Murderously Lethal, Outsider
Babaus obsess over the act of killing and take great pride in their grisly art,
often leaving behind some form of grim marker or obscure signature, whether it be
a distinctive modus operandi, an unnerving token, or other profane evidence.
A babau typically carries a longspear or other weapon with which it can strike at
foes beyond its normal reach, but given the opportunity, a babau prefers to fight
with its teeth or claws. The foul, caustic sludge that constantly seeps from their
flesh prevents them from wearing armor unless it is specially treated or resistant
to acid.
A babau is 6 feet tall but weighs only 140 pounds. They form from mortal souls of
lone killers—those who, in life, took pleasure in more personal and intimate murders.
Loosed upon the Material Plane, a babau often finds itself in the same role, haunting
the shadowy corners of the world as remorseless assassins.