New Skills for Mordheim
Rolling up a chance to pick a new Skill
for a Hero is one of the most fun outcomes
of a Mordheim game, but after a while the
same old selections from the book can seem
pretty stale. Collected together here are
numerous new Skills of various types to
help spice things up a bit, and to offer
new interesting options. |
Academic: a few new Academic Skills,
ideal for Leaders and Spellcasters
Combat: numerous new Combat Skills.
Shooting: new Shooting Skills, suited
to making deadly snipers, pistoleers, and
archers par excellance.
Speed: a handful of new Speed Skills
for the quicky dodgy types.
Stealth: a number of handy Stealth Skills
ideal for would be ninjas, spies, assassins,
and skulks.
Strength: a selection of new Strength
Skills to make a bruiser with.