Can't We Find A Way To 'Work This Out' Non-violently?: Because I am able to appeal to the baser instincts of most people and appear extremely 'likeable', I'm good at avoiding unwanted conflict and changing the nature of interaction from physical conflict to a mental and social contest. I gain +2 whenever I attempt to avoid or end a conflict via non-violence.
Charming And Coy: Because I am adept at manipulating social situations to my benefit, I gain +1 when I am Roguish and engage in a social challenge, contest, or conflict.
Combative Intimidation: Because I am heavily armed and obviously skilled at inflicting harm, I may add my Combative capability to create advantage or overcome when I attempt to intimidate or assert control over a social situation if I am armed appropriately.
Deceitful: Because I am so deceitful, I get +2 when I am Cleverly Roguish and create advantage or overcome challenges where my smooth patter applies.
Friendly Diplomacy: Because I am charmingly friendly to almost everyone and am good at making friends and calming situations down, I gain +2 whenever I attempt to avoid or end a conflict via non-violence, keep the peace, or improve the 'mood of the room'.
Sense Deceit: Because I am so skilled at sensing people's true motives, I gain +2 when I am Cleverly Roguish and attempt to discern if I am being deceived or tricked.
Verbal Skirmisher: Because I am adept at applying my understanding of tactics and strategy to the 'social battlefield', I may use Combative instead of Roguish for social interactions such as debating, arguing, insulting, taunting, and assertively taking control of a social scene. I gain +1 while Combative to create advantage or overcome challenges when using this Stunt. However people tend to take offense; things sometimes escalate, and enemies are sometimes made.
When using this Stunt I can be compelled by the GM to fail.
Wheeler Dealer: Because I excel at talking my way into and out of situations and making deals, I gain +2 while Cleverly Roguish in social situations.