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Enchantment Spells

Arcane Spell (Enchantment), Mind-Affecting

Create advantage while Sneakily Arcane vs an Average (+1) difficulty to create a spell Aspect called Arcanely Charming on myself or a sentient target in my zone for one (1) scene or until all invocations are used. While this Aspect is active the target of the spell Aspect adds +1 to their Roguish Archetype in all social encounters with other sentient beings. The spell Aspect may also be invoked to grant an additional +2 bonus to social actions for a single exchange.

Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the Simple Magic guidelines.

Arcane Spell (Enchantment), Mind-Affecting

Create advantage while Sneakily Arcane vs a Great (+4) difficulty to create a spell Aspect called Susceptible To My Commands on a sentient target in my zone or an adjacent zone for one (1) scene or until all invocations are used. While this Aspect is active and the target is within my line of sight, I may either spend a Fate point or invoke the Susceptible To My Commands Aspect to make the target say or do what I want them to (assuming they are capable of doing so). The target may spend a Fate point to resist a command, but if they do it does not go back to the pool, I get that Fate point at the end of the scene. As normal, the spell Aspect is detectable as a magical effect, and can be overcome by appropriate magic or abilities; additionally the target themselves may overcome the spell Aspect while Focused (with no Approach bonus).

Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the Simple Magic guidelines.

Arcane Spell (Enchantment), Mind-Affecting

Create advantage while Forcefully Arcane vs a Fantastic (+6) difficulty to add a Hindrance to a sentient target in your zone. A Hindrance is essentially the opposite of a Stunt; rather than granting a bonus or advantage under certain circumstances a Hindrance inflicts a penalty or disadvantage under certain circumstances. The new Hindrance can be removed in the same way as a spell Aspect, but anyone other than the caster who attempts to do so must overcome a Legendary (+8) difficulty; the caster may remove it at will.

Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the Simple Magic guidelines.

Arcane Spell (Enchantment), Mind-Affecting

Create advantage while Sneakily Arcane vs a Legendary (+8) difficulty to create a spell Aspect called Delayed Domination on a sentient target in my zone or an adjacent zone that will last until all invocations are used. When I cast the spell I define a condition, circumstance, or key word which will trigger at a later time. When and if the trigger condition is met the Delayed Domination spell Aspect is removed and is replaced by a spell Aspect called Dominated by [My Name] and the target is affected by a Dominate spell cast as success with 0 extra shifts. See the Dominate spell for details. While the Delayed Domination spell Aspect is active, it does count against the maximum number of spell Aspects I may have active simultaneously.

Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the Simple Magic guidelines.

Arcane Spell (Enchantment), Mind-Affecting

Create advantage while Sneakily Arcane vs a Epic (+7) difficulty to create a spell Aspect called Dominated by [My Name] on a sentient target until all invocations are used. While this Aspect is active the target comes under the control of my player, who makes all decisions regarding what the target says and does (within the target's capabilities) except for the spending of Fate points for that character. In the case of a player character, the actual player of the character controls Fate point expenditures for the character, and in the case of a NPC the GM does. The target's Fate points can be spent either to attempt to overcome the spell Aspect or to temporarily take back control of the character for a couple of consecutive exchanges. Unlike most spell Aspects that have a finite duration, this spell Aspect can remain in effect indefinitely until overcome or exhausted; you may successfully cast this spell again on the target to add one additional invocation or two if you succeed with style (there is no other effect or change to the original spell Aspect). While this spell Aspect is active, it does count against the maximum number of spell Aspects I may have active simultaneously. As normal, the spell Aspect is detectable as a magical effect, and can be overcome by appropriate magic or abilities; additionally the target themselves may overcome the spell Aspect while Focused (with no Approach bonus).

Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the Simple Magic guidelines.

Arcane Spell (Enchantment), Compulsion, Mind-Affecting, Zone

Create advantage while Sneakily Arcane vs a Superb (+5) difficulty to create a spell Aspect on a zone and each adjacent zone called You Feel Great And Everything Is Great! for one (1) full day or until all invocations are used. While this Aspect is active sentient beings who are in the affected area are compelled to relax and have lowered inhibitions...those affected seem tipsy or buzzed and have a hard time concentrating on serious matters. Those affected suffer a -3 penalty to any aggressive or proactive action intended to do anything direct or useful or constructive. Those affected can be compelled on this Aspect to behave in a more festive or relaxed way. I am unaffected by this spell Aspect and I may spend extra shifts to increase the radius of the effect or to allow a specific being to also be unaffected by the spell Aspect, on a 1 to 1 basis.

Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the Simple Magic guidelines.

Arcane Spell (Enchantment), Mind-Affecting

Create advantage while Forcefully Arcane to add an additional Trouble to a sentient target in your zone. If the target is willing and cooperative the difficulty to cast the spell is only Mediocre (+0), otherwise the difficulty is Legendary (+8). The new Trouble must relate to a task to be carried out by the target or conversely something that they must refrain from doing. If a geas takes the form of a task to perform, the Trouble is removed when the target completes the task or if the task become incompletable. If a geas takes the form of something the target must not do, if the target does the thing they are not supposed to the Trouble is removed and the target takes a Severe consequence called Curse of Ill Fortune. The new Trouble can be removed in the same way as a spell Aspect, but anyone other than the caster who attempts to do so must overcome a Wondrous (+10) difficulty; the caster may remove it at will.

Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the Simple Magic guidelines.

Arcane Spell (Enchantment), Compulsion, Mind-Affecting

Create advantage while Flashily Arcane vs a Good (+3) difficulty to create a spell Aspect on a living sentient target within my zone or an adjacent zone called Hideous Laughter! for one (1) scene or until all invocations are used. While this Aspect is active the victim is afflicted with fits of uncontrollable laughter, falling prone and becoming unable to attack or create advantage or move while madly laughing. Anyone attacking or acting against the target may invoke this Aspect against the victim to take advantage of their condition.

Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the Simple Magic guidelines.

Arcane Spell (Enchantment), Compulsion, Mind-Affecting

Create advantage while Forcefully Arcane vs a Superb (+5) difficulty to create a spell Aspect on a living sentient target within my zone or an adjacent zone called Don't Move! for one (1) scene or until all invocations are used. While this Aspect is active the victim cannot move; they may fall or sink if using some form of movement to stay aloft or afloat. Anyone attacking or acting against the target may invoke this Aspect against the victim to take advantage of their condition.

Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the Simple Magic guidelines.

Arcane Spell (Enchantment), Compulsion, Mind-Affecting

Create advantage while Flashily Arcane vs a Great (+4) difficulty to create a spell Aspect on any or all living sentient targets within my zone called Must Stare At [My Name] for one (1) scene or until all invocations are used. While this Aspect is active the victim(s) are compelled to look at me which causes them to take a -2 penalty to any action they take that does not target me. Anyone attacking or acting against the target may invoke this Aspect against the victim to take advantage of their distracted condition.

Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the Simple Magic guidelines.

Arcane Spell (Enchantment), Invisibility, Compulsion, Mind-Affecting

Create advantage while Sneakily Arcane vs a Good (+3) difficulty to create a spell Aspect on myself called Mental Invisibility for one (1) scene or until all invocations are used. While the Aspect is in play, sentient beings simply forget they perceive me, which affords me a kind of invisibility. I may invoke the Aspect to gain a bonus on an action where being invisible helps me succeed, such as attacking an unaware opponent. The spell Aspect can be temporarily neutralized by those with unusual senses or magic or special items creating an applicable advantage; the ability or item will generally specify how it works or what the difficulty is. The spell Aspect can also be overcome and thus removed by some abilities that explicitly counter invisibility or dispel magic in which case the difficulty is determined as normal per the simple magic guidelines.

Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the Simple Magic guidelines.

Arcane Spell (Enchantment), Compulsion, Mind-Affecting, Zone

Create advantage while Sneakily Arcane vs a Superb (+5) difficulty to create a spell Aspect on a zone and each adjacent zone called Pay No Mind, Be Not Concerned for one (1) scene or until all invocations are used. While this Aspect is active sentient beings who are in the affected area are compelled to not be alarmed by unusual occurances. Those affected can be compelled on this Aspect to ignore, overlook, or fail to notice out of the ordinary circumstances and situations. I am unaffected by this spell Aspect and I may spend extra shifts to increase the radius of the effect or to allow a specific being to also be unaffected by the spell Aspect, on a 1 to 1 basis.

Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the Simple Magic guidelines.

Arcane Spell (Enchantment), Mind-Affecting

Create advantage while Forcefully Arcane to add an additional Trouble to a sentient target in your zone. If the target is willing and cooperative the difficulty to cast the spell is only Mediocre (+0), otherwise the difficulty is Legendary (+8). The new Trouble must relate to a goal or task to be carried out by the target, and the Trouble is removed when the target does so or if the task can no longer be completed due to other reasons. The new Trouble can be removed in the same way as a spell Aspect, but anyone other than the caster who attempts to do so must overcome a Wondrous (+10) difficulty; the caster may remove it at will.

Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the Simple Magic guidelines.

Arcane Spell (Enchantment), Compulsion, Mind-Affecting, Sleep

Create advantage while Sneakily Arcane vs an Average (+1) difficulty to put the spell Aspect Slumber! on a nameless mook in my zone that lacks consequences; mobs written up as a single mook are valid targets. I can affect additional mooks in the same zone as well, but the difficulty increases by +2 per extra mook I want to affect. The GM may rule that some mooks are not affected by this spell; for instance things that are not 'alive' or that do not need to sleep would generally be immune. This Aspect lasts for one (1) scene or until the spell is out of invocations and those affected will sleep artificially deeply unless injured.

Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the Simple Magic guidelines.

Arcane Spell (Enchantment), Compulsion, Mind-Affecting, Fear

Create advantage while Flasily Arcane vs a Good (+3) difficulty to put the spell Aspect Terrorized! on a nameless mook in my zone that lacks consequences (including a mob written up as a single mook). I can affect additional mooks in the same zone as well, but the difficulty increases by +2 per extra mook I want to affect. The GM may rule that some mooks are not affected by this spell; for instance things that are not 'alive' or that resist mind-affecting abilities would generally be immune. Affected mooks attempt to flee the area if they can, otherwise they seek cover and cower in fear. This Aspect lasts for one (1) scene or until out of invocations.

Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the Simple Magic guidelines.