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Skip Navigation LinksHigh Fantasy HERO>Content>Campaign Guidelines>Arms & Armament Variant>Defenses>Types
Killer Shrike's Arms & Armament Variant


Armor Categories Armor Types
The following chart displays the Types of Armor used in this variant, and special Traits of each.
Cloth +1 DEF vs. Falling Damage, Destroyed by Fire
Leather Double DEF vs. Fire and Explosions (For Wearer Only)
Bone Rigid (protects vs. some forms of Nerve Strike), Shatterable (-1 DEF vs Bashing / Crushing)
Wood Rigid (protects vs. some forms of Nerve Strike), Choppable (-1 DEF vs Slashing / Slicing)
Scale Reduce DCV Penalty by -1
Chain Reduce DEX Penalty by -1
Plate Rigid (protects vs. some forms of Nerve Strike)
The following chart displays the common Armors available in the campaign by Category and Type.
Heavy Cloth 1 LIGHT Cloth 8 lbs
Soft Leather 1 LIGHT Cloth 10 lbs
Padded Cloth 2 LIGHT Cloth 10 lbs
Tribal Bone 2 LIGHT Bone 10 lbs
Tribal Wood 3 LIGHT Wood 12 lbs
Cord 2 LIGHT Cloth 12 lbs
Leather & Hide 2 LIGHT Leather 12 lbs
Hides 2 LIGHT Cloth 12 lbs
Heavy Hides 3 LIGHT Cloth 15 lbs
Leather 3 LIGHT Leather 15 lbs
Heavy Leather 4 MEDIUM Leather 18 lbs
Studded Hides 4 MEDIUM Cloth 20 lbs
Studded Leather 4 MEDIUM Leather 22 lbs
Brigandine 4 MEDIUM Scale 22 lbs
Heavy Studded Hides 5 MEDIUM Cloth 25 lbs
Heavy Studded Leather 5 MEDIUM Leather 25 lbs
Ring Armor 5 MEDIUM Chain 28 lbs
Splint Armor 5 MEDIUM Scale 28 lbs
Lamellar Armor 5 MEDIUM Scale 28 lbs
Banded Armor 6 MEDIUM Scale 42 lbs
Chainmail 6 MEDIUM Chain 42 lbs
Heavy Banded Armor 7 HEAVY Scale 58 lbs
Heavy Chainmail 7 HEAVY Chain 58 lbs
Bar Mail 7 HEAVY Chain 58 lbs
Plate & Chain 7 HEAVY Chain 58 lbs
Field Plate 7 HEAVY Plate 58 lbs
Rock Armor 7 HEAVY Plate; not metal 90 lbs
Heavy Field Plate 8 HEAVY Plate 70 lbs
Full Plate 8 HEAVY Plate; +3 PRE 80 lbs
Ornate Full Plate 8 HEAVY Plate; +8 PRE 90 lbs
Heavy Full Plate 9 HEAVY Plate; +5 PRE 90 lbs
Ornate Heavy Full Plate 9 HEAVY Plate; +8 PRE 100 lbs