Brawler: Because I am so strong, I get +2 while I am Forcefully Focused and attack when fighting unarmed or grappling or when throwing heavy blunt things.
I Am A Living Weapon: Because I have honed my body and my skills, my unarmed strikes are equivalent to lethal weapons. I may use Focused instead of Combative when fighting unarmed without any special narrative justification or penalty. In situations where it matters I can choose to be treated as attacking barehanded or attacking with a weapon, whichever benefits me more in the situation. Finally, though I can be inconvenienced or restrained, being disarmed is generally off the table for me.
Impressive Reflexes: Because I have excellent reflexes, I gain +1 while Quickly attacking.
Indomitable Brawler: Because I am so tough, I get +2 while I am Forcefully Focused and defend when fighting unarmed or grappling.
Passing Attack: Because I have a fast-moving agile fighting style, whenever I am Quick and attack, if I choose to reduce the damage I inflict to get a boost I may use that boost to immediately move one (1) zone away as a free action. If I also spend a Fate point I may move an additional zone further away.
Sprinter: Because I am able to put on a little extra burst of speed when I need to, once per scene whenever I move a zone I may choose to immediately move another zone for free and this does not prevent me from attacking. Alternately, if I do nothing but move I may use this ability to move two (2) extra zones.
Strider: Because I am fleet of foot and able to move quickly, if I am in a conflict and do nothing in an exchange except move,
I may move an extra zone and I am unobstructed by foot hazards of less than knee height.
If I am in a contest involving me walking rapidly or running, I gain +1 to overcome while I am Quick.
Stunning Fist: Because I have learned how to throw a vicious punch, whenever I am Forcefully Focused and attack barehanded, if I succeed with style and choose to reduce the damage I inflict to get a boost I may use that boost to apply the situational Aspect Stunned! to my target with two (2) invokes. The target can remove this Aspect by overcoming a Superb (+5) difficulty.
Thunderous Jab: Because I have learned how to throw a vicious punch, whenever I am Quickly Focused and attack barehanded, if I succeed with style and choose to reduce the damage I inflict to get a boost I may use that boost to apply the situational Aspect Staggered! to my target with two (2) invokes. The target can remove this Aspect by overcoming a Superb (+5) difficulty.
Very Strong: Because I am so strong, I get +2 while I am Forcefully Focused and create advantage or overcome when my great strength is a factor.