Note: though presented as an opponent, Dialla is equivalent to a player character
and could be used as a pregenerated player character.
Dialla is wearing her gear, and has a pouch with around 30 gp in mixed coinage.
She spent most of her funds on her mission of vengeance and to secure passage on
the Wanton Ways. She does however have one remaining potion of healing.
Potion In A Flask, Faintly Magical (Healing)
Benefit: A character may drink the potion as an action to 'cast' the spell Heal on themselves. Treat this as if the overcome attempt succeeded with four (4) shifts of effect.
Uses: [1]
Each usage box indicates a seperate use or application and each use expends a
usage box; when there are none left the item is expended.
Divine Spell (Healing)
While Carefully Divine I may attempt to clear a specific stress box or consequence by overcoming a difficulty equal to the numerical value of the stress box or Consequence.