow
The warrior may opt to make a single sweep attack against all the models in base
to base contact with him instead of making his normal attacks . Rather than rolling
to hit, each foe rolls under their Initiative to avoid the blow. Each model failing
their Initiative roll is hit, and the warrior rolls to wound each enemy independently
as normal. This manuever can only be executed with a two-handed weapon (including
halberds and flails, etc.), but no Strength bonuses granted by the weapons themselves
are included.
Throw Weapon
The Warrior may Throw any one handed HtH weapon Sx2 inches. The weapon strikes at
the Strength of the user, plus weapon modifiers if any. The Warrior rolls to hit
using his BS, ignoring range and movement modifiers. This skill is not combinable
with any Shooting Skills, including Eagle Eye. The Warrior must then fight without
the weapon. The weapon may be recovered after the game if the warrior does not go
Out of Action.
Take Away
If the Hero does not already carry 2 HtH weapons (not including free Daggers), he
may attempt to Takeaway an opponents Weapon. Instead of making his normal complement
of attacks, the Hero instead makes a single attack at -2 WS for a 1 handed weapon,
-3 WS for a 2 handed weapon. Should he succeed and if his Strength exceeds that
of his opponent not counting Mighty Blow or weapon modifiers OR his Intiative exceeds
that of his opponent counting Crimson Shade but not Ithilmar modifiers he takes
the weapon from his opponent. If the warrior is unable to use the weapon (not on
his Equipment list), he still may not use it, but deprives his opponent of the weapon.
the opposing warrior must fight with whatever weapons he has remaining.