Metas are the best Origin to play because, hello, they are superhuman! You can have
your stupid guns GI Jerk; I'll take eyes blasts instead and call it a day. Its all
about natural superiority, right?
Metas, similar to Tubers, are genetically superior to baseline humanity; but instead
of a collection of random genetic advantages they have powers beyond anything even
vaguely possible by normals.
Each Meta has at least one metability that grants them one or more fantastic Powers.
Superstrength beyond even that attainable by heavy borgs, robots, and the occasional
Tuber; bullet proof skin; the ability to teleport; to project energy...off the chart
kind of abilities.
They are the rarest of all Origins, but Running is a natural magnet for combat capable
Metas, so as long as moderation is used its not stretching credibility too much
to have several in the same group.
Unlike other Origins, Metas have direct access to Powers, and these Powers can be
relatively extreme for the setting.
Metahuman Powers are discussed in depth in the
MetaPowers document but some guidelines that apply to the scope and scale
of metahuman Powers follow.
First, each Meta should have a very tight concept for their ability; if possible
they should have one central idea even if they have several separate Power Constructs
to represent their Power. For instance "metabolize calories into surplus bio-electrical
energy" is a good metahuman ability, but "run fast, shoot laser beams
from eyes, and teleport" is just a collection of random abilities. A rare few
Metas have two or maybe three distinct abilities, but they are a very rare minority
inside of a very rare minority.
Second starting Meta Powers must each have a Real Cost of 30 points
or less. No Active Point caps are in place however, so for example a Meta with the
ability of Pyrokinesis might have a 12d6 Energy Blast with at least -1 in Limitations,
or a 6d6 Energy Blast with no Limitations, or both because both have a Real Cost
of 30 points or less.
Power Frameworks are allowed within reason, but they are held to the same Real Cost
cap as Powers.
Elemental Controls can have no more than 30 points, and the individual slots must
have a Real Cost of 30 points or less each on a new character.
Multipowers may have no more than 30 Active Points in their Reserve, and the total
Real Cost of all slots cannot exceed 30 points on a new character.
VPP's get a small exception from the 30 point cap; they can have no more than 30
Pool and the Control Cost must be no more than 30 points (or a total of 60 points
between the two at the GM's discretion) on a new character.
Meta's have a diminished Equipment Resource Pool. Rather than the 60 points of Equipment
Pool that other characters get for free, Meta's get only 30 points of free Equipment
Metas can start with BodyTech, but in addition to paying character points where
appropriate ( Cybernetics,
Biofeedback Training), they must also pay the going market rate for them
out of their starting funds.
Some Metas, based upon the nature of their Powers, may not be able to use some forms
of BodyTech (particularly Cybernetics).
SFX should dictate; however when this is the case the Meta may take the following
Disadvantage at character creation.
This counts towards the character's Maximum Disadvantage limit.
Physical Limitation ("Cannot Use BodyTech Due To Powers", All the
Time, Slightly Limiting); -15 points
As a flavor guideline that has no game effect, it is common for Metas to focus on
their Powers, but ultimately that is a decision that is completely up to the player.