Summoning Difficulty: +13
Darkvision: Because I have Darkvision I can see perfectly in total darkness.
Resistances: Because I am a freakish aberration, I reduce stress inflicted on me by fire and acid damage by two (2).
Revolting Aura: Because I am a both visually and odoriferously revolting aberration, I gain +4 to create advantage as a free action against all other non-aberrations in my zone at the beginning of each exchange, and on those entering my zone, and on those whose zone I enter to add the situational Aspect Sickened to each affected target. Targets can defend against this while Focused or if they have Combative +3 or higher they may use Combative instead. A given target can only be targeted by this ability once per conflict.
Hurl Offspring: Because I grow disgusting symbiotic offspring on my back,
I gain +4 to attack a target in my zone or an adjacent zone by throwing one of my
offspring at them. If successful instead of doing damage immediately I attach one
of my offspring to the target, and my offspring will start attacking the target
on its own. See Bogwid Spawn profile for details.
Carrier Of Bogwid Fever, Blood Sucking Parasite
Good At: Latching On To Victim (+4), Sucking Blood From Victim (+4)
Bad At: Resisting Edged Weapons (-2), Doing Anything Other Than Sucking Blood From Victim (-4)
Hits: [1][1]
Attached Damage: Because I latch on to my victim and am hard to get rid of, when I am latched on and someone attacks me while not being Careful, half of the damage inflicted on me is inflicted on my victim as well.