Arc 2
Hermetic Of The Old School: Miles was raised and trained from early childhood
in the hermetic arts, and he represents an ancient legacy of magical mastery. He
thinks in hermetic terms, and his magic is as fundamental to his being as breathing
or walking.
Condition: When Miles is able to actively use his magic or esoteric knowledge
in an interesting way to solve a problem, he gains 1 xp.
Practical Magic: Miles learned the esoteric from his mother, and the pragmatic
from his father. Miles combines the two into subtle magics that grant him seemingly
mundane capabilities that pass unnoticed by "norms".
Condition: When Miles is able to effectively use his "Gun Magic" to appear
to be an accurate shooter, or employs "subtle" or "practical" or "coincidental"
magic without raising mundane suspicions, he gains 1 xp.
Rules Lawyer: Miles is a lawyer in the mundane world, but also studies International
and American Accords law, precedents, sanctionings, and differences in interpretation
in different jurisdictions. He was also raised by active Hunters, and trained to
take up the life of a Hunter himself. He deeply understands the nuances of Hunter
culture and common practice.
Condition: When Miles is able to apply his knowledge of the Accords, Hunter
culture and profession, or of mundane laws to guide his team's decisions in a beneficial
way, or to get the team out of a jam, he gains 1 xp.
Scion of Evanaster: The Evanaster magical tradition eschews props and foci,
and focuses on hardening the mind and body to allow elevated retention of wizardly
Rote magic (which the Evanaster line continues to refer to as Ars Magicka) as well
as a continued focus on study of the more fundamental Ars Mysterium that some Wizards
find old-fashioned but which has seemed to serve the line of Evanaster well.
Condition: If Miles is attacked physically and takes no Body damage, or if
Miles uses at least three different Rotes and at least one of his Mysterium Spell
skills in a session, he gains 1 xp.
Voice of Reason: Miles strives to be reasonable and thoughtful, and counsels
caution and consideration. He prefers negotiation and mutual understanding over
conflict and violence. He remains ever mindful of the underlying purpose of the
Accords and resists getting swept up in the excitement of the Hunt.
Condition: If Miles makes a significant attempt to move others to a diplomatic
solution, to calm a potentially violent situation, to protect innocents, or maintain
the Accords, he gains 1 xp.
Mom!: Miles' mother was Sanctioned for using her magics to wrest control
of a summoned demon away from its summoner, and successfully fled execution by Hunters.
Miles believes that the judgment was inconsistent with Accords law and has been
pursuing the appeals process on his absent mother's behalf.
Condition: Find an opportunity to improve your position on the appeals process,
such as earning a favor from an important Accords official, finding more evidence
or testimony to support your case about the inciting incident, garner alliance with
politically influential Hermetic orders on the mater, etc, he gains 2 xp.
Bleeding Heart Hunter: Miles has a strong code of ethics and morals, particular
in regards to supernaturals who have not violated the Accords or caused harm.
Condition: If Miles allows a supernatural to be wrongfully persecuted or
fails to do due diligence to determine guilt, he loses 1 xp.
Be prepared: Miles has a large repertoire of Rotes available to him to chose
from. However, without wise selection he runs the risk of irrelevance.
Condition: If Miles is ever caught in a situation where none of his Rotes
prove useful in the session without him having to rearrange his Rotes VPP immediately
before casting, he loses 1 xp.
Supposed To Be The Good Guy: Doing the "right thing" is essential to Miles'
sense of self, and it forces him to walk a hard path in the face of peer pressure
and commonly accepted moral relativism.
Condition: If Miles ever does "the expedient thing", or cuts corners where
the rules or his ethics are concerned, or fails to be morally upright, he loses
1 xp.
Family First: Miles' overarching goal is to get his mother's Sanctioning
lifted. All else is secondary to that.
Condition: If Miles has an opportunity to improve his position on his mother's
situation and does not capitalize on it, he loses 2 xp.