Stock #: DOJHERO104
ISBN: 1-58366-009-7
236 pages, Trade Paperback, Perfect Bound
Author: Bob Greenwade and Steve Long
Artists: Nate Barnes(cover), various (interior)
Available Now! |
a major role in many MetaCyber campaigns.
GM's can always write up a futuristic vehicle
themselves, but might as well save a little
time and "borrow" from the resources
The HERO System Vehicle Sourcebook (HSVS)
uses the ideas set forth in
The Ultimate Vehicle (TUV) so GM's
might want to check that out first.
In addition to the Ground Vehicles from
TUV, the HSVS gives us a much broader selection
to choose from. |
All of the vehicles in this section have
equivalents in a MetaCyber campaign. Automotive
technology has advanced of course, but most
of the advances come in the form of fuel
efficiency, power, comfort, and amenities.
Hovercraft technology in the form of SkyCars
(see below) is on the rise and will eventually
supplant conventional vehicles, but wheeled
ground vehicles are still the mainstream
standard due to a combination of a lack
of strong government to legislate transporation
and highway reform, and a lack of a need
to innovate in an already profitable area.
To make the vehicles feel more advanced
a GM could just pump up the movment a bit,
and assume that the onboard saftey features
are more advanced. Also, in more expensive
vehicles, luxury and comfort items such
as a onboard computer with Autopilot, Tri-vid
projector, database of music and movies,
and advanced geo-positioning and communication
capablities are available (at extra cost). |
The MagLev is the standard form of ground
based mass transit in some areas of the
world; the technology is about 20 years
old in the MetaCyber setting, and most MagLevs
and related facilities have a grimey, public
transit pall over their original shiny coolness.
Typically, in the fractured former United
States MagLevs within a splinter nation
run freely between their own cities, but
lines that run to other splinter nations
are seperate systems and are policed or
restricted in some fashion. |
In addition to the Air Vehicles from TUV,
the HSVS gives us a few more options. |
This Skycar writeup is used as the basis
for a wide variety of personal hovercars
in the MetaCyber setting -- essentially
the equivalent of a flying sedan -- from
a wide variety of manufacturers.
Veloci-Tek |
Molantor V400, V450, V620
Quicksilver Aerocars |
Hawk (military), Dove,
Robin, Nightingale |
Tetra Motors |
Air Eagle, Air Maverick
(Air Mav), Air Gemini |
Allied Autos |
Grand Adventure (Grand
Ad), Cutter VTOL |
Strucker |
Vogelstrahl - 990, Vogelstrahl
- 2421 Z, Triebeneg 440.c |
Yamamoto |
Cogno V1, Cogno V2,
Yukio |
Oppidan 5,
Though still high, the price tag has been
coming down on the models of the last decade,
ensuring that this is no longer technology
only enjoyable by the ultra rich.
Comfortable but not filthy rich people like
mid level corporate salarymen, trust fund
types, and moderately accomplished Runners
can afford them now. |
Advances include better fuel economy (extend
Fuel Charge), autopilot features (add Computer),
improved speed (up flight speed), and better
manuevering (use the Sideways Manueverability
Advantage on page 15 of The Ultimate
Vehicle supplement).
Military versions include a bullet proof
awning and up to DEF 10 armor plating (but
are slower, or have a greatly reduced operating
range, or some combination of both), as
well as one or more weapon systems.
This sort of "vehicle" exists
in the MetaCyber campaign and are heavily
used by Sec Forces, military forces, spies,
and Runners. Numerous role-appropriate variations
exist. |
Helicopters see a lot of use in the MetaCyber
campaign, and any of the modern versions
provided can be used as such; similar to
the advice given above for Ground Vehicles
any innovations can be reflected with enhanced
perfomance and safety features if desired.
SkyCar technology is slowly but surely creeping
up on Helicopters though, and it wont be
long before someone develops a larger SkyCar
type vehicle that is able to perform most
if not all Helicopter roles such as cargo
lifting. In the meantime Helicopters' incredible
flexibility, reliability, and practicality
ensure that they continue to be made and
used. |
Several of the "Superhero" vehicles
are usable in a MetaCyber campaign |
Similar to the SkyCar, Air-Cycles were once
the balliwick of the superrich and elite
military units, but their prices have dropped
over the years until they are now attainable
by succesful middle class people. |
The write up on page 143 illustrates
a military version (which is very suitable
to Runners), but a toned down version with
a reduced handling profile (SPD 3) and without
the blasters is commercially available from
a variety of manufacturers. They are hideously
dangerous of course as most accidents on
them are fatal, but many a Cyborg got borged
up after an Air-Cycle accident they narrowly
survived, making for a decent origin for
some Runners. |
Obviously this write up on page 144 can
serve as an excellent basis or even be used
as is for all sorts of Urban Assault vehicles.
Runners, Sec-Forces, and military / paramilitary
all use them. Most
Drivers have at least one Battlevan
that they spend a lot of time and effort
tricking out and maintaining. |
This represents the current cutting edge
for personal flying craft in the MetaCyber
setting. The technology is not yet efficient,
and is not favored by the military so development
on it is slow.
Veloci-Tek |
Adranator V905 SST |
Quicksilver Aerocars |
Sparhawk |
Strucker |
Strahlluft - 101B |
Yamamoto |
Volo V1 |
Yukio |
Metra Exec-2, Metra Exec-4,
Metra Exec-6 |
Yukio is the market leader
for Corporate owned Jetcars
The Quicksilver Sparhawk
and the Strucker Strahluft are the main
competitors for the wealthy jetsetter crowd.
Veloci-Tek and Yamamoto
are trying to break in to the market. |
However several ultra wealthy individuals
have them, and a few corporations with a
taste for flaunting their power use corporate
owned JetCars as perks for top executives.
Since the two products are similar and the
SkyCar is further along in its development,
the JetCar many never become prevalent.
It's still worth bragging rights though,
and thats enough for some people.
Minus the blasters this write up is a good
base for motorcycles in general in the MetaCyber
setting. With the blasters it is ideal for
use by Runners, Sec-Forces, and military
units. |