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Skip Navigation LinksHigh Fantasy HERO>Content>Campaign Guidelines>Arms & Armament Variant>Weapons>Traits
Killer Shrike's Arms & Armament Variant


Weapon Categories Weapon Traits Weapon List Weapon Chart
To add some flavor to different types of weapons, a variant of the Bashing, Slashing, and Piercing Damage rules on pg 177 Special Maneuvers for Weapons rules on pg 188 of Fantasy HERO will be used in my campaigns, as described below.
Weapons are described by determining what Category it belongs to, and then attaching various Traits and Flaws to model the Weapons behavior. This is an open ended system, and allows for a wide variety of different Weapons.
Traits come in two types; Basic and Advanced. Basic Traits describe the basic functions of a Weapon, while Advanced Traits represent more specialized abilities. On the other hand, Flaws represent drawbacks inherent in a weapons design.
Killing Does Killing damage; this is the default damage type in Fantasy HERO
Normal Does normal damage; will always be noted in Fantasy HERO
Hacking Treat 1's rolled for damage as 2's
Overturning +1" of Stretching; may Set vs. Charge and Unhorse, -2 to Conceal
Hooked May be used with Grab, +1 OCV with Grab, +3 STR with Grab
Hafted May Sweep without DCV Penalty; +2 OCV with Block; Two-handed, -2 to Conceal
Sweeping +2 OCV with Sweep vs Multiple Targets
Stabbing If Attack roll made by 4 or more, Attack is Double Penetrating *
Cleaving If Attack roll made by 4 or more, Attack is Double Armor Piercing *
Tripping May perform the Legweep and/or Trip Maneuvers as appropriate
Choking May perform the Martial Choke Maneuver even if lacking the Maneuver
Balanced +1 OCV with Disarm, Block, May be Used 1 Handed
Hand-and-a-Half May be wielded 1 handed as a weapon 1 size category smaller but at -1 OCV; +1 to Conceal
Inset traits can't be combined with a parent element; thus a weapon can't be Bashing and Crushing.
Bashing $# +1 STUN Multiple or +3 STUN; +1 damage per die  vs. Plate & Scale Armors (up to the total DEF of the armor); -1 OCV to Hit
Crushing $#
+2 STUN Multiple or +6 STUN; +2 damage per die  vs. Plate & Scale Armors (up to the total DEF of the armor); -2 OCV to Hit
Slashing +2 DC vs. Opponents with no Resistant Defense or wearing Leather, Cloth, or Wood Armors; -1pip of damage per die vs. Plate Armors
+3 DC vs. Opponents with no Resistant Defense or wearing Leather, Cloth, or Wood Armors; -2 damage per die vs. Plate Armors
Piercing $ +1 OCV to hit; +1 damage per die vs. Chain Armors (up to the total DEF of the armor); -1 OCV to Block with
Puncturing $
+2 OCV to hit; +2 damage per die vs. Chain Armors (up to the total DEF of the armor); -2 OCV to Block with
Launcher Ranged (# of hexes); requires a Launcher and Ammunition to function; not usable in HtH. Launchers always require (at least) two hands to use effectively.
Lobbed May be thrown; Range Based On Strength; unaerodynamic


May be thrown; Range Based On Strength
May be thrown; Range Based On Strength; If Attack Roll is made by 2 or more, attack is Penetrating x2 *; Ultra Light only
Long 1" of Stretching; Two-Handed
2" of Stretching; -2 to Conceal, Two-Handed
Flexible +1 OCV vs. Block or Missile Deflection attempts; +2 to Conceal
May be used to Grab 2 limbs or if also Long to Swing as per the Power Swinging, +2 OCV vs. Block or Missile Deflection attempts; +4 to Conceal
Fast +1 Lightning Reflexes with self
+3 Lightning Reflexes with self
Sturdy +3 DEF to resist Breaking
+5 DEF to resist Breaking
Disarming +1 OCV with Disarm
+2 OCV with Disarm
Breaker +1D6 Damage Only to Break another Weapon; only vs. Weapons up to 1 size Category greater
+2D6 Damage Only to Break another Weapon; only vs. Weapons of up to 1 size Category greater
Flaming +1d6 Energy Killing Damage (Fire)
+1d6 Energy Killing Damage (Fire); 0 END Continuous Uncontrolled , Sticky (Extinguishing Fire Ends effect)
Two-Handed Requires two hands to use, -2 to Conceal (do not apply to weapons that are listed as 2-Handed by their size, it is already factored in)
Crew Served (#) Requires (#) people to use
Slow Full Phase, Delayed Phase
Extra Segment (like a Haymaker)
Readied Takes 1/2 Phase Action to Load/Ready weapon
Takes Full Phase Action to Load/Ready weapon
Unwieldy -1 OCV to wield
-2 OCV to wield
Mounted -5 to STR Minima when used Mounted; +5 to STR Minima when not used Mounted
Breakable Only good for 1d6 uses; -3 DEF to resist Breaking (minimum of 1 DEF)


Only good for 1d3 uses; -5 DEF to resist Breaking (minimum of 1 DEF)
Only good for 1 use; -5 DEF to resist Breaking (minimum of 1 DEF)
* - Do not refigure DC's or STR damage; apply advantage to total dice of effect.
$ - +X per die modifiers cannot exceed maximum damage possible on dice of effect.
# - +X STUN on Normal damage Weapons cannot exceed maximum STUN possible on dice of effect.