Jon is a large, burly, hirsute man...and that's when he's not "wolfed out". He dresses simply and comfortably, with a wardrobe featuring a lot of black, plaid, and well-worn jeans.
John was almost dead when dropped off at a fire station as a baby. A werewolf in hiding working as a fireman, Anna Bregg, breast fed him to health in a last ditch attempt to save him, since the fire station was snowbound due to a blizzard. Some of the lycanthropy passed into him at this point, which strengthened him and allowed him to live. Anna monitored his childhood in foster care, and eventually convinced herself he was free of the taint and slowly faded away into less and less visits. However, John did have some residual signs of lycanthropy. A hunter group confused his trail with that of a violent, feral werewolf, known locally as The Allagash Beast. The group raided his foster house, and due to a violent response from John’s foster father, things escalated quickly. John managed to escape, with some severe burns, but his entire foster family was killed. The hunters burned the house to the ground to cover up their mistake. John has blocked out most memories of this attack.
John had nowhere else to turn, so he tracked down Anna. She took him in, afraid that if she didn’t, he would be hunted again and killed. As puberty took hold of John, his lycanthropy became more and more evident. He ended up hunting with Anna, and learning to control his changes with her help. They lived in a mountain cabin on Anna’s fireman’s retirement pension. John became isolated and paranoid. He also developed a swift temper and resentment to authority.
Eventually they crossed paths with the real Beast of the Allagash, who wanted to mate with Anna and saw John as a threat. With John’s help, Anna fought off the Beast, wounding him enough that he fled. Anna sustained a mortal wound in this encounter and died shortly after, left on the road in wereform and taken for a normal wolf. John broke into a nearby liquor store to drown his sorrow, and was arrested.
After the arrest and a short stay in a mental hospital, John escaped and fled as far away as he could - to the pacific northwest. He decided to live a hermit lifestyle, living mostly as a wolf. However, he found the remote forests full of lycanthropes, and moved from area to area as a young male wolf would, looking to establish a territory. He was constantly evicted by more powerful lycanthropes. His hated of the unreasonable animals grew, as he saw it wasteful that they needed so much space. He constantly tried to bargain with them about sharing territory, to no avail, and was always greated with violence. He also learned to resent the woodlands, and began to prefer city life, where his lycanthropy was more empowering and he felt less belittled.
Considering Alaska, John eventually decided to move away from the large unpopulated areas to a more urban environment, assuming there would be less competition. After a long,slow trip south with multiple stops along the way, eventually he settled in Southern California. His current view of lycanthropes is that there is a huge line between how he and Anna behaved and how the more feral, wild ones do. He considers them lost causes and death is a mercy to them, because they obviously cannot control themselves. This has expanded into his entire view of the occult: anyone who cannot control their powers to live within normal societal bounds needs to be put down, so that those like himself can continue to live within ‘normal’ human society.
Jon is a practical man, with a personal sense of right and wrong. He does what he thinks needs doing, whether its a popular choice or not. He is short on mercy and shorter on giving a shit about stupid nonsense. He gets the job done, and never you mind exactly how.
"Am I wrong? I am not wrong."
Jon is a skilled survivalist and avid gun nut. He is a decent shot, and he always makes sure to have a few silver bullets handy. When that fails he allows himself to "wolf out" a little, and closes to hand to hand combat range to rend and tear with his supernaturally potent claws.
Jon is a competent hunter, skilled and capable in rural areas. And if things get really bad, he's got something a little extra to fall back on to see him through the rough spots. Word of his deeds and dedication has been spreading, and despite his relatively young age Jon has a fair amount of credibility among Hunters in the Campaign region and a little beyond. He's particularly well known as a resource for those hunting rogue werewolves.
Jon resists the taint within him constantly, and is not very progressed in what for him is a slow and gradual transformation into a full-on werewolf. He can take on a more feral aspect at will, and change back at will, but every time he does he he's giving in just a little bit and doing it too often will surely result in him becoming more wolfish. When the full moon is out he will almost certainly change (Accidental Change Complication) and stay changed while the moon is out, but he has mastered his personality and isn't a danger to others (unless he wants to be). Jon is not infectious himself as he is not a true-born werewolf, but any child he might father likely would be born a true werewolf.