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Warrior Stunts

Stunts related to martial feats, combatives, and being a superior combatant.

Acrobatic Fighting: Because I am excellent at acrobatically flipping around and tumbling to good advantage while in combat, when I am engaged in a conflict I may add my Focused bonus to Combatives when I am able to make my acrobatics relevant.

Aggressive Assault: Because I am driven to extreme aggression, when I am Forcefully Combative and attack I may add from one to four additional Fate dice to my 4dF attack roll and choose the four best dice as my result. However, until my next exchange whenever I defend I add the same number of Fate dice to my defend rolls and choose the four worst dice as my result.

Barbarian Beatdown: Because I'm able to use my athleticism and physical advantages to good effect in a fight, I may use Focused instead of Combative when fighting with an appropriate weapon.

Barehanded Fighting: Because my fighting skills include barehanded combat, I may use Combative instead of Focused when fighting barehanded or grappling.

Bums Rush: Because I like to overwhelm others, I get +2 when I am Forceful and attempt to tackle or bowl over an opponent.

Canny Guard: Because of my skill and experience as a warrior it is difficult to catch me off guard. When I am defending against physical attacks and tie, my opponent does not get a boost.

Charger: Because I excel at charging into combat to deliver a devastating attack, I gain +3 while Forcefully or Quickly Combative to make melee attacks in a conflict if I first move one or more zones in the same action to reach my opponent. I cannot split my shifts between multiple opponents when I do this.

Combative Aegis: Because I have developed my defensive form to a high degree of skill, when I am Carefully Combative and appropriately equipped, if someone else in my zone is physically attacked I may defend on their behalf. However I take any shifts of damage that get past my defenses, rather than the intended target.

Combat Veteran: Because I have engaged in so much combat, I gain +1 when I am Combative and attack.

Combat Veteran (-2): Because I have engaged in so much combat, I gain +1 when I am Combative and attack or defend.

Courser: Because I am so skilled at fighting while mounted, I gain +2 when I am Quickly Combative and attack from the back of a mount.

Defensive Posture: Because I am trained in a defensive fighting style, if I get a boost when I am Carefully Combative while attacking I may use it to create the situational Aspect Defensive Posture on myself with two (2) invokes.

En Garde: Because I am extra good at using a weapon defensively to parry and deflect attacks, I gain +2 while being Combative to defend against melee attacks that I am aware of while appropriately armed.

Forcefully Aggressive: Because I am so physically powerful, I get +1 when I am Forceful and attack.

Heavy Armor Training: Because I have extensively trained to properly use heavy armor, I gain +1 to defend against non-social attacks when I am heavily armored.

Improved Disarm: Because I like to disarm others, I get +1 when I am Quick and attempt to create advantage to attach the situational Aspect Disarmed to other people who weild weapons.

Indomitable: Because I refuse to give in and I always vigorously protect myself, I get +1 when I am Forceful and defend if I am aware that I am in danger.

Light Armor Training: Because I have trained to wear light armor extensively, I gain +1 to Combatives to defend when I am lightly armored.

Lightning Draw: Because I have mastered the art of the lightning draw, I gain an automatic boost when I am Quick and draw my blade for the first time in an exchange. Additionally, if I opt to do this at the beginning of a conflict I gain +2 to determine who goes first.

Medium Armor Training: Because I have trained to wear medium armor extensively, I gain +1 to Combatives to defend when I am appropriately armored.

Mounted Strike: Because I excel at ride-by attacks when mounted, whenever I am Quickly Combative and attack after moving a zone, if I succeed with style my mount and I may immediately move 1 zone away as a free action. If I also choose to reduce the damage I inflict to get a boost I may use that boost to move an additional zone further away. I may also choose to spend a Fate point to move an additional zone further away.

Passing Strike: Because I have a fast-moving agile fighting style, whenever I am Quickly Combative and attack, if I choose to reduce the damage I inflict to get a boost I may use that boost to immediately move one (1) zone away, as a free action. If I also spend a Fate point I may move an additional zone further away.

Pounce!: Because I excel at leaping into combat in a startling burst of aggression, I gain +4 on my first attack in a conflict if I act first and can charge, lunge at, or pounce upon an opponent.

Powerful Attack: Because I am so skilled at delivering forceful attacks, I gain +2 when I am Forcefully Combative and attack while armed with a weapon.

Quick Strike: Because I am fast and accurate, I get +3 when I am Quickly Combative and attack an opponent that has not yet gone in this exchange.

Two Weapon Fighting (-2): Because I am so skilled at dual-wielding two weapons, I gain +1 when I am Combative and attack or defend while armed appropriately. Additionally if I make a physical attack while armed appropriately and split shifts between exactly two opponents, I inflict +1 shift of additional damage to each target.

Warrior's Mettle: Because I have trained extensively and am made of sterner stuff than most people, I may use Combatives to defend against ranged attacks and targeted magic by deflecting such attacks with a precise flick or parry of my weapon, or with my armor or a shield, or by some other means justified by the narrative.

This Stunt requires Combative +2 to use.

NOTE: Combative +3 and higher already allows a character to do this. This Stunt is for characters who have Combative +2 and are willing to allocate a Stunt to gain this ability.

Weapon Mastery (-3): Because I have spent many years mastering a type of weapon, I gain +1 to Combatives when I attack, defend, create advantage, or overcome while using any weapon of that type.

Whirlwind Attack: Because I am a potent warrior once per session when I am Flashily Combative and attack with a suitable weapon, I may affect all enemy targets in my zone without having to split my shifts between them.

Whirlwind Attack (-2): Because I am a potent warrior once per scene when I am Flashily Combative and attack with a suitable weapon, I may affect all enemy targets in my zone without having to split my shifts between them.

Whirlwind Attack (-3): Because I am a potent warrior, when I am Flashily Combative and attack with a suitable weapon I may affect all enemy targets in my zone without having to split my shifts between them. However if I use this ability more than once per conflict I take a cumulative -1 penalty to my 4dF attack roll for each time I've previously used the ability in the current conflict.