Cybernetics can be used to make a character faster, better, stronger -- they have
the technology just like the commercial says and Lee Majors would be proud. Strength,
Dexterity, Constitution, and Body can be enhanced by Cybernetics. The only Secondary
Characteristic that can be raised via Cybernetics are Speed, Running, and Leaping.
However there are limitations on how much these Characteristics can be improved...
If a Cybernetic device boosts a Primary Characteristic by more than +10 points or
SPEED by more than +1, the character must also have their skeleton reinforced to
bear the weight and/or stress caused by such extreme Cybernetics, at full extra
expense. Further having one's skeleton impregnated with metal is a procedure that
takes a while to recover from; if the GM is enforcing Surgical Recoveries, this
procedure is treated as having 60 Active Points for purposes of recovering from
Durable: Armor (1/1); Real Cost: 3 points
Reinforced Skull: +Armor (2/2); Locations (3-5; -1) Real Cost: 3 points
Tough Bones: +5 BODY; No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), Only Applied To
Appropriate Damage (-0); Real Cost: 7 points
Metal Knuckles: HA +1d6; Hand Attack (-1/2); Real Cost: 3 points
Heavy: Knockback Resistance -1"; Real Cost: 2 points
Total Real Cost: 18 points; credits: ~936,000
Cybernetics cannot be Pushed; they do what they are designed to do and no more.
Any Primary Characteristic bought as a Power via a Cybernetic device that has Figured
Characteristics must take the No Figured Characteristics Limitation for -1/2.
Cybernetics can grant sizable boosts in Strength, however unless a cyborg's entire
body is Cybernetic there are limitations to how they can use this Strength. BodyTech
Strength is explained in detail on the
BodyTech page.
There are three possible justifications for Cybernetic Strength enhancements:
- Micro-servo Joint Enhancers
- Cybernetic Replacement Limbs
- Exo-Skeletons
A more sophisticated (and Rare) approach to boosting Strength via Cybernetics is
the installation of micronized servos at each of the patient's joints. Up to +5
STR can be gained in this fashion without a Reenforced Skeleton, and up to +10 STR
with a Reenforced Skeleton.
Enhanced:+5 STR, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (7 Active Points); No Figured
Characteristics (-1/2)
Total Real Cost: 5 points; credits: ~150,000
Strong:+10 STR, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (15 Active Points); No Figured
Characteristics (-1/2)
Total Real Cost: 10 points; credits: ~600,000
The process of getting replacement limbs is covered in more depth in the
Replacement Parts document. There are many variations on CyberArms, including
various attachments, but the following write up represents a run of the mill / off-the-shelf
CyberArm such as might be found on many a wannabe Amper. Full limb replacements
usually require a reenforced skeleton.
Up to +20 STR can be gained from Cybernetic full limb replacements.
CyberArms: No Arms Offset (25 Active Points); OIF (Cyber-arms; -1/2); Real
Cost: 17 points
Strong: +10 STR, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (15 Active Points); No Figured
Characteristics (-1/2)
Strong Grip: Clinging (normal STR) (10 Active Points); Cannot Resist Knockback
Total Real Cost: 38 points; credits: ~5,000,000
NOTE: This is a particularly common form of Cybernetic device and is priced
accordingly. Better versions of CyberArms use the Cybernetic Price Calculator to
determine their costs normally.
Cybernetic Exo-Skeletons are a mechanical framework and servos bolted or otherwise
melded to a person and hooked into the host's nervous system to allow them to be
controlled by thought as extensions of a persons normal limbs. Up to +30 STR can
be gained from Exo-Skeletons.
An older technology, some still favor Exo-Skeletons both because they are effective
and because they are a very good value for the money, thanks to being outmoded technology.
Also, since they are not as limited by miniturization concerns related to a human
form factor, they can grant extreme strength magnification. They are also one of
the few forms of Cybernetics that can be removed without too much ill effect to
the host, though not without leaving behind extreme scarring.
Many full conversion cyborgs, particularly those designed for a military function,
use externalized / Exo-Skeleton based technology in addition to mechanized limbs to maximize strength.
In addition to providing boosted Strength, Exo-Skeletons also provide some other
secondary benefits as indicated in the below example. Exo-Skeletons can be more
elaborate or personalized, but the price rises steeply the farther one diverges
from the de facto industry standard.
Servos: +10 STR, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (15 Active Points); No Figured
Characteristics (-1/2)
Weighted Knuckles: Hand-To-Hand Attack +2d6 (10 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand
Attack (-1/2), Restrainable (Physically; -1/4)
Hydraulic Running: Running +2", Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (6 Active
Light Dermal Plating: Armor (6 PD/6 ED) (18 Active Points); Hit Locations
11-13 (-1 1/2), Visible (-1/4)
Heavy & Stable: Knockback / Knockdown Resistance -2" (4 Active Points)
Hardpoint: Extra Limb (1) (5 Active Points); Not An Actual Limb; Only Usable
to Hold / Fire Properly Fitted Guns (-1 1/2), 1 Limb Only (-1) plus Cybernetic
Targeting Device: Ambidexterity (no Off Hand penalty) (9 Active Points);
Attached Hardpoint Only (-2)
Footclamps: Clinging +0 STR (10 Active Points); Visible (-1/4), Restrainable
(Physically; -1/4), Only In Contact With the Ground (-1/4), Moves At 1/2 Velocity
-- Each Hex Counts as Two Hexes Of Movement (-1)
Total Real Cost: 50 points; credits: ~15,000,000
NOTE: This is an older form of Cybernetic device and is bargain priced. Better
versions of Cybernetics use the Cybernetic Price Calculator to determine their costs
Cybernetic DEX and SPEED enhancements are made possible via a variety of techniques,
and the good news is they don't require Cybernetic limbs.
However they are a high-demand item and the procedures to install the necessary
relays and wiring is intensive and thus they are expensive upgrades and require
a high degree of individualization to work properly; use the "Custom"
option of the Cybernetic Cost Calculator.
There are several different techniques for increasing reaction time via the installation
of electronics, microprocessors, synaptic signal amplifiers, and so forth. The following
examples demonstrate different variations of "hot reflexes".
Wired:+5 DEX (15 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), Restrainable
by EMP (-1/4); Real Cost: 8 points, ~720,000 credits
Shielded Wire: +5 DEX (15 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics
(-1/2); Real Cost: 10 points, ~900,000 credits
Tweaked: +10 DEX (30 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2),
Restrainable by EMP (-1/4); Real Cost: 17 points, ~3,060,000 credits
Shielded Tweaked: +10 DEX (30 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics
(-1/2); Real Cost: 20 points, ~3,600,000
Similar to (and often combined with) DEX boosters there are a number of ways to
enhance a character's SPEED via Cybernetics. The following examples demonstrate
different variations of "accelerated responsiveness".
Revved Up:+1 SPD (10 Active Points); Restrainable by EMP (-1/4); Real Cost:
8 points, ~480,000 credits
Sheilded Rev:+1 SPD (10 Active Points); Real Cost: 10 points, ~600,000 credits
Overtwicthed: +3 SPD (30 Active Points); Restrainable by EMP (-1/4);
Real Cost: 24 points, ~4,320,000 credits
Sheilded Overtwicth:+3 SPD (30 Active Points); Real Cost: 30 points, ~5,400,000
Cybernetics can greatly enhance a character's ability to Run and Leap, and also
to Climb very well. However the 30 Active Point cap for Cybernetics in general does
not apply in this case; no more than 20 Active Points can be applied to improve
Running, Swimming, or Leaping. In all cases a Cyborg must also have Cybernetic legs
(plural) to purchase these devices.
Footclamps / Pitons / Finger Hooks: Clinging +15 STR (15 Active Points);
Visible (-1/4), Restrainable (Physically; -1/4); Real Cost 10 points, ~360,000 credits
Hydraulic Running: Running +6", Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (18
Active Points); Real Cost 18 points, ~648,000 credits
Hydraulic Leap: Leaping +8" (Accurate), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2)
(20 Active Points); Real Cost 20 points, ~800,000 credits