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Protective Spells

Divine Spell (Protective)

Create advantage while Carefully Divine vs an Average (+1) difficulty to apply the spell Aspect Protection From Harm to myself or someone else in my zone. While this Aspect is active the person it is attached to can justify defending against all abilities that would cause physical or magical harm used by those with an outlook or innate nature that is at odds with my faith and my diety's purview. Additionally, the recipient of the spell Aspect gains +2 when attempting to overcome mind-affecting effects. This Aspect may also be invoked to offer further protection when defending from physical or magical harm. The Aspect lasts for a scene or until no invokes remain.

Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the Simple Magic guidelines.

Divine Spell (Protective)

Create advantage while Carefully Divine vs an Great (+4) difficulty to apply the spell Aspect Greater Protection From Harm to myself or someone else in my zone. While this Aspect is active the person it is attached to can justify using my Divine bonus to defend against all abilities that would cause physical or magical harm used by those with an outlook or innate nature that is at odds with my faith and my diety's purview. Additionally, the recipient of the spell Aspect gains +2 when attempting to overcome mind-affecting effects. This Aspect may also be invoked to offer further protection when defending from physical or magical harm. The Aspect lasts for a scene or until no invokes remain.

Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the Simple Magic guidelines.