Cool Stuff

Gear Guns Armor Vehicles Misc
Always a sensible precaution, Armor is a subject near and dear to many a Runner's heart...literally.
In the MetaCyber campaign the cost of basic armor is determined via a simple formula as determined by the adjoining calculator.
Active Points:
Real Cost:
Mass (kg):
Select Availability:
Credit Cost:*
Simply enter the Active Points, Real Cost, and Mass into the fields provided, and select the Availability level of the item. The credit cost of the armor will be automatically calculated based upon your entries.
In general, the lighter a suit of armor is, the more expensive it is relative to the level of protection it provides; however, there are exceptions. *NOTE: These are ballpark figures; a large variety of circumstances will dictate the exact costs involved, but on average the prices will hover in a range of around +/-10% of the amount indicated by the above calculator. The calculator can also be used to determine the cost of extra accessories added later.
Ultimately the GM is free to ignore the calculator entirely and simply assign a price to an item.
GM's should consult the Assumptions section for explanations of assumed caps in effect for Combat Luck and Deadly Blow. It also describes the expectation of how Defenses are assumed to stack.
As explained in the Dark Champions Supplement and Gadgets & Gear Supplement documents the armor list from Dark Champions, further extended by some armor from Gadgets & Gear, is used for the bulk of the armor in a MetaCyber campaign.
NorAm Armor
This adjoining chart lists the most common manufacturers of armor in the MetaCyber setting.
All of the options provided on page 271 of Dark Champions are available in the MetaCyber setting.
For those that don't have Dark Champions, while it is highly recommended that it be acquired for use with a MetaCyber campaign, the same armor lists are reprinted in the HERO System Equipment Guide.
As noted in the Gadgets & Gear Supplement document, Powered Armor is allowed within reason in the MetaCyber setting.
Following are some specific Armor Systems that are available in the MetaCyber setting, using the Gadgets & Gear modular design rules. All Powered Armor is Rare (x 2 cost).
Norn-Tek AR-99 EXOCET Armor System
A lightweight exoskeleton with a distinctive featureless helmet and oversized right gauntlet, this armor is used heavily by the Red Legion for its line units, and many Runners that got their start in the Legion are familiar with it. Refitted versions are available on the black market at a tidy price, but fans of the armor consider it worth it. Some Runners even have versions that they've modified themselves or have used parts from an Exocet like the Palm Blaster or Helmet to enhance some other armor.
Standard Protection System: Weak Variant; OIF Exoskeleton 14-; (30 Active Points); Real Cost: 17 points
Communications Suite: Strong Variant; (15 Active Points); Real Cost: 7 points
Helmet -- Polarized Lenses: (10 Active Points); Real Cost: 7 points
Helmet -- Nightsight: (5 Active Points); Real Cost: 3 points
Helmet -- Brainbucket: Armor (5PD/5ED); (15 Active Points); Hit Locations 3-5 (-3/4), OIF (Helmet,-1/2);  Real Cost: 7 points
Strength Augmentation*: +20 STR; Reduced END (0 END,+1/2); (30 Active Points); OIF (Armor;-1/2); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2); Real Cost: 15 points
Gauntlet -- Palm Pulson Blaster: Focused Variant (60 Active Points); Real Cost: 40 points
TOTAL COST: Mass: 35; 89 points; ~4,405,500 credits
Varstucker Hoplite Armor System
A new lightweight Armor system recently advertised by the johnny-come-lately German company, marketed as a mix of mobility and heavy punching power. It has yet to be seen if it will catch on, but it is being priced to sell relative to the market (x 1.75 instead of x 2).
Standard Protection System: Weak Variant; (30 Active Points); Real Cost: 20 points
Helmet -- Nightsight: (5 Active Points); Real Cost: 3 points
Helmet -- Brainbucket: Armor (5PD/5ED); (15 Active Points); Hit Locations 3-5 (-3/4), OIF (Helmet,-1/2);  Real Cost: 7 points
Boots -- Compressed Air Jets (Springboots): (10 Active Points); Real Cost: 7 points
Gauntlet -- Mounted Machine Guns: Strong Variant (90 Active Points); Real Cost: 60 points
Shoulder Mount -- Grenade Launcher: (100 Active Points); Real Cost: 67 points
TOTAL COST: Mass: 30; 164 points; ~14,350,000 credits
Yamamoto Security-350 Armor System
A lightweight Armor system that has been in service for years; primarily sold to Security Forces around the globe and used for elite response forces and similar units. A generally unexciting but utilitarian and reliable suit of armor.
Standard Protection System: Weak Variant; (30 Active Points); Real Cost: 20 points
Communications Suite: Strong Variant; (15 Active Points); Real Cost: 7 points
Spotlight: Weak Variant; (27 Active Points); Real Cost: 10 points
Helmet -- Nightsight: (5 Active Points); Real Cost: 3 points
Helmet -- Brainbucket: Armor (5PD/5ED); (15 Active Points); Hit Locations 3-5 (-3/4), OIF (Helmet,-1/2);  Real Cost: 7 points
Reaction Augmentation*: Weak Variant; (10 Active Points); Real Cost: 5 points
TOTAL COST: Mass: 25; 52 points; ~2,652,000 credits
RMSTC Destroyer Armor System
A heavy Armor system that has been in service for years; primarily sold to military and paramilitary organizations. Favored by many Boomers that can afford the stiff price.
Standard Protection System: (45 Active Points); Real Cost: 30 points
Resilience Augmentation: (40 Active Points); Real Cost: 22 points
Communications Suite: Strong Variant; (15 Active Points); Real Cost: 7 points
Helmet -- Nightsight: (5 Active Points); Real Cost: 3 points
Helmet -- Brainbucket: Armor (8PD/8ED); (24 Active Points); Hit Locations 3-5 (-3/4), OIF (Helmet,-1/2);  Real Cost: 11 points
Strength Augmentation*: +30 STR; Reduced END (0 END,+1/2); (45 Active Points); OIF (Armor;-1/2); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2); Real Cost: 22 points
Reaction Augmentation: Weak Variant; (10 Active Points); Real Cost: 5 points
TOTAL COST: Mass: 45; 100 points; ~10,000,000 credits
SpecTec Infiltrator Bio-protection System
A light bio-protection suit with some armor plating (the exo-skeleton lim indicates that this is a suit w/ some armor; not an actual exo-skeleton). Its primary advantages are that its lightweight, fully enclosed, and has one of the best sensory arrays available in a personal defense system. Used by elite special forces in some areas of the world. There is also a fully amphibian variant with built in hydro-jets.
Standard Protection System: Weak Variant; OIF Exoskeleton 14-; (30 Active Points); Real Cost: 17 points
Communications Suite: Strong Variant; (15 Active Points); Real Cost: 7 points
Internal Oxygen: (10 Active Points); Real Cost: 7 points
Environmental Protection: (9 Active Points); Real Cost: 6 points
NBC-Proof Sealed System: (20 Active Points); Real Cost: 13 points
Food Concentrate Capsules: (3 Active Points); Real Cost: 2 points
Helmet -- Polarized Lenses: (10 Active Points); Real Cost: 7 points
Helmet -- Nightsight: (5 Active Points); Real Cost: 3 points
Helmet -- UV Vision: (5 Active Points); Real Cost: 3 points
Helmet -- Telescopic Sight: (9 Active Points); Real Cost: 6 points
Helmet -- Parabolic Hearing: (9 Active Points); Real Cost: 6 points
Helmet -- Brainbucket: Armor (5PD/5ED); (15 Active Points); Hit Locations 3-5 (-3/4), OIF (Helmet,-1/2);  Real Cost: 7 points
TOTAL COST: Mass: 30; 84 points; ~3,750,000 credits
NorAm Armor Patriot Armor System
A heavy Armor system produced for the New Colonial Union's (NCU) military, this suit basically just consists of some metal plates, a comm unit, and integrated guns. However, it can put a lot of lead down range fast; in fact its major problem is that it can run thru its ammo too fast. Still, the low asking price for refitted ones on the black market has lead to this being used by some Runners.
Standard Protection System: (45 Active Points); Real Cost: 30 points
Communications Suite: Strong Variant; (15 Active Points); Real Cost: 7 points
Helmet -- Nightsight: (5 Active Points); Real Cost: 3 points
Helmet -- Brainbucket: Armor (8PD/8ED); (24 Active Points); Hit Locations 3-5 (-3/4), OIF (Helmet,-1/2);  Real Cost: 11 points
Gauntlet -- Mounted Machine Guns: Faster Fire Variant (87 Active Points); Real Cost: 58 points
Gauntlet -- Lotsa Lead: +4 OCV; (8 Active Points); Real Cost: 8 points
Gauntlet -- Improved Range: +2 PSL vs. Range Penalty; (4 Active Points); Real Cost: 4 points
TOTAL COST: Mass: 42; 121 points; ~4,000,000 credits
*Does not stack w/ Cybernetics or Bioware