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Arik McDuffy Killer Shrike
Char  Total  Base  Cost  Roll  Notes 
STR 20 10 0 13-   HTH Damage 4d6 END [2]
DEX 18 10 6 13-  
CON 15 10 5 12-  
INT 8 10 -2 11-   PER Roll 11-
EGO 8 10 -2 11-  
PRE 10 10 0 11-   PRE Attack: 2d6
OCV 6 3 15
DCV 3 3 0
OMCV 2 3 -3
DMCV 2 3 -3
SPD 3 2.0 0 Phases: 4, 8, 12
PD 5 2 0 5 PD (3 rPD)
ED 5 2 0 5 ED (3 rED)
REC 4 4 0
END 30 20 2
BODY 13 10 3
STUN 30 20 5
Running 12m 12 0
Swimming 0m 4 -2
Leaping 4m/16m 4 0 24 Total Characteristics Points
Cost  Complication
5 Distinctive Features: Unseelie Sidhe (Concealable; Extreme Reaction; Detectable By Unusual Senses; Not Distinctive In Some Cultures)
10 Enraged: When Spurned or Thwarted (Uncommon), go 8-, recover 11-
10 Known Supernatural; Hunted: FBI: Section M Infrequently (Mo Pow; NCI; Watching )
10 Negative Reputation: Insane Dark Fae, Infrequently (Extreme)
10 Psychological Complication: Unstable and Violent (Common; Moderate)
5 Vulnerability: 1 1/2 x BODY Cold Iron (Uncommon)
50 Total Complications Cost
Base Complications XP Total
125 50 0 125

Arik McDuffy Killer Shrike
Cost  Name
3 Redcap
2 1) Acrobatics 13-
2 2) Breakfall 13-
2 3) Sleight Of Hand 13- (3 Active Points)
2 4) Stealth 13-
2 5) Streetwise 11-
13 Total Skills Cost
Cost  Name
Crimson Madcap
5 1) Deathgrip: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, 2d6 NND, Choke; Grab Three Limbs; Must Follow Grab
4 2) Eye Gouge: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Flash 4d6
5 3) Pounce: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, -1 DCV, Grab Two Limbs, 30 STR for holding on; FMove
4 4) Reversal: var Phase, -1 OCV, -2 DCV, 35 STR to Escape; Grab Two Limbs
18 Total Fighting Skills Cost
Cost  Name
70 Innatus Pool (95) (plus Character Creation Resource Points)
70 Total Perks Cost

Arik McDuffy Killer Shrike
Innatus Pool (95/95), all slots Unified Power (Redcap; -1/4)
1) Redcap Pounce : Leaping +12m (4m/16m forward, 2m/8m upward) (Accurate) (11 Active Points); Perceivable (Detectable by Supernatural Awareness; -1/4)
Notes: Real Cost: 7
2) Redcap Durability : Resistant Protection (3 PD/3 ED) (9 Active Points)
Notes: Real Cost: 7
3) Redcap Teeth (Retractable) : Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6+1 (2d6 w/STR), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Penetrating (x2; +1) (50 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2)
Notes: Real Cost: 28
4) Unseelie Quickness : +1 SPD (10 Active Points); Perceivable (Detectable by Supernatural Awareness; -1/4)
Notes: Real Cost: 7
5) Unseelie Agility : +5 DEX (10 Active Points); Perceivable (Detectable by Supernatural Awareness; -1/4)
Notes: Real Cost: 7
6) Unseelie Menace : Damage Negation (-3 DCs Physical, -3 DCs Energy) (30 Active Points); Not vs Cold Iron (-1/2)
Notes: Real Cost: 17
7) Unseelie Strength : +10 STR (10 Active Points); Perceivable (Supernatural Awareness; -1/4)
Notes: Real Cost: 7
8) Unseelie Eyes : Nightvision (5 Active Points)
Notes: Real Cost: 4
9) Unseelie Concealment : Invisibility to Sight Group (20 Active Points); Only When Not Attacking (-1/2)
Notes: Real Cost: 11

Arik McDuffy Killer Shrike
Height:   5' 5" Hair:  Red
Weight:  98 lbs Eyes:  Blue
Redcaps are freakish looking fae who are often able to pass as small humans, though having an odd aspect, until they reveal their true nature. Arik is slightly taller than most Redcaps but otherwise is true to form. He is wiry (or less complimentary, downright scrawny), gaunt, has a nose that's slightly too snubbed and a mouth that is slightly too wide. He has a disturbing grin. He dresses poorly in wife beaters, cargo pants, and the like, and usually wears a red taxi driver hat or a Red Sox ballcap.
Arik grew up in South Boston, a troubled youth in and out of trouble and doing his best to live up to every negative stereotype of a Southie. What he did not know was that he descended from a line of Irishmen with a strain of Unseelie running through it, and as he matured into his late teens Arik began to experience more than the usual post-adolescent changes.

Eventually things came to a head when he and a few of his delinquent friends ran afoul of another group of young toughs, and in the ensuing altercation Arik instinctively used some of his Unseelie gifts and hospitalized several of the opposing thugs. A police report was filed and the details of the unusual bite wounds suffered by the victims was flagged; a Section M notice was posted and a couple of Hunters named Jules and Thomas Barker went forth to run it down.

Eventually tracking Arik to his bar of choice, they made an assessment and decided to do a peaceful approach. Quickly realizing Arik had no idea what he actually was, the couple did a standard First Notice and explained the way things really are to the emerging young Changeling. Arik was incredulous at first, but could not deny the evidence of his own unusual abilities.

Now Arik has decided he knows what he wants to do with his life...become a Hunter! He's trying to make the necessary connections in the New England area to make this new goal a reality. Time will tell how that ends up.
More properly known as Dunters, Redcaps live in the moment and enjoy violence for its own sake. They have no fear, too much curiosity, and poor impulse control. Arik does not go against this stereotype in general, though he is less prone to senseless violence and significantly friendlier than most Redcaps (thus far). Unusually for Redcaps he does seem to be attached to close friends and is less of a loner than most of his kind.

He is not yet a full-fledged Hunter, but now that he's aware of the Supernatural, that he himself is one, and that he can get paid to hunt other ones he is acutely interested in the "easy money" just waiting to be made.
"Enough talking! I'm going for it!"
Arik has begun to develop abilities stemming from his Unseelie Redcap ancestry. Though his abilities are currently vestigial, with time they will doubtlessly improve.

Currently he has developed greater strength than his wiry build would suggest possible, incredible leaping and acrobatic ability, increased agility and speed, the ability to see in the dark, and mild superhuman resistance to damage (though not damage from things made of or containing a large amount of iron). More spectacularly he can blend in to his surroundings when not attacking, and can "pop out" retractable shark-like teeth that can chew through almost anything given well as a secondary ability to digest just about anything he swallows (SFX).

Arik's most successful tactic is to sneak up on things, pounce upon their backs, and start chewing.
Redcaps are a kind of Dark Sidhe, related to gnomes and goblins. Possessed of incredible quickness, a vicious bite, a big appetite, and the ability to digest practically anything.

Arik McDuffy Killer Shrike
SPEED CHART DEX 18 SPD 3 PHASES 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
MAXIMUM 13 30 30
Type Total
Run (12m) 12m [24m NC]
Swim (4m) 0m [ NC]
H. Leap (4m) 4m/16m
V. Leap (2m) 2m/8m
3d6 Roll Location STUNx N STUN BODYx To Hit rDEF
3 CROWN x5 x2 x2 -8  
4 TEMPLE x5 x2 x2 -8  
5 FACE x5 x2 x2 -8  
6 HANDS x1 x1/2 x1/2 -6  
7 RIGHT ARM x2 x1/2 x1/2 -5  
8 LEFT ARM x2 x1/2 x1/2 -5  
9 SHOULDERS x3 x1 x1 -5  
10 HI CHEST x3 x1 x1 -3  
11 LO CHEST x3 x1 x1 -3  
12 STOMACH x4 x1 1/2 x1 -7  
13 VITALS x4 x1 1/2 x2 -8  
14 THIGHS x2 x1 x1 -4  
15 HI LEGS x2 x1/2 x1/2 -6  
16 MID LEGS x2 x1/2 x1/2 -6  
17 LO LEGS x1 x1/2 x1/2 -8  
18 FEET x1 x1/2 x1/2 -8  
Range (m) 0-8 9-16 17-32 33-64 65-125 126-250
RMOD 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10

Cost  Maneuver  Phase  OCV  DCV  Effect 
0 Block 1/2 +0 +0 Block, abort
0 Brace 0 +2 1/2 +2 vs. Range Mod.
0 Called Shot: Head 0 -4 - 1d6+3 (Head to Shoulders)
0 Called Shot: High 0 -2 - 2d6+1 (Head to Vitals)
0 Called Shot: Body 0 -1 - 2d6+4 (Hands to Legs)
0 Called Shot: Low 0 -2 - 2d6+6 (Shoulders to Feet)
0 Called Shot: Leg 0 -4 - 1d6+12 (Vitals to Feet)
0 Disarm 1/2 -2 +0 Can disarm
0 Dodge 1/2 -- +3 Abort, vs. all attacks
0 Grab 1/2 -1 -2 Grab two limbs
0 Grab By 1/2 -3 -4 Move and Grab; +(v/10) to STR
0 Haymaker 1/2* +0 -5 +4 DCs to attack
0 Move By 1/2 -2 -2 STR/2 + v/10; you take 1/3
0 Move Through 1/2 -v/10 -3 STR + v/6, you take 1/2 or full
0 Multiple Attack 1 var 1/2 Attack multiple times
0 Presense Attack 0 +0 +0 2d6 +/- modifiers
0 Set 1 +1 +0 Ranged Attacks only
0 Shove 1/2 -1 -1 Push 1m per 5 STR
0 Strike 1/2 +0 +0 STR or weapon
0 Throw 1/2 +0 +0 Throw w/ STR dmg
0 Trip 1/2 -1 -2 Target Falls
5 Deathgrip 1/2 -1 -1 2d6 NND, Choke; Grab Three Limbs; Must Follow Grab
4 Eye Gouge 1/2 -1 -1 Flash 4d6
5 Pounce 1/2 -2 -1 Grab Two Limbs, 30 STR for holding on; FMove
4 Reversal var -1 -2 35 STR to Escape; Grab Two Limbs
18 Total Cost of Fighting Skills

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