An Outsider is at least partially composed of the essence (but not necessarily the
material) of some plane other than the Material Plane. Some creatures start out
as some other type and become Outsiders when they attain a higher (or lower) state
of spiritual existence. Unlike most other living creatures, an Outsider does not
have a soul separate from its body.
Summoning Difficulty: +13
Large Maggoty Mess, Chaotic Spawn, Outsider
Good At: Throwing My Disgusting Bulk Around: (+4)
Bad At: Sentience (-4)
Stress [1][2][3]
Mild (2)
Darkvision: Because I have Darkvision I can see perfectly in total darkness.
Sharp Senses: Because I have sharp senses that alert me to nearby threats, I gain +2 to notice anything moving in my zone or an adjacent zone.
Demonic Durability: Because my demonic nature makes me much more durable than normal, I reduce by two (2) all stress inflicted on me by physical attacks. However this does not work against magic, cold iron, or weapons blessed by a benign deity.
Demonic Immunity (-3): Because of my demonic nature, I am immune to electricity, fire, disease, and poison. However, positive energy inflicts 2 extra shifts of stress against me.
Immune To Mind-Affecting: Because I am immune to mind-affecting abilities, I am unaffected by any malign effect that relies on mental coersion or disorientation.
Maggot Spray: Once per session, I may spew maggots at a single target in my zone. I gain +4 to create advantage and if successful I attach the situational Aspect Sickened on the target; the difficulty to overcome this Aspect if it is applied is Fantastic (+6).
Summoning Difficulty: +14
Murderously Lethal, Outsider
Babaus obsess over the act of killing and take great pride in their grisly art,
often leaving behind some form of grim marker or obscure signature, whether it be
a distinctive modus operandi, an unnerving token, or other profane evidence.
A babau typically carries a longspear or other weapon with which it can strike at
foes beyond its normal reach, but given the opportunity, a babau prefers to fight
with its teeth or claws. The foul, caustic sludge that constantly seeps from their
flesh prevents them from wearing armor unless it is specially treated or resistant
to acid.
A babau is 6 feet tall but weighs only 140 pounds. They form from mortal souls of
lone killers—those who, in life, took pleasure in more personal and intimate murders.
Loosed upon the Material Plane, a babau often finds itself in the same role, haunting
the shadowy corners of the world as remorseless assassins.
Infernal Soldier, Outsider
Good At: Combatives (+3), Focused (+3)
Bad At: Resisting Divine (-2), Careful (-2), Clever (-2), Sneaky (-2)
Hits: [1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1]
This seething devil deftly wields a vicious, saw-toothed glaive, while below its toothy maw writhes a hideous, twitching beard.
Barbazu are warrior devils, good at fighting and not much else.
A barbazu typically carries a glaive or other weapon with which it can strike at
foes beyond its normal reach, but given the opportunity a barbazu will pull a foe close and impale them upon
their spiny beards.
A babau is around 6 to 7 feet tall and weighs over 200 pounds. They are quite ugly and fierce looking.
Diabolic Durability: Because my infernal nature makes me much more durable than normal, I reduce by two (2) all stress inflicted on me by physical attacks. However this does not work against magic, cold iron, or weapons blessed by a benign deity.
Diabolic Immunity (-3): Because of my infernal nature, I am immune to electricity, fire, disease, and poison. However, positive energy inflicts two (2) extra shifts of stress against me.
Floating Orb Of Teeth, Outsider
Good At: Chomping (+2), Making Soul Gems (+2)
Bad At: Rational Behavior (-2)
Hits: [1][1][1][1]
Treat each Cacodaemon as a seperate mook, not as a mob.
Detect Good: Because I am sensitive to ethical and moral propensities, I am able to sense strong concentrations of virtue and goodness in individuals, objects, and areas from six (6) zones away even if the source in not detectable to my other senses. Additionally, I gain +2 to notice relevant concentrations of goodness while Focused.
Demonic Durability: Because my demonic nature makes me much more durable than normal, I reduce by two (2) all stress inflicted on me by physical attacks. However this does not work against magic, cold iron, or weapons blessed by a benign deity.
Demonic Immunity (-3): Because of my demonic nature, I am immune to electricity, fire, disease, and poison. However, positive energy inflicts 2 extra shifts of stress against me.
Diseased Bite: Because I can infect those I bite with a disease, if I bite someone and inflict a Moderate consequence, I can force it to be called Got The Shakes! or Filth Fever!. If I instead inflict a Severe consequence, I can force it to be called Red Ache! or Leprosy!. The same person can only be affected by this ability once per scene.
Drown It!, Outsider, Aquatic
Good At: Wreaking Havok (+2), Evading Attacks (+2), Minor Magical Tricks (+2)
Hits: [1][1][1][1]
Treat each Gremlin as a seperate mook, not as a mob.
Drowners of sailors and sinkers of ships, a fuath (FOO-ah) is a wicked gremlin found in the sea. It climbs aboard ships in the dead of night to sever ropes, bore holes in barrels, soil provisions, and murder any hapless crew it puts to sleep or catches alone. It delights in drowning creatures by surrounding them with magically thickened water, cackling with wicked glee as its victims claw desperately for the air only inches from their mouths.
Congeal Water (-2): Because I have a special magical ability, once per session I gain +4 to create advantage to attach the spell Aspect Trapped In A Bubble Of Congealed Water on an opponent in my zone or an adjacent zone. If I succeed, the target cannot breath and will begin to drown, taking one (1) stress at the beginning of each of their turns. The spell Aspect can be removed by overcoming a Fantastic (+6) difficulty; the difficulty is reduced by (-1) while being Forcefully Focused.
Vulnerability To Sunlight (+1): Because I am vulnerable to bright light, I suffer -1 to all 4dF resolutions while exposed to sunlight or other intense light. If exposed to sunlight for more than an hour, my [1] stress box is considered to be checked at all times; I recover from this after being in darkness for at least an hour.
Vulnerable To Heat and Flames (+1): Because I am vulnerable to heat and flames, I suffer one (1) additional stress from all heat or fire based attacks.
Physically Weak (+2): Because I am physically very weak, I suffer -4 to all 4dF resolutions that involve lifting or moving physical objects or applying physical force.
Summoning Difficulty: +15
Swift And Cunning Hunter, Always Alert, Flaming Fury, Outsider
Good At: Burning Things (+3), Noticing Things (+1), Tooth And Claw (+2)
Bad At: Resisting Cold (-4)
Stress [1][2][3]
Mild (2)
Do not treat as a mob. Hellhounds fight together as a pack, but using individual tactics to herd, flank, and outmaneuver prey.
Darkvision: Because I have Darkvision I can see perfectly in total darkness.
Relentless Tracker: Because I am so good at tracking my prey, I get +2 when I create advantage or overcome challenges related to tracking things down in wilderness settings.
Diabolic Durability: Because my infernal nature makes me much more durable than normal, I reduce by two (2) all stress inflicted on me by physical attacks. However this does not work against magic, cold iron, or weapons blessed by a benign deity.
Diabolic Immunity (-3): Because of my infernal nature, I am immune to electricity, fire, disease, and poison. However, positive energy inflicts two (2) extra shifts of stress against me.
Breath Of Infernal Flame (-2): Because of my infernal nature twice per conflict I may breathe a cone of fire, gaining +2
to attack one or more targets in my zone and one adjacent zone. If I split my shifts
between multiple targets each target suffers a -2 penalty to defend against this
Mindless Drone, The Least of Devils, Outsider
Good At: Clumsily Attacking (+2), Being Disgusting (+2)
Bad At: Independent Thought (-8)
Hits: [1][1][1]
Lemures are not very powerful, but they can take a hit. Treat Lemures as a mob, adding +3 stress per additional Lemure.
Darkvision: Because I have Darkvision I can see perfectly in total darkness.
Diabolic Durability: Because my infernal nature makes me much more durable than normal, I reduce by two (2) all stress inflicted on me by physical attacks. However this does not work against magic, cold iron, or weapons blessed by a benign deity.
Diabolic Immunity (-3): Because of my infernal nature, I am immune to electricity, fire, disease, and poison. However, positive energy inflicts two (2) extra shifts of stress against me.
Mindless Drone, The Least of Devils, Outsider
Good At: Poking Things With A Spear (+2), Being Disgusting (+2)
Bad At: Independent Thought (-8)
Hits: [1][1][1]
Nupperibos are not very powerful, but they can take a hit. Treat Nupperibos as a mob, adding +3 stress per additional Nupperibo.
Darkvision: Because I have Darkvision I can see perfectly in total darkness.
Diabolic Durability: Because my infernal nature makes me much more durable than normal, I reduce by two (2) all stress inflicted on me by physical attacks. However this does not work against magic, cold iron, or weapons blessed by a benign deity.
Diabolic Immunity (-3): Because of my infernal nature, I am immune to electricity, fire, disease, and poison. However, positive energy inflicts two (2) extra shifts of stress against me.
Wreck It!, Dervish of Destruction, Outsider
Good At: Wreaking Havok (+4), Evading Attacks (+2)
Bad At: Being Calm (-2), Rational Behavior (-2), Defending Against Holy (-2)
Hits: [1][1]
Treat each Pugwampi as a seperate mook, not as a mob.
Summoning Difficulty: +16
Swift And Cunning Hunter, What Lurks In Yonder Shadow, Outsider
Good At: Lurking (+2), Noticing Things (+2), Tooth And Claw (+4)
Bad At: In Bright Light (-2)
Stress [1][2][3]
Mild (2)
Do not treat as a mob. Shadow Mastiffs fight together as a pack, but using individual tactics to herd, flank, and outmaneuver prey.
Although shaped like a dog, this muscular creature has a coat that drinks up the light, drawing shadows in around it. Its maw is full of sharp teeth, and a wisp of shadow drips from its writhing tongue.
Darkvision: Because I have Darkvision I can see perfectly in total darkness.
Relentless Tracker: Because I am so good at tracking my prey, I get +2 when I create advantage or overcome challenges related to tracking things down in wilderness settings.
Lurker In Shadows (-2): Because I am really good at lurking in shadows, either due to skill or a magical ability, I gain +1 to all of my actions while I am cloaked in a reasonable amount of shadow or darkness.
Terrifying Sound: Because I am able to make a terrifying sound, I gain +1 when attempting to frighten or demoralize while doing so. Alternately, once per scene if I move a zone and attack I may also attempt to create advantage to frighten or demoralize everyone in the same zone as my target as a free action by making my scary sound simultaneously with my attack.