Warding is a powerful and useful ability in the Here There Be Monsters setting,
and its usage allows those with an unlocked Mystic Pool and any of a variety of Lore skills
(as described within this document) to erect powerful protections against various kinds of
supernatural creatures and / or activities.
Characters that have unlocked their Mystic Pool and know one or more
KS: Lore Skills can use them to create powerful long-lasting
protective Wards, and also faster to set up but temporary Circles.
The supernatural Lore skills that can be used to create Circles and Wards are: Mystic
Lore, Hermetic Lore, Necromantic Lore, Elemental Lore, Faerie Lore, Cthonic Lore, and Daemonology
Wards take many forms, always symbolic, but are not always visible to the
unaided eye. They are apparent to anyone with Supernatural Awareness.
Warding a 2 meter area requires 5d3 Minutes of effort and an applicable Lore skill
roll with a -1 penalty. Multiple Wards can be "stitched together" to Ward a larger
area. Typically a Magi Wards an entire building by laboriously proliferating Wards
throughout and / or around the structure.
A Circle is functionally identical to a Ward, but is quicker to draw
and is far shorter lived. The most recognizable Circle is the classic pentagram, but there are quite a variety.
Drawing a Circle requires 5d3 Turns and an applicable Lore skill roll. A
Circle can encircle up to a 2 meter radius by default, but a Magi can attempt
to make a larger Circle. A cumulative -1 penalty and an additional 5d3 Turns is
incurred for each doubling of the radius; thus a Circle with a 16 meter radius would
impose a -3 Lore skill penalty and require 20d3 Turns to draw.
Lore Skills Only For Warding
A character can learn only enough about a supernatural Lore to draw Circles and
Wards with by purchasing the skill with the -2 Limitation "Only for Warding".
Skill Levels Only For Warding
A character can purchase a +1 Skill Level with a Lore Skill for the purposes of
Warding for 1 point each.
A character can purchase a +1 Skill Level that can be used with any Lore Skill for
the purposes of Warding for 3 points each.
Some GM's may want to make the substances used to create Wards and Circles suitably
esoteric and uncommon (or even rare), and might even go so far as to grant bonuses
for particularly appropriate materials or endeavors being used.
However, by default there is no special significance to the materials used; paint,
blood, "sharpie" markers, holy water, or whatever else is handy and can mark the
surface the Wards are being applied to is sufficient. It is assumed that the empowering
force is the magic invested into the Wards and Circles by the Magi that matters,
not the medium they are drawn in.
Concealing Wards
A Magi can make a Ward or Circle invisible to mundane senses or to supernatural
senses with applicable penalties to their Lore skill roll. To make them invisible
to both, they simply take all cumulative penalties.
Invisible To Mundane Senses
A Magi can make a Ward or Circle invisible to mundane senses by taking a -2 penalty
on their Lore skill roll. They are still very obvious to Supernatural Awareness
or an equivalent ability.
Invisible To Supernatural Awareness
A Magi can make a Ward or Circle invisible to Supernatural Awareness by taking a
-2 penalty on their Lore skill roll. They are still visible as symbols to the naked
eye; thus they look like harmless mundane drawings, but are not.
Note that a special Detect that works versus Supernatural emanations built as a
separate sense is not affected by this concealment and would thus see the Concealed
Wards or Circle for what they really are.
Baring dismissal a Ward will remain effective for 1d3 Seasons and each 2
levels of success moves the time increment down the Time Chart one step; thus if
a person made their Lore skill roll by 2 the Ward would last for 1d3 Years.
Baring dismissal a Circle will remain effective for 1d3 hours plus 1d3 hours
per level of success; thus if a person made their Lore skill roll by 3 the Circle would last for 4d3 hours.
Wards can be "raised" and "lowered" by the creator as an act of will and
a routine skill roll with the Lore skill used to erect the Ward. A Ward can
also be dismissed by the creator at will.
A Circle can be dismissed by the creator at will or by accident by the creator
or anyone that assisted in its creation, but no one else.
Combining Wards
Multiple Circles and Wards made using two or more of Mystic, Hermetic, Necromantic, Cthonic,
Elemental, or Daemonology Lore skills can be intertwined to combine their effects
by simply making skill rolls with each of the applicable skills. Their effects stack
Protective Benefits
A successfully created Circle or Ward acts as an impenetrable barrier versus
incorporeal entities that are affected by "Mystic" SFX.
Further benefits are conferred by each of the various Lore skills that can be used
to draw Circles and Wards, as described below.
NOTE: The surface that a Ward or Circle is enscribed upon also benefits from the
Ward's protection.
KS: Mystic Lore
A person that has unlocked their Mystic Pool and also has a KS: Mystic Lore skill
of at least 11- can employ various protective magics that are effective against
"scrying" effects, which is to say magical spying.
A successfully created Mystic Circle or Ward made using Mystic Lore has the following
protective benefits, in some cases based on how much the skill roll was made by:
- Protection vs. Scrying:
- Clairsentience: The warded area is treated as a Darkness vs any form of Clairsentience
that has a supernatural SFX
- Mind Scan: An OMCV penalty equal to the amount the Mystic Lore skill roll
was made by is imposed to any attempts to use Mind Scan against a target within
the warded area.
- Distinctive Features; Mystical Aura: A penalty equal to the amount the Mystic
Lore skill roll was made by is imposed to any attempts to use Supernatural Awareness
or similar Perception based abilities to perceive Distinctive Features with a "supernatural
aura" effect possessed by a target within the warded area.
Mystic Circles and Wards are usually called Contego Privatus in ancient texts,
but are just called "Scrying Wards" in modern usage.
KS: Hermetic Lore
A person that has unlocked their Mystic Pool and also has a KS: Hermetic Lore skill
of at least 11- can employ various protective magics that are effective against
Supernatural abilities and powers.
A successfully created Hermetic Circle or Ward made using Hermetic Lore has the
following protective benefits, based on how much the skill roll was made by:
The Ward or Circle grants Supernatural Resistance +3 against any effect used across
it's circumference or facing in either direction, with an additional +3 being granted
for every point by which the skill roll was made.
Thus if a person made their KS: Hermetic Lore skill roll by 4, everyone outside
of the Ward or Circle would have the equivalent of +15 Supernatural Resistance vs
any Supernatural effects originating from inside the Ward or Circle, and vice versa
anything inside the Ward or Circle benefits from equivalent protection vs effects
that originate from outside of the Ward or Circle.
Hermetic Circles and Wards are called "Hermetic Wards" in most texts, but
are also often referred to as "Sealing Wards" or simply "Seals". They
are sometimes called "Circles of Protection" in modern usage by young Hermetics
as a sort of inside joke.
KS: Necromantic Lore
A person that has unlocked their Mystic Pool and also has a KS: Necromantic Lore
skill of at least 11- can employ various protective magics that are effective against
the Undead.
A Necromantic Ward can take many forms, ranging from a line of salt to garlic or
more mundane or esoteric items as the creator prefers, but must be anchored to some
kind of physical object up to and including an entire building's superstructure.
A successfully created Necromantic Ward acts as an impenetrable barrier versus all
Undead; they cannot cross the barrier, or use their native abilities across it,
or bring themselves to employ objects such as poles or weapons across it. Intelligent
Undead can order any non-Undead minions they might have to cross the barrier or
to destroy or remove the physical object the Ward is anchored to.
Necromantic Circles and Wards are called "Aethyric Wards" in older texts,
but are generally just called "Necromantic Wards" in modern usage.
KS: Daemonic Lore
A person that has unlocked their Mystic Pool and also has a KS: Daemonic Lore skill
of at least 11- can employ various protective magics that are effective against
all Daemons.
A successfully created Daemonic Circle or Ward acts as an impenetrable barrier versus
Daemons (and similar extradimensional entitites), and abilties with the Dameonic
SFX (or similar) have no effect if used across the warded area.
Daemonic Circles and Wards are often referred to as "Infernal Wards" in older
texts, but are usually called "Summoning Circles" in modern usage.
NOTE: Daemonic Circles and Wards do not affect Daemons that their creator has lost
an EGO test against in a battle of wills (such as a failed Summoning).
KS: Elemental Lore
A person that has unlocked their Mystic Pool and also has a KS: Elemental Lore skill
of at least 11- can employ various protective magics that are effective against
all Elementals.
A successfully created Elemental Circle or Ward acts as an impenetrable barrier
versus Elementals (and similar extradimensional entitites), and abilties with the
Elemental SFX (or similar) have no effect if used across the warded area.
Elemental Circles and Wards are often referred to as "Paracelian Wards" in
older texts, but are usually just called "Elemental Wards" in modern usage.
NOTE: Elemental Circles and Wards do not summoned Elementals that a summoner has
lost an EGO test against in a battle of wills (such as a failed Summoning).
KS: Faerie Lore
A person that has unlocked their Mystic Pool and also has a KS: Faerie Lore skill
of at least 11- can employ various protective magics that are effective against
all Faeries.
A successfully created Fey Circle or Ward acts as an impenetrable barrier versus
Faeries (and similar extradimensional entitites), and abilties with the Fey SFX
(or similar) have no effect if used across the warded area.
Fey Circles and Wards in antiquity were referred to as "Cosain Aos Si", but
are usually just called "Faerie Circles" in modern usage.
NOTE: Fey Circles and Wards do not affect summoned Fey a summoner has lost an EGO
test against in a battle of wills.
KS: Cthonic Lore
A person that has unlocked their Mystic Pool and also has a KS: Cthonic Lore skill
of at least 11- can employ various protective magics that are effective against
all Cthonic aka 'Elder Thing' related entities and magics.
A successfully created Cthonic Circle or Ward acts as an impenetrable barrier versus
Cthonic beings (and similar extradimensional entitites), and abilties with the Cthonic SFX
(or similar) have no effect if used across the warded area.
Alternately, Cthonic symbols can be used to instead attract the attention of Cthonic entities;
long ago this was so easy anyone could draw such a sign but in the modern era it requires a skilled
practitioner and imposes a -4 penalty.
Cthonic Circles and Wards in antiquity were referred to as "Apotropaic marks", but
are usually called "Elder Signs" in modern usage.
NOTE: Cthonic Circles and Wards do not affect summoned Cthonic entities a summoner has lost an EGO
test against in a battle of wills.