Once again, I've been slacking on keeping the What's New up to date. Actually there
has been quite a lot of new stuff put up the last couple of months, almost entirely
in the MetaCyber arena. Lots of new art, new PC's,
enhancements to the
Computer Programming write up, an overhaul of the Tuber Origin page, a massive expansion of new enhancements
and Phenotypes in the Tuber Package, and clarficiations around some Campaign Assumptions. Whew!
I also finally got around to typing up an explanation of the regions of
San-San, which have been cropping up in background origins and City Knowledges
all along.
Work has been picking up again, so I've had limited hobby time this past month.
However, I managed to sneak a few minor updates to the
MetaCyber site in before I got too overloaded. I added some inserts here
and there with gear write ups, packages, and whatnot. I also revised the Computer
Skills pages to split the content into smaller, easier to absorb chunks on separate
The biggest single chunk of new content is the
NuBushi Package.
Added left, top, and bottom nav controls.
Updated the Amper
archetype, after feedback from Checkmate, to allow Ampers to "sell back"
their starting resource pools for more Real Points to buy boosts with. This made
a lot of sense, and was one of those "why didn't I think of that?" ideas
that seems so obvious once its tossed onto the table. Thanks Checkmate!
Added a couple of documents discussing
Computer Usage and Computer Programming
to the GM's section.
Added a Random Plot Generator
to the GM's section.
Added a new NPC, Chaz. Wily Quixote
did most of the work on this one, with just a little refining of the background
to tie it into the specifics of the setting, and a couple of minor character tweaks
to fit the refined background coming from me. I'm pretty impressed with this character
overall -- WilyQ did a great job.
Added Complex
PharmiTech to the PharmiTech document.
Finally got around to changing the layout of the
NPC Gallery to match the rest of the site.
Nothing new or major, just cleaned up a few documents in my three idle minutes the
past few days.
Overhauled the Cybernetics
document, splitting it into multiple docs.
Added credit cost calculators to the
Cybernetics, BioWare,
and Biofeedback docs.
Added a feature to PharmiTech to apply
PharmiTech doses against Psychological Limitations and some Enrageds.
Added credit cost calculators to the Vehicles,
Firearms, and
Armor docs. Also added some look up calculators to the Firearms doc.
Been too busy w/ work to do much of note, but I did spruce up the
PharmiTech page a bit with a calculator to determine costs, taking Fade
Rate into account, and also a Long Term Side Effect calculator.
Not really new content, but I realized that I had put the wrong version of one of
the art splashes up on the site -- so I remedied that. The corrected art splash
is here.
New section on Starting Characters.
And, a new player has submitted a PC, a Patcher / Shooter called Zap.
Also, the Paradigm document was getting too long so I split it out into sections
And finally, I tweaked the Origins
a bit:
- Reduced the Starting Equipment Pool of Metas to 30 points instead of 60
- Now only Adepts and Tubers can have Super Skills, and there is a Cap
- Adepts can have 1 Super Skill per 75 character points rounded in their favor (can
start with 3 since 225/75 = 3)
- Tubers can have 1 Super Skill per 150 character points rounded in their favor (can
start with 2 since 225/150 = 1.5, which rounds to 2)
- Now Adepts can reallocate the free points they start with in Resource Pools to other
Resource Pools. This is in addition to the extra character points they get for Resource
- Thus an Adept Driver could take some points from the larger Equipment Pool and reallocate
them to their Vehicle Pool
- An Adept Facilitator could take some points for their Vehicle and / or Equipment
Pools and reallocate them to their Contact Pool
- Adepts that dont use a Vehicle can get another 25 points of Equipment
- and so on
- Clarified Amper starting fund benefits from BodyWare
These changes were made for both balance and concept reasons, and was done in response
to some unconnected conversations I've been having with a few players and interested
parties regarding parity between the Origins. I think it goes a long way to leveling
the playing field and making each Origin relatively equal.
One of the biggest points was that Adepts gained basically 15 free character points
that they had to spend a certain way, and that was their only benefit, which didnt
stack up well against the option to have metabilities, a lot of Cyber for no credit
cost, or the elevated stats a Tuber can get. And since previously all Origins could
get Super Skills as well as normal Skills, the Adepts area of focus was really open
to everyone.
Limiting Super Skills to Adepts and Tubers, and capping them more heavily for Tubers
helps underpin the randomness of Tubers with an alternative to rounding themselves
out, and gives both Origins the ability to be very competitive with the more over
the top abilities of BodyTech and metabilities.
I limited the Meta's gear because conceptually the focus of Meta's is supposed to
be on their powers, but there was no reason not to also take just as much Gear as
everyone else, leading to an enticement to power game. On the other hand, there
is validity in the idea that they might need / use gear to supplement areas their
powers don't cover. Reducing it to 30 from 60 allows them to have some decent gear,
but forces the player to focus on whats important to the character and not just
load up on gear just because they can.
Doing a little reorganization of the site. Split several long documents into seperate
files, and re-did a number of the headers.
Upgraded the Tuber
Packages javascript utility, adding (a lot) more random slots, and
also a printer friendly version
Added a javascript utility to create
Tuber Packages on the fly. Check it out.
New NPC:
Got the Archetypes section up....here.
Also, I split the Origins into seperate
documents and expanded on them considerably.
Also did a number of new character pics (here).
Several archetype characters written up:
Added a Photo Gallery
And a first draft on a PC:
And a couple of comparison charts for the existing characters:
I added more MetaCyber content thru November and early December. Most notably I
got up quite a bit of stuff on
BodyTech, wich includes Cybernetics, Bioware, PharmiTech, and Biofeedback
Training. I also got up some good
Gear, including guns, armor, and vehicles
Unfortunately Ive hit a bit of a hump on it; I started off down one path for handling
the NET, and then after reflection and discussion with some folks I decided it was
too complicated and have scrapped it. I have another means roughed out, but I havent
been inspired to make it a reality yet. It'll take shape though, never fear.
Ive been detailing and fleshing out the MetaCyber setting, which was the first campaign
I ran with the HERO System after FRED was published several years ago.
One of the players that played in that game waxed nostalgic about it on one of my
rare opportunities to hang out in the last couple of months and it got me going
on it again. I always saw the campaign as a gritty Cyberpunkish game, and when Dark
Champions came out it was a perfect fit.
So, with that in mind, I set out to revamp the material to be more closely aligned
to Dark Champions, fill in some blanks, refit some things that I could have done
better, and of course to expand it with new material.