Magical Spell Trapped In A Stick, Faintly Magical (Evocation)
Benefit: +1 to cast Produce Flame.
Uses: [1]
Each usage box indicates a seperate use or application and each use expends a
usage box; when there are none left the item is expended.
or better to use.
Primal Spell (Elemental), Fire
While Flashily Primal I may attack a target within three (3) zones with a burst of flaming fire. If I succeed with style I must reduce the stress by one (1) shift to gain a boost but the boost is upgraded to the situational Aspect On Fire! with two (2) invokes, which is attached to the target. This Aspect is automatically invoked at the beginning of subsequent exchanges to inflict two (2) stress to the target per invoke. It is a Fair (+2) difficulty to remove this Aspect.
Magical Spell Trapped In A Stick, Faintly Magical (Transmutation)
Benefit: +1 to cast Tree Shape.
Uses: [1]
Each usage box indicates a seperate use or application and each use expends a
usage box; when there are none left the item is expended.
or better to use.
Primal Spell (Plant)
Create advantage while Quickly Primal vs a Fair (+2) difficulty to apply the spell Aspect Tree Shape on myself. While this Aspect is in play, I am able to assume the form of a large living tree or shrub or a large dead tree trunk. To all normal senses I appear to be nothing more than a tree or shrub. Mystical senses or spells that detect magic or enhance perception might be able to penetrate my magic; overcoming a Fantastic (+6) difficulty allows a such an observer notice a faint but indeterminant magical aura around me, and overcoming an Astonishing (+9) difficulty reveals my true form. While in tree form, I can observe all that transpires around me just as if I were in my normal form. All clothing and gear carried or worn changes with me. I can return to my normal form as a non action.
Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the
Simple Magic