Maine Department of Health and Human Services
Missing Child Report: Case Closure
Resolution Status: Child located
Child: Jon Bregg
DOB: Unknown
Date of entrance into DHHS custody: 3/10/71 (estimated age: 2 weeks)
History: A male, Caucasian child was found abandoned outside a volunteer fire
station in Harrington, Maine on 3/7/71 around 10 pm. The firemen called in DHHS,
but due to blizzard conditions the social worker (Kathryn J. Masser, LISCW) was
unable to reach the location until 3/10/71 at 9 am. In the interim, the volunteer
firefighters used off the shelf formula and the assistance of a local nurse to keep
the baby fed and clothed. One firefighter, Anna Bregg, took an interest in the child
and maintained contact through DHHS channels for several years. All efforts to
locate the parents failed. After the standard holding period, the child’s legal
name was changed to Jon Bregg in honor of the firefighter who found and cared for
the child.
Incident report: 12/25/86. On Christmas day, the foster home of Edward and Rhonda
Geary burned to the ground. They fostered 5 children of various ages. Edward was a
house painter and kept large amounts of paint in his basement, which caused the
house fire to burn so hot that remains could not be identified. Of the children,
one was missing that fit the description of Jon Bregg. Local police were alerted
to the missing child, but no leads were discovered.
Incident report: 4/4/88. Jon Bregg was arrested breaking into a liquor/convenience
store on the outskirts of Bangor, Maine. He had no identification, but was later
identified by Anna Bregg. Jon claimed to have no memories of his time since the
house fire until being found in the store. Being 18 and considered an adult, his
DHHS file is now closed and he was left in the custody of the Bangor Police Dept.
See attached police report.
Arrest Report
Agency: Bangor Sherriff’s Department
Arresting Officer: Alex Dayton
Date/Time of Arrest: 11 pm 4/4/88
Arrest Number: 10-A8943-002
Arrestee Information: Jon Bregg, Young Adult Male, Caucasian, no permanent address
(transient), no noticeable scars or tattoos, no Social Security ID on file
If armed, type of weapon: n/a
Place of arrest: Happy’s Liquor and Mart, 14770 Rural Road #7, Bangor County, Maine
Charge #1: Breaking and Entering – Felony (1 count)
Charge #2: Public Intoxication – Misdemeanor (1 count)
Charge #3: Resisting Arrest – Felony (1 count)
Charge #4: Assaulting an Officer – Felony (1 count)
On April 4, at approximately 10:30 pm, John “Happy” Marshall called in a report
that a homeless man had broken into the back room of his establishment and refused
to leave. Officer arrived on site at 11 pm. Suspect (later identified as Jon Bregg)
was found in the middle of the storeroom, seated on the floor and inebriated to
the point where he was uttering guttural noises, with several bottles of emptied
liquor around him. Most of the liquor must have spilled and subsequently dried,
because there was at least 10 empty bottles, well beyond what the suspect could
have drunk. There was glass on the floor below a broken window, and the suspect
was covered in blood (Charge #1). No scratches were visible on Bregg, however.
The suspect’s condition was poor, he was dirty and wearing ripped clothes that
indicated a vagrant lifestyle. His hair was very long and extremely unkempt and
dirty, including his beard.
When the responding officer attempted to question the suspect, Bregg struck officer
Dayton in the chest. Despite his bulletproof vest, it was discovered later that
Dayton had suffered a contusion, a collapsed lung, and 3 broken ribs (Charge #3,
Charge #4). Suspect was tazed at this point. His level of inebriation caused the
tazer to be ineffectual at submission. A secondary attack on Officer Dayton was
interrupted when Mr. Marshall discharged his shotgun at Bregg. The shock of the
noise must have caused Bregg to pass out, as no wounds were found on him after
inspection later. No charges were leveled at Mr. Marshall for the weapon discharge,
as it was called a ‘clean shooting’ by the responding officer. No bullet was
recovered, although Marshall was certain it was deer slugs in the shotgun and
not blanks.
Response of paramedics and supporting officers was delayed due to Officer Stengel
investigating a potential active crime scene on the route to the Happy’s. His
statement: “About a mile out from the origin of the call… see, I didn’t know Dray
was shot! I mean, that Officer Drayton was shot. If I did, I would never have stopped,
I mean we just thought it was some drunk hassling Happy up there. Anyway, there was
a smear of oil on the road at that curve right before Hap’s… you know, the one you
gotta slow down to 20 to make? Only as I slowed I saw it wasn’t oil, it was blood.
Full moon made it bright as noon, almost, and I could see that blood trail leading
right up to the rock looking over the Allagash River. There was a body on that rock.
A human body, I swear! It was weird because it was naked, you see, even though that
night was cold as witch’s tit in a brass bar, even in April. I flagged down the
ambulance that just came around the corner and signaled they wait in the cab while
I checked things out. I drew down and ran over to it, but slipped in the blood while
I was hopping over the fucking, err…damn guard rail. Slipped right into a patch of
blood, stained my boots, pants, and new winter coat. Just bought it one month earlier
from officer’s supply down in Boston, and ruined it.
“Anyway, when I got up, all I see on the rock is a dead wolf, all cut up. Folks say
it mighta been the blood on the fur shining in the moonlight making it look like skin,
but that’s not what I saw. Biggun’ too, musta been the queen bitch for that whole
upper pass above the Allagash. Anyway, the weird part was the blood trail didn’t
start in the road, even though it was clear that bitch got nailed by some big semi.
Started up above the road on a hill and continued down across the road to the big
rock. My theory is that the bitch got hit so hard she flew up the hill, then dragged
herself down across the road. You know, how dogs look to hide after getting hurt.
Truck driver may have not even noticed and just kept goin’.
{unitelligible question}
“Well yeah, it was right at the turn so I guess a truck woulda had to slow down to.
That whole night was a mess. Not sure what really did happen. Mighta been a hunter,
for alls I know, even though they never did find a bullet in the bitch, just blood
and broken bones.”
Suspect John Bregg was arrested and placed in custody. Later transferred to Bangor
Psychiatric Hospital for an intake due to his behavior while in the police station.