Barkskin Knack: Because I have a minor magical knack, I can create advantage while Carefully Primal vs an Average (+1) difficulty to apply the Aspect Barkskin to myself. While this Aspect is active I gain +2 when defending against physical or damaging magical attacks. This Aspect may also be invoked to offer additional protection when defending from physical or magical harm. This Aspect can be overcome and removed as a Superb (+5) difficulty by those with Primal +3 or higher.
or better to use.
Entangling Undergrowth: Because I am a master of natural magics, when I am in a rural area with vegetation, while I am Carefully Primal I may attempt to overcome a Great (+4) difficulty to cause the undergrowth in my zone or an adjacent zone to animate and wrap itself around and entangle all targets. See the Entangling Undergrowth profile for details. I am immune to this effect.
Animated Undergrowth, Creeping Vines
Good At: Entangling (+5)
Limitation: An immobile construct anchored to its zone.
Hits: [1][1][1][1][1]
Forest Bandit: Because I am so good at practicing banditry in the forests, I am able to add my Roguish and Primal capabilities while setting up or fighting in ambushes in wildland areas.
Hunting Archer: Because I am a master archer and hunter, I may use Primal instead of Combative to attack with any kind of bow and arrow.
Living Off The Land: Because I am adept at surviving off of what nature offers me, I am always able to find enough food and water to keep myself and a couple of other people or animals healthy while in wildlands and rural areas (i.e. above ground and not near a city or town). Additionally if I've had at least half a day to become familiar with the terrain in a specific area of wilderness I gain +1 on all actions while being Primal. How large the area of wilderness might be is left to the GM's discretion, but it should be at least five square miles.
Pass Without Trace: Because of my mastery of the natural world, I gain +1 when I am Sneakily Primal while in the wildlands, I am unobstructed by undergrowth, and if I take a full move I may move three zones instead of two. Finally, tracking me in wildland areas is very difficult; those attempting it must overcome a difficulty equal to my ((Sneaky + Primal) * 2).
Prepared Caster (Primal)
Because of my devotion to primordial nature, each morning I may 'prepare'
a number of 'rites' equal to ((Careful + Sneaky) * Primal).
To prepare a rite I roll 4dF against a Mediocre (+0) difficulty, adding a preparation
bonus equal to double my Primal bonus.
I temporarily gain a new personal Aspect corresponding to the rite I prepared with
one invoke, and annotated with the margin of success.
Later during the day I may 'cast' a prepared rite by invoking its Aspect as an
action and resolving the rite using the previously rolled margin of success.
Using Spell Write-ups
If I am preparing a rite from a write-up that indicates an Approach be combined
with Primal to cast the rite, with language such as 'while Sneakily Primal', I
ignore the requirement and use my prepared bonus instead.
If I am preparing a rite from a write-up that states a particular difficulty level,
with language such as 'vs a Good (+3) difficulty)', the previously rolled margin
of success is applied against the stated difficulty when I 'cast' it; any remaining
shifts can be allocated per the
simple magic
It is possible for a rite resolution to fail if the margin of success is insufficient
to the difficulty or if I am opposed successfully. I can spend a Fate point at this
time to add +2 shifts to the margin of success.
Unfortunately due to my focus on prepared casting, I cannot free cast anything other
than simple primal effects known as favors.
Primal Pugilist: Because I am able to fight with my natural weapons and with feral intensity, I may use Primal instead of Focused when fighting barehanded or grappling.
Primal Reduction: Because I am significantly more rugged, robust, and survivable due to my deep connection with primal forces, I reduce by one (1) all physical stress inflicted on me, and I reduce by two (2) all environmental stress inflicted on me.
Primal Resistance: Because my primal nature and elemental affinity protects me, I may use Primal to defend against non-Primal magical attacks without needing to first create an advantage to invoke.
Stalking Hunter: Because I am so good at stalking, hunting, and pouncing upon prey unnoticed, I get +2 when I am Sneakily Primal and create advantage or overcome challenges to set up and execute ambushes while in wildlands.
Swamp Fighter: Because I am so adept at fighting within swampy areas and using my environment effectively, I may add Primal as a bonus when I am Combative in swamps and marshlands.
Swamp Stride: Because of my mastery of the natural world, I gain +1 when I am Sneakily Primal while in swamps and marshlands, I am unobstructed by undergrowth and areas of water, and if I take a full move I may move three zones instead of two. Finally, tracking me in swampy areas is very difficult; those attempting it must overcome a difficulty equal to my ((Sneaky + Primal) * 3).
Tracker: Because I am so good at tracking a quary, I get +2 when I am Carefully Primal and create advantage or overcome challenges related to tracking things down in wilderness settings.
Urban Jungle: Because I have mastered the art of fading away, blending in, and avoiding notice even in urban areas among people, I can use Primal instead of Roguish to create advantage and overcome when attempting to avoid being noticed in civilized areas (Primal is already usable for this in rural, wildland areas).
Valimancer / Theurge: Because I have mastered the ancient magics of the Primal Element of Positive Energy, the raw quintessence from which all material things are formed, I may combine my Divine and Primal Archetypes when I am casting spells related to radiance (pure energy), healing, creation ex nihilo, directly opposing negative energy, and so forth.
Voidmancer / Anatheurge: Because I have mastered the ancient magics of the Primal Element of Negative Energy, the void which eventually claims all things, the null state that counterpoints existence, I may combine my Divine and Primal Archetypes when I am casting spells related to stagnation, entropy, undeath, enervation, life draining, directly opposing positive energy, and so forth.
Wilderness Runner: Because I am so swift and able to run for hours, I may add my Primal capability bonus when I am Focused while running in wildlands.
Wilderness Warrior: Because I am so adept at stalking prey and hunting in the wilderness, I may use Primal instead of Combative to attack when I am in the wilderness.