Cool Stuff

BodyTech Cybernetics BioWare PharmiTech Biofeedback
While Cybernetics are the most common form of BodyTech, no one doubts that BioWare will be its eventual successor. Bleeding edge technology, BioWare got its start a mere eight years ago in the form of the first commercially viable Synthetic Muscles.
The technology is still very limited, but recent breakthroughs have included the ability to make synthetic organs for both replacement and improvement, and many labs across the world are working on developing processes to create synthetic limbs and eyes. It's only a matter of time, really.
Unlike normal equipment, BioWare costs both character points and money. A character must pay the Real Cost of all their BioWare and in addition pay a hefty fee for the surgical procedures required to add them. While Cybernetics aren't cheap, BioWare makes them seem like a bargain.
 The adjoining table gives "rule of thumb" guidelines as to how much BioWare should cost in credits.
Active Points:
Real Cost:
Select Rarity:
Credit Cost:*
*NOTE: These are ballpark figures; a large variety of circumstances will dictate the exact costs involved, but on average the prices will hover in a range of around +/-10% of the amount indicated by the above formulas.
Simply enter the Real Cost and Active Points of a particular type of BioWare and select the rarity from the list, and the credit cost will be calculated for you automatically.
Some types of BioWare described below are listed with prices that do not match the results of the calculator; these forms of BioWare are either unusually rare / expensive or vice versa are more commonly available than most BioWare and are priced accordingly.
A significant advantage BioWare enjoys over Cybernetics is that they have some limited ability to be healed by the body's normal processes. Essentially if an equivalent normal organ or muscle would heal then a BioWare version is able to do so as well. More extensive damage requires appropriate medical care to correct, or replacement.
It can take weeks or months to recover from major surgeries, with a convalescent period followed by physical therapy. Depending on how serial or episodic a GM wants their game to be this can be an inconvenience to pacing and plot. It is left to the GM's discretion how best to portray recovery from Cybernetic surgery for their own campaign.
As a rule of thumb however it is recommended that it take a number of days of recovery equal to the highest Active Points of any of the Powers in a particular enhancement minus the character's CON (do not include any CON acquired via BodyTech however). Special circumstances like the Extra Healing Talent can shorten this further, but no more than half in most cases. Some extreme BioWare might take much longer to recover from where common sense indicates it is appropriate.
While recovering a character is considered to be in a physically weak state and generally unable to take actions requiring any amount of exertion, the extent of which will depend on exactly where the character had work done. A character can recover from multiple surgeries simultaneously, thus it is common for people to save up their money and have several things done all at once.
There are currently only a few forms of BioWare enhancements available, however some general guidelines apply to all of them.
Unlike Cybernetics, BioWare is organic; thus it is not appropriate to apply the Foci Limitation to BioWare enhancements and they are not affected by EMP's; however in some rare cases they can be Physically Restrained.
BioWare enhancements have a cap of 45 Active Points per Power.
BioWare is not yet sufficiently sophisticated to replace limbs or eyes, but they can replace most internal organs including the lungs and heart. If a character suffers a serious injury requiring an organ replacement and is able to afford a BioWare replacement, the GM shouldn't bother applying a Physical Limitation to the character and treat it as a wash; the BioWare organs are just as good as the real thing.
Replacement organs cost ~5,000,000 credits each. Some hospitals offer "reasonable" payment plans.
BioWare rarely has a specific Hit Location, and are not designed as devices, thus they cannot be directly targeted.
BioWare can be used to enhance Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Body, Speed, Running, Swimming, and Leaping. However there are limitations on how much these characteristics can be improved.
BioWare can grant sizable boosts in Strength via a combination of Synthetic Muscles and / or a Boosted Adrenal Gland and usually the Strength gain is over the entire body. BodyTech Strength is explained in detail on the BodyTech page.
The Strength boosts from Synthetic Muscles and Adrenal Glands are considered as two seperate Strength boosts and do not stack. They add together as explained on the BodyTech page.
If a character has more than +10 Strength from BioWare they must apply the Visible Limitation to it at -1/4; such extreme musculature does not look natural and it is obvious to the naked eye that the character has enhanced Strength. Further only well equipped facilities can grow the necessary grafts and perform the delicate surgeries to grant this level of SyntheticMuscles; thus the Uncommon option is used on the BioWare cost calculator.
Synthetic Muscles: +5 STR (5 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2); Real Cost: 3 points, 75,000 credits
Synthetic Muscles: +10 STR (10 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2); Real Cost: 7 points, 350,000 credits
Synthetic Muscles: +20 STR; 0 END (+1/2) (30 Active Points), No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), Visible (-1/4); Real Cost: 17 points, 5,355,000 credits
Synthetic Muscles: +30 STR; 0 END (+1/2) (45 Active Points), No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), Visible (-1/4); Real Cost: 26 points, 15,795,000 credits
Any Primary Characteristic bought as a Power via a BioWare device that has Figured Characteristics must take the No Figured Characteristics Limitation for -1/2.
BioWare can grant a sizeable Speed boost, but any Speed bought as BioWare must take the Costs Endurance Limitation at -1/2. Further only well equipped facilities can grow the necessary grafts and perform the delicate surgeries to grant this ability; thus the Uncommon option is used on the BioWare cost calculator.
Synthetic Muscles: +2 Speed; Costs END (-1/2) (20 Active Points); Real Cost: 13 points, 7,800,000 credits
Supreme Synthetic Muscles: +4 Speed; Costs END (-1/2) (40 Active Points); Real Cost: 27 points, 12,960,000 credits
NOTE: When using Speed that Costs END, a character must pay the Endurance for the extra Speed each Phase in the Turn that they are using the extra Speed. This can get to be quite tiring and contributes very heavily toward a character losing Long Term Endurance.
BioWare can greatly enhance a characters ability to Run, Swim, and Leap. However the 45 Active Point cap for BioWare in general does not apply in this case; no more than 20 Active Points can be applied to improve Running, Swimming, or Leaping. Only well equipped facilities can grow the necessary grafts and perform the delicate surgeries to grant these abilities; thus the Uncommon option is used on the BioWare cost calculator.
Synthetic Muscles: +10" Running (20 Active Points); Real Cost: 20 points, 3,600,000 credits
BioWare cannot be used to grant Skills...yet.
BioWare cannot be used to grant Talents.
BioWare can be used to grant Powers to a character in some circumstances, but there are still significant limitations to what can be gained in this fashion.
BioWare glands that produce powerful Acids are available. These glands are capable of secreting acids that can either be delivered via contact or in spit out depending on what style they are. Similarly BioWare venom sacs are available allowing a person to deliver a venomous bite.
Poison Bite: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6 (vs. NND), No Normal Defense (LS: Immunity to Poison, CON 21+; +1), Does BODY (+1) (45 Active Points); Must Hit Flesh Location (-1), No Knockback (-1/4); Real Cost: 20 points, 8,100,000 credits
Acid Touch: Drain BODY 1d6 (standard effect: 3 points), Personal Immunity (+1/4), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Century; +3 1/4) (45 Active Points); Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4); Real Cost: 36 points, 14,580,000 credits
Stinging Sweat: Sight Group Flash 4d6, Area Of Effect (4" Any Area; +1 1/4) (45 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), All Hexes Must Be Adjacent To Self (-1/2); Real Cost: 22 points, 8,910,000 credits
By replacing certain glands and / or organs with vat grown equivalents, BioWare can grant greatly improved biological functioning. This form of BioWare is in high demand and thus its expense is far greater than one would normally expect. The available improvements currently available are:
BioWare Lungs: Life Support (Extended Breathing 1 END per Hour) (5 Active Points); Real Cost: 5 points, 1,000,000 credits
BioWare Digestion: Life Support (Eating: Character only has to eat once per week) (1 Active Point); Real Cost: 1 point, 500,000 credits
BioWare ATP: Life Support (Sleeping: Character only has to sleep 8 hours per week) (1 Active Point); Real Cost: 1 point, 500,000 credits
BioWare Insulation: Life Support (Safe in Intense Cold) (2 Active Point); Real Cost: 2 points, 500,000 credits
BioWare Heat Dispersion: Life Support (Safe in Intense Heat) (2 Active Point); Real Cost: 2 points, 500,000 credits
BioWare Equilization: Life Support (Safe in High Pressure) (1 Active Point); Real Cost: 1 point, 250,000 credits
BioWare Blood Alcohol Filter: Life Support (Immunity: Alcohol) (3 Active Point); Real Cost: 3 points, 1,000,000 credits
BioWare Anti-Flu gland: Life Support (Immunity: Common Cold/Flu) (2 Active Point); Real Cost: 2 points, 750,000 credits
BioWare Immuno System: Life Support (Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents) (10 Active Point); Real Cost: 10 points, 5,000,000 credits
BioWare Comprehensive Blood Filter: Life Support (Immunity: All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents) (10 Active Point); Real Cost: 10 points, 5,000,000 credits
BioWare Anti-Oxidant and Cell-booster Gland: Life Support (Longevity: Age at 1/2 Rate) (1 Active Point); Real Cost: 1 points, 1,000,000 credits
NOTE: The slowed aging takes effect after the gland is implanted; thus if a recipient were already elderly, they would not realize as much benefit as a person that was still young.
A favorite with Runners, one of the best selling forms of BioWare among those that can afford such things are Adrenal Boosters, BioWare replacements for adrenal glands able to produce much greater quantities of adrenaline on demand. However using Adrenal Boosters is very tiring, so only a short burst of activity is possible for most people and it also takes a couple of seconds of focusing for the adrenaline to start flowing.
Adrenal Booster: Succor 1d6, STR, DEX, CON, STUN simultaneously (+1), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1) (15 Active Points); Self Only (-1/2); Real Cost: 10 points, 900,000 credits
Adrenal Booster: Succor 2d6, STR, DEX, CON, STUN simultaneously (+1), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1) (30 Active Points); Self Only (-1/2); Real Cost: 20 points, 4,200,000 credits
Adrenal Booster: Succor 3d6, STR, DEX, CON, STUN simultaneously (+1), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1) (45 Active Points); Self Only (-1/2); Real Cost: 30 points, 12,150,000 credits
NOTE: When using Succor a character must pay END for it each Phase in addition to any other END they are spending for the actions they take that Phase. It is very easy for characters to start burning Long Term Endurance when using Succor in this fashion.
BioWare is not yet able to make completely synthetic eyes, but the MegaCorp Yoshiro has developed a process of making synthetic lenses that can be fitted to an existing eye via a surgical technique. This is a rare upgrade currently, and it is disproportionately expensive.
Low-Light Retinal Filters: Nightvision; Real Cost: 5 points, 250,000 credits
Auto-Polarizing Retinal Filters: Flash Defense (Sight) 5 points; Real Cost: 5 points, 250,000 credits
20/10 Correction: +2 PSLs to Offset Range Modifier All Attacks; Real Cost: 6 points, 360,000 credits
20/10 Correction +2 PER with Sight Group; Real Cost: 4 points, 240,000 credits
There really isn't a down side to BioWare. It can usually be detected with a routine medical examination, but other than that its a very non intrusive technology.  The following Disadvantage must be taken by those with BioWare. If taken during character creation it counts towards the character's Disadvantage total and the points for it are gained; if it is added after play starts the character does not get the points for it.
Distinctive Feature: BioWare Enhanced; Detectable with Special Equipment; Not Distinctive In Some Cultures, Not Concealable; -5 points