Arcane Senses: Because I have developed my arcane senses to impressive heights, I may use Arcane instead of Focused to notice or perceive things and I can sense things that require mystical awareness to detect.
or better to use.
Behold, The Globe Of Invulnerability (-2): Because I have mastered a potent magical discipline, when I am Carefully Arcane I can spend a Fate point to allow create an advantage to add the situational Aspect Globe Of Invulnerability with three (3) free invokes to myself for the remainder of the scene (and perhaps longer). I can add more invokes to this Aspect by being Carefully Arcane and creating an advantage against a difficulty of Great (+4). While this Aspect is available I can invoke it to use Carefully Arcane to defend against any kind of attack affecting me or the area immediately around me (including any allies). This Aspect can be overcome and removed by a character with Arcane, Divine, or Primal of +6 or higher opposed by a Wondrous (+10) difficulty.
or better to use.
Spell Turning: Because I am able to reflect magic to protect myself, once per scene if I am the target of an Arcane spell and I am aware of it I may overcome the same difficulty required to cast the spell while Cleverly Arcane; however I suffer a -2 penalty to my roll. If I am successful the spell has no effect on me and I turn the spell back upon its caster, against whom the spell has its full normal effect.
Prepared Caster (Arcane)
Because of my studies as a classically trained arcanist, each morning I may 'prepare'
a number of 'spells' equal to ((Careful + Clever) * Arcane).
To prepare a spell I roll 4dF against a Mediocre (+0) difficulty, adding a preparation
bonus equal to double my Arcane bonus.
I temporarily gain a new personal Aspect corresponding to the spell I prepared with
one invoke, and annotated with the margin of success.
Later during the day I may 'cast' a prepared spell by invoking its Aspect as an
action and resolving the spell using the previously rolled margin of success.
Using Spell Write-ups
If I am preparing a spell from a write-up that indicates an Approach be combined
with Arcane to cast the spell, with language such as 'while Cleverly Arcane', I
ignore the requirement and use my prepared bonus instead.
If I am preparing a spell from a write-up that states a particular difficulty level,
with language such as 'vs a Good (+3) difficulty)', the previously rolled margin
of success is applied against the stated difficulty when I 'cast' it; any remaining
shifts can be allocated per the
simple magic
It is possible for a spell resolution to fail if the margin of success is insufficient
to the difficulty or if I am opposed successfully. I can spend a Fate point at this
time to add +2 shifts to the margin of success.
Unfortunately due to my focus on prepared casting, I cannot free cast anything other
than simple arcane spells known as cantrips.
At my current level of arcane skill, I can prepare fifty six (56) spells per day,
and I gain a +14 preparation bonus when I do so.
Note: If a player chooses to play Amarzedrin, they should select spells for Amarzedrin's
spell book. With the GM's permission, the player could select enough spells to start
the game and retroactively add more to the list of known spells as they are thought
up until the GM and player agree that "enough" have been selected to flesh the Amarzedrin
Staff of Eldritch Forces (-2): Because I weild a Staff of Eldritch Forces, I may call upon its powerful magics to aid me in my adventures. See the Staff of Eldritch Forces write-up for details. The staff can be disarmed or temporarily taken from me and I am unable to use its abilities until I get it back.
Impressive Looking, Strongly Magical (Arcane)
or better to use.
Force Aura: Because the staff's powerful magics ward off attacks, I gain +1 to defend against all physical and magical attacks while brandishing the staff.
Focus Force: Because the staff's magics help me focus mystical energies into force effects, I gain +1 shift of effect when I successfully cast a spell that has a Force Aspect while brandishing the staff.
Disperse Force Construct: Because the staff's magics are specialized to this purpose, once per session I may remove a Force related situational Aspect (such as a Forcewall construct) from play. Alternately I may cancel an attack with a Force Aspect that targets me or something within one zone of me.
Amarzedrin no longer bothers himself with carrying around large amounts of filthy
lucre. He carries enough coin to pay for routine expenses as necessary, and maintains
a comfortable account with the Temple of Abadar for the bulk of his personal wealth.
Amarzedrin is often invited as an honored guest by magical academies and local personages
such as nobles and wealthy merchants as his reputation leaves many wishing to gain
his good will, or at least avoid drawing his ire. When forced to "rough it" on an
adventure, he uses an old spell that unlocks a doorway to a comfortably apointed
townhouse that exists in extra dimensional space. No more sleeping on unforgiving
ground for his aging bones!
Amarzedrin wears sturdy wizardly robes that conceal many little pockets over practical
pants, and fancy but comfortable boots. He prominently bears a potent and very old
magical staff he claimed as a prize from a dragon's horde. He also, of course, has
various wizardly accoutrements, ink, quills, paper, several spell books, and miscellaneous
material components.
Amarzedrin is a master Wizard, and his dedication to prepared casting makes him a
limited but potent spellcaster.
While Amarzedrin knows many spells, he can prepare up to fifty six (56) spells
to actually cast on any given day. Per the description of Prepared Casting, he gains
a +14 bonus to his preparation roll, making his limited selection of spells extremely powerful.
Note that Amarzedrin can still free cast cantrips.
Additionally, Amarzedrin can have up to seven (7) active spell Aspects in effect
at any given time. Following are just some of Amarzedrin's most frequently prepared
Arcane Spell (Evocation), Force
Hits: [1][1][1][1][1][1]
I may attack a target within two (2) zones with a bolt of pure arcane force. I may also attack targets further away with this spell, taking a -1 shift penalty for each additional two (2) zones between us. If I succeed with style I cannot reduce the stress to gain a boost, but if my target defends against this attack with style they do not get a boost either.
Arcane Spell (Transmutation), Buff
Hits: [1]
Create advantage vs an Average (+1) difficulty to create a spell Aspect on myself called Arcane Constitution for one (1) scene or until all invocations are used. While this Aspect is active I am more durable than I normally am. I may invoke this Aspect to absorb two (2) shifts of damage.
Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the
Simple Magic
Arcane Spell (Transmutation), Buff
Hits: [1]
Create advantage vs an Average (+1) difficulty to create a spell Aspect on myself called Arcane Intelligence for one (1) scene or until all invocations are used. While this Aspect is active my mind is sharper and I am smarter than I normally am. I may invoke this Aspect to grant myself +1 Clever for three (3) consecutive exchanges.
Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the
Simple Magic
Arcane Spell (Transmutation), Buff
Hits: [1][1][1]
Create advantage vs an Average (+1) difficulty to create a spell Aspect on myself called Arcane Speed for one (1) scene or until all invocations are used. While this Aspect is active I am faster than I normally am. I may invoke this Aspect to go first in an exchange or to move an extra zone and still attack, or invoke it twice to do both at the same time (this is an exception to the general rule about invoking an Aspect twice for the same action, as it does two different things when invoked in this way).
Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the
Simple Magic
Arcane Spell (Transmutation), Buff
Hits: [1]
Create advantage vs an Average (+1) difficulty to create a spell Aspect on myself called Arcane Strength for one (1) scene or until all invocations are used. While this Aspect is active I am much stronger than I normally am. I may invoke this Aspect to grant myself +1 Forceful for three (3) consecutive exchanges.
Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the
Simple Magic
Arcane Spell (Conjuration)
Hits: [1][1][1][1]
Create Advantage vs an Epic (+7) difficulty to attach the spell Aspect Black Tentacles! to a zone up to two zones away to summon a Black Tentacles construct and cause it to attempt to entangle all targets in the affected zone and also prevent entangled targets from leaving the affected zone. See the Black Tentacles servitor profile for details.
Servitors are explained in the
Simple Magic
Magical Tentacles, Negative, Zone, Immobile
Good At: Enervating Entanglement (+6)
Limitation: An immobile construct anchored to its zone.
Hits: [1][1][1][1][1][1][1]
Magical Construct: Reduce stress caused by all physical and magical damage by two (2) unless the stress is caused by something involving positive energy.
Arcane Spell (Enchantment), Mind-Affecting
Hits: [1][1]
Create advantage vs an Average (+1) difficulty to create a spell Aspect called Arcanely Charming on myself or a sentient target in my zone for one (1) scene or until all invocations are used.
While this Aspect is active the target of the spell Aspect adds +1 to their Roguish Archetype in all social encounters with other sentient beings. The spell Aspect may also be invoked to grant an additional +2 bonus to social actions for a single exchange.
Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the
Simple Magic
Arcane Spell (Conjuration), Teleportation
Hits: [1][1]
I may overcome to immediately teleport myself a short distance by overcoming a difficulty equal to the number of zones away the target is, +1. Thus to dimension door up to three (3) zones away would require me to overcome a Great (+4) difficulty, while five (5) zones would require me to overcome a Fantastic (+6) difficulty. When using this ability, I can not move a zone in the normal way, and if I fail the spell I go nowhere at all.
Arcane Spell (Transmutation), Destruction
Hits: [1][1][1][1]
I may attack a target within two (2) zones of me with disintegrating magics that literally eradicates the existence of my target.
I gain a +4 shift bonus to my attack roll and if I take the target out, they are completely destroyed. However if the target is not taken out, this attack has no effect at all.
Arcane Spell (Abjuration), Dispel
Hits: [1][1][1][1][1]
Dispelling magic is handled using the overcome action.
Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the
Simple Magic
Arcane Spell (Evocation), Fire
Hits: [1][1][1]
I may attack and split shifts between multiple targets in my zone. If I do split shifts between multiple targets the targets each suffer a 1 shift penalty to defend against my attack. For any target that I succeed with style against I must reduce the stress against the target by one (1) to get a boost which is automatically upgraded to the situational Aspect On Fire with two (2) invokes, which is attached to the target. This Aspect is automatically invoked at the beginning of subsequent exchanges to inflict two (2) stress to the target from fire per invoke. It is a Fair (+2) difficulty to remove this Aspect.
Arcane Spell (Transmutation), Buff
Hits: [1][1][1]
Create advantage vs a Fair (+2) difficulty to create a spell Aspect on myself called At-Will Flight for one (1) scene or until all invocations are used. While this Aspect is active I can fly at will. While flying I am unaffected by obstacles that I can reasonably fly over, and I can hover out of easy reach of the ground thus frustrating melee attackers. Additionally when moving one or more (1+) zones I may move one (1) additional zone. I may invoke this Aspect to move one (1) additional zone or to gain a +2 bonus to overcome obstacles to my movement.
Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the
Simple Magic
Arcane Spell (Evocation), Force
Hits: [1][1][1][1]
Create Advantage vs an Epic (+7) difficulty to attach the spell Aspect Forcewall to a zone up to two zones away to summon a Forcewall construct and cause it to attempt to bar all movement and block all physical attacks and most magical attacks across it. All attacks attempted across the wall attack the wall instead. See the Forcewall servitor profile for details.
Servitors are explained in the
Simple Magic
Transparent Magical Wall, Force, Zone, Immobile
Good At: Absorbing damage; the Forcewall has 20 hits by default, and when cast extra successes can be used to add extra hit boxes at a 1:1 ratio.
Limitation: An immobile wall anchored to its zone that takes no actions
Hits: [1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1][1]
Magical Construct: Reduce stress caused by all physical and magical damage inflicted against the wall by four (4) unless the stress is caused by something involving arcane force.
A Forcewall bars passage, even against most magical effects and is even effective
against incorporeal things; however it does not bar teleportation. All attacks made
'through' the Forcewall are blocked by and applied to the Forcewall. Do not roll
to actively defend against physical attacks; instead just reduce damage as indicated
in the write-up.
Arcane Spell (Evocation), Cold
Hits: [1]
Create Advantage vs a Superb (+5) difficulty to attach the spell Aspect Icewall to a zone up to two zones away to summon an Icewall construct and cause it to attempt to bar all movement and block all physical attacks and most magical attacks across it. All attacks attempted across the wall attack the wall instead. See the Icewall servitor profile for details.
Servitors are explained in the
Simple Magic
Transparent Magical Wall, Cold, Immobile
Good At: Numbing Cold (+3), Semi-Opaque (+1)
Limitation: An immobile wall anchored to its zone that takes no actions
Hits: [1][1][1][1][1][1][1]
Ice Screen: Reduce all physical damage inflicted against the wall by two (2) unless the stress is caused by something involving heat or fire
While it takes no overt actions, the icewall 'attacks' and creates advantage against
anything touching it via the extreme numbing cold it emanates. Do not roll to actively
defend against physical attacks; instead just reduce damage as indicated in the
Arcane Spell (Illusion), Invisibility
Hits: [1][1][1]
Create advantage vs a Good (+3) difficulty to create a spell Aspect on myself called Invisible for one (1) scene or until all invocations are used. While the Aspect is in play, I cannot be seen by normal senses. I may invoke the Aspect to gain a bonus on an action where being invisible helps me succeed, such as attacking an unaware opponent. The spell Aspect can be temporarily neutralized by those with unusual senses or magic or special items creating an applicable advantage; the ability or item will generally specify how it works or what the difficulty is. The spell Aspect can also be overcome and thus removed by some abilities that explicitly counter invisibility or dispel magic in which case the difficulty is determined as normal per the simple magic guidelines.
Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the
Simple Magic
Arcane Spell (Evocation), Force
Hits: [1][1]
Create advantage vs an Average (+1) difficulty to apply the spell Aspect Mage Armor to myself for a scene or until all invocations are used.
While this Aspect is active I can justify using Arcane to defend against physical attacks.
This Aspect may also be invoked to offer protection when defending from physical or magical harm.
Arcane Spell (Conjuration)
Hits: [1][1]
Summoning magic is handled using the servitor guidelines.
Servitors are explained in the
Simple Magic
Arcane Spell (Abjuration), Ward
Hits: [1][1]
Create advantage vs a Legendary (+8) difficulty to apply the spell Aspect Greater Protective Ward to myself or someone else in my zone. While this Aspect is active the person it is attached to can justify defend or overcome actions taken against all harmful magical abilities targeting them and gains +4 when attempting to do so. This Aspect may also be invoked to offer further protection when defending from physical or magical abilities. The Aspect lasts for a scene or until no invokes remain.
Overcoming Spell Aspects is explained in the
Simple Magic
Arcane Spell (Evocation), Force
Hits: [1][1][1][1]
Create advantage vs an Average (+1) difficulty to apply the spell Aspect Magic Shield to myself. While this Aspect is active I reduce damage from physical and magical attacks by one (1). This Aspect may also be invoked to offer protection when defending from physical or magical harm.
Arcane Spell (Conjuration), Teleportation
Hits: [1][1]
I may overcome to immediately teleport myself out of the scene by overcoming a Fantastic (+6) difficulty. My range is limited to somewhere within approximately fifty (50) miles of my current location. When using this ability I can not move a zone in the normal way, and if I fail the spell I go nowhere at all. I cannot cast this spell while engaged in a conflict. I can use extra shifts on a one to one basis to carry willing travelers who share my zone with me when I teleport.
Arcane Spell (Conjuration), Teleportation
Hits: [1]
I may overcome |while Cleverly Arcane| to immediately teleport myself out of the scene by overcoming a Legendary (+8) difficulty. My range is limited to somewhere within approximately five hundred (500) miles of my current location. When using this ability I can not move a zone in the normal way, and if I fail the spell I go nowhere at all. I cannot cast this spell while engaged in a conflict. I can use extra shifts on a one to one basis to carry willing travelers who share my zone with me when I teleport.