Ref: M-00831971: Section-M Case File
Current Status: Licensed Hunter
March 11, 1999
Agent Abernathy reported participation by Miles Hendricks, a minor (age: 14), in
the successful Sanctioning of the sorcerer Lex Vendros {Case-File-Ref: M-00831713,
Consultant-Field-Report-Ref: M-00831970}.
Per Agent Abernathy's case file, Miles is the son of Melinda Hendricks aka Melinda
Evenaster {Case-File-Ref: M-00760833} a highly placed member of the Hermetic Order
of the Risen Sun {Case-File-Ref: M-00000087}, and Theodore Hendricks {Case-File-Ref:
M-00787312}; both parents are Licensed Hunters with significant case history and
influence in the Hunter community.
The Evenaster family has a long esoteric history; see Melinda Hendricks {Case-File-Ref:
M-00760833} for full context and references. According to esoteric lore, Evenaster
himself was a Archwizard of note who reputedly lived from some time in the mid 700's
until disappearing from accounts some time between 1275 and 1300 (roughly coinciding
with the start of the so-called "Little Ice Age".
Per Agent Abernathy's case file, Miles is a Magi that is being trained in the esoteric
arts by his mother, and the young man used some of those arts to assist his parents
and their allies in their larger efforts to Sanction Vendros. As a minor, Miles
is too young to license, and was not officially part of the bounty claim.
September 3, 1999
Miles H. assisted a Sanctioning; {Case-File-Ref: M-00811967, Consultant-Field-Report-Ref:
April 27, 2000
Miles H. assisted a Sanctioning; {Case-File-Ref: M-00835613, Consultant-Field-Report-Ref:
... continues ...
June 11, 2006
Miles Hendricks filed for and was approved as a Licenced Hunter.
... more field report references ...
October 3, 2010
Melinda Hendricks was Sanctioned {Case-File-Ref: M-00755116, Case-File-Ref: M-00760833},
but successfully fled. Theodore Hendricks {Case-File-Ref: M-00787312} appears to
have gone into hiding with his wife. Miles Hendricks was not implicated in the Sactioning
event and remains a Licensed Hunter. Miles is on Level 3 Observation, in case he
makes contact with his parents.
November 5, 2010
Per our Hermetic Order of the Risen Sun {Case-File-Ref: M-00000087} liason, Miles has
dropped out of their Order. Motivation appears to be anger for percieved lack of
activity by the Order's leadership in getting Melinda H. cleared of the stigma of
a Sactionable offense.
February 22, 2011
Miles H. participated in a Sanctioning; {Case-File-Ref: M-00855509, Consultant-Field-Report-Ref:
M-00855510} along with Ebon Belasko {Case-File-Ref: M-00844324}, an innati with
a prior history.
... more field report references ...
Miles H. participated in a Sanctioning; {Case-File-Ref: M-00856706, Consultant-Field-Report-Ref:
M-00856707} along with Ebon Belasko {Case-File-Ref: M-00844324}, Jonas Mailer {Case-File-Ref:
M-00854431}, and Jon Bregg {Case-File-Ref: M-00840327}.
... more field report references ...