Magical Spell Trapped On Paper, Faintly Magical (Evocation)
Benefit: +4 to cast Arcane Bolt
Uses: [1]
Each usage box indicates a seperate use or application and each use expends a
usage box; when there are none left the item is expended.
or better to use.
Arcane Spell (Evocation), Force
While Forcefully Arcane I may attack a target within two (2) zones with a bolt of pure arcane force. I may also attack targets further away with this spell, taking a -1 shift penalty for each additional two (2) zones between us. If I succeed with style I cannot reduce the stress to gain a boost, but if my target defends against this attack with style they do not get a boost either.
Magical Spell Trapped On Paper, Faintly Magical (Illusion)
Benefit: +4 to cast Blur.
Uses: [1]
Each usage box indicates a seperate use or application and each use expends a
usage box; when there are none left the item is expended.
or better to use.
Arcane Spell (Illusion), Glamer
Create advantage while Cleverly Arcane vs an Average (+1) difficulty to attach the spell Aspect I'm So Blurry to myself. While this Aspect is active it is difficult for opponents to see or target me clearly, and all attempts to notice me via sight or directly affect me suffer a -2 penalty; this does not work against area affecting abilities. I may invoke this Aspect to gain a bonus on actions where my blurriness and indistinct outline benefit me, such as to defend against attacks or to avoid being recognized.
Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the
Simple Magic
Magical Spell Trapped On Paper, Faintly Magical (Evocation)
Benefit: +4 to cast Chained Lightning.
Uses: [1]
Each usage box indicates a seperate use or application and each use expends a
usage box; when there are none left the item is expended.
or better to use.
Arcane Spell (Evocation), Electricity
While Flashily Arcane I may attack one or more targets in my zone or an adjacent zone. If I split shifts between multiple targets, the targets each suffer a -1 penalty to defend against my attack.
Magical Spell Trapped On Paper, Faintly Magical (Enchantment)
Benefit: +4 to cast Charm Person
Uses: [1]
Each usage box indicates a seperate use or application and each use expends a
usage box; when there are none left the item is expended.
or better to use.
Arcane Spell (Enchantment), Mind-Affecting
Create advantage while Sneakily Arcane vs an Average (+1) difficulty to create a spell Aspect called Arcanely Charming on myself or a sentient target in my zone for one (1) scene or until all invocations are used.
While this Aspect is active the target of the spell Aspect adds +1 to their Roguish Archetype in all social encounters with other sentient beings. The spell Aspect may also be invoked to grant an additional +2 bonus to social actions for a single exchange.
Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the
Simple Magic
Magical Spell Trapped On Paper, Faintly Magical (Universal)
Benefit: +4 to cast Dimension Door.
Uses: [1]
Each usage box indicates a seperate use or application and each use expends a
usage box; when there are none left the item is expended.
or better to use.
Arcane Spell (Conjuration), Teleportation
I may overcome while Cleverly Arcane to immediately teleport myself a short distance by overcoming a difficulty equal to the number of zones away the target is, +1. Thus to dimension door up to three (3) zones away would require me to overcome a Great (+4) difficulty, while five (5) zones would require me to overcome a Fantastic (+6) difficulty. When using this ability, I can not move a zone in the normal way, and if I fail the spell I go nowhere at all.
Magical Spell Trapped On Paper, Faintly Magical (Abjuration)
Benefit: +2 to cast Dispel Magic.
Uses: [1]
Each usage box indicates a seperate use or application and each use expends a
usage box; when there are none left the item is expended.
or better to use.
Arcane Spell (Abjuration), Dispel
Dispelling magic is handled using the overcome action.
Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the
Simple Magic
Magical Spell Trapped On Paper, Faintly Magical (Transmutation)
Benefit: +2 to cast Expeditious Movement.
Uses: [1]
Each usage box indicates a seperate use or application and each use expends a
usage box; when there are none left the item is expended.
or better to use.
Arcane Spell (Transmutation), Buff
Create advantage while Quickly Arcane vs an Average (+1) difficulty to create a spell Aspect on myself called Expeditious Movement for one (1) scene or until all invocations are used. I may invoke this Aspect to move one additional zone or to gain a +2 bonus to overcome obstacles to my movement.
Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the
Simple Magic
Magical Spell Trapped On Paper, Faintly Magical (Evocation), Fire
Benefit: +4 to cast Firewall.
Uses: [1]
Each usage box indicates a seperate use or application and each use expends a
usage box; when there are none left the item is expended.
or better to use.
Arcane Spell (Evocation), Fire
Create advantage while Flashily Arcane vs a Fair (+2) difficulty to attach the spell Aspect Wall Of Fire! to three contiguous zones within two zones of me; the level of effect attained should be noted on the Aspect. While this Aspect is active it provides active defense to any target that is targeted across the wall's area. Additionally, when people or large objects pass through the wall it is automatically invoked to attack them with a bonus equal to the number of shifts attained when the Aspect was put into play.
Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the
Simple Magic
Magical Spell Trapped On Paper, Faintly Magical (Transmutation)
Benefit: +4 to cast Flying.
Uses: [1]
Each usage box indicates a seperate use or application and each use expends a
usage box; when there are none left the item is expended.
or better to use.
Arcane Spell (Transmutation), Buff
Create advantage while Quickly Arcane vs a Fair (+2) difficulty to create a spell Aspect on myself called At-Will Flight for one (1) scene or until all invocations are used. While this Aspect is active I can fly at will. While flying I am unaffected by obstacles that I can reasonably fly over, and I can hover out of easy reach of the ground thus frustrating melee attackers. Additionally when moving one or more (1+) zones I may move one (1) additional zone. I may invoke this Aspect to move one (1) additional zone or to gain a +2 bonus to overcome obstacles to my movement.
Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the
Simple Magic
Magical Spell Trapped On Paper, Faintly Magical (Transmutation)
Benefit: +4 to cast Glimmerdust.
Uses: [1]
Each usage box indicates a seperate use or application and each use expends a
usage box; when there are none left the item is expended.
or better to use.
Arcane Spell (Conjuration), Creation, Zone
Create advantage while Flashily Arcane vs an Average (+1) difficulty to conjure a dust or powder like substance that immediately catalyzes with a glimmering sparkle that coats everything in the zone and disrupts most invisibility and stealth related effects in my zone or an adjacent zone. I take a -1 penalty on my roll, but I add the spell Aspect Glimmerdusted to anyone in the affected zone that has an Invisibility related (or similar effect) Aspect active. While someone has one of these spell Aspects active on them their Invisibility Aspect is suppressed; each exchange each of these Aspects is automatically invoked to continue suppressing relevant Invisibility effects. Each spell Aspect lasts until there are no invokes remaining.
Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the
Simple Magic
Magical Spell Trapped On Paper, Faintly Magical (Conjuration)
Benefit: +4 to cast Mage Armor.
Uses: [1]
Each usage box indicates a seperate use or application and each use expends a
usage box; when there are none left the item is expended.
or better to use.
Arcane Spell (Evocation), Force
Create advantage while Carefully Arcane vs an Average (+1) difficulty to apply the spell Aspect Mage Armor to myself for a scene or until all invocations are used.
While this Aspect is active I can justify using Arcane to defend against physical attacks.
This Aspect may also be invoked to offer protection when defending from physical or magical harm.
Magical Spell Trapped On Paper, Faintly Magical (Illusion)
Benefit: +4 to cast Mirror Image.
Uses: [1]
Each usage box indicates a seperate use or application and each use expends a
usage box; when there are none left the item is expended.
or better to use.
Arcane Spell (Illusion), Figment
Create Advantage while Sneakily Arcane vs a Fair (+2) difficulty to attach the spell Aspect Mirror Images to myself to create one Mirror Image construct which is an illusory duplicate of myself that stays near me doing its best to confuse others as to which of us is real. I can create additional Mirror Image constructs by allocating one (1) extra shift for each. See the Mirror Images servitor profile for details.
Servitors are explained in the
Simple Magic
Just An Illusionary Duplicate, Glamour, Obedient
Good At: Looking Like Caster (+3), Distracting (+1)
Bad At: Mirror Images do not actually exist and can't do anything other than confuse and distract attackers.
Hits: [1]
Magical Spell Trapped On Paper, Faintly Magical (Transmutation)
Benefit: +4 to cast Prismatic Spray.
Uses: [1]
Each usage box indicates a seperate use or application and each use expends a
usage box; when there are none left the item is expended.
or better to use.
Arcane Spell (Illusion), Pattern
Create advantage while Flashily Arcane vs an Average (+1) difficulty to create a spell Aspect on a target within one zone called Bedazzled! for one (1) scene or until all invocations are used. While the Aspect is active the target is partially blinded by brightly colored glittery spots of light that dance before their eyes; the target suffers a -2 penalty on all notice attempts and attacks that rely on sight. Anyone attacking or acting against the target may invoke this Aspect against the target to take advantage of their temporary blindness.
Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the
Simple Magic
Magical Spell Trapped On Paper, Faintly Magical (Abjuration)
Benefit: +4 to cast Shield.
Uses: [1]
Each usage box indicates a seperate use or application and each use expends a
usage box; when there are none left the item is expended.
or better to use.
Arcane Spell (Evocation), Force
Create advantage while Carefully Arcane vs an Average (+1) difficulty to apply the spell Aspect Magic Shield to myself. While this Aspect is active I reduce damage from physical and magical attacks by one (1). This Aspect may also be invoked to offer protection when defending from physical or magical harm.
Magical Spell Trapped On Paper, Faintly Magical (Transmutation)
Benefit: +2 to cast Slow.
Uses: [1]
Each usage box indicates a seperate use or application and each use expends a
usage box; when there are none left the item is expended.
or better to use.
Arcane Spell (Transmutation), Debuff
Create advantage while Cleverly Arcane vs an Average (+1) difficulty on a target that I can detect within two (2) zones. If I am successful I attach the spell Aspect Soooooo Sloooooow! to the target. While this Aspect is active the target can move one (1) fewer zones per exchange and cannot move a zone and attack.
Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the
Simple Magic
Magical Spell Trapped On Paper, Faintly Magical (Transmutation)
Benefit: +2 to cast Water Breathing.
Uses: [1]
Each usage box indicates a seperate use or application and each use expends a
usage box; when there are none left the item is expended.
or better to use.
Arcane Spell (Transmutation), Buff
Create advantage while Quickly Arcane to apply the spell Aspect Magical Water Breathing to myself. I may invoke this Aspect to breathe underwater for a scene.
Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the
Simple Magic