Bulwyf, son of Hargilliac
Human (Norscan) |
125 gc to Hire |
+100 Warband Rating |
M |
WS |
BS |
S |
T |
W |
I |
A |
LD |
4" |
6 |
2 |
4/7 |
4/5 |
3 |
5 |
3 |
9 |
4+ |
Equipment: Sword of Hargilliac (treat as Double Handed Weapon and Sword; +2 STR (included
in profile), may Parry); Gromril
Bulwyf is a formidable Norscan warrior.
He will join a Norscan Reaver force for
1 game and will then move on. While he is
with the force he counts as the Leader.
The Norscans tolerate this as Bulwyf is
so widely respected that it is not considered
a sign of weakness to defer to him, but
rather a sign of wisdom. |
Grim Determination |
Only the Leader may have this skill, allowing
them to reroll failed Rout tests (if they
choose). If so, the second roll must be
used. |
Insane Courage |
The warrior is Immune to all Psycology |
Counter Charge |
Count as charging when charged, strike in
Initiative order, ignore spear go-first
ability in this case. |
Strongman |
The warrior can use a Double-Handed Weapon
without striking last. |
Resilient |
Anything that hits the warrior in HtH has
-1S (shown as +1T on profile). This does
not affect save modifiers. |
Fearsome |
The warrior causes Fear. |
Mighty Blow |
+1S in close combat, excluding pistols (included
on profile). |