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Skip Navigation LinksHigh Fantasy HERO>Content>Shrike High Fantasy>World of Generica Paradigm
World of Generica
This paradigm represents a generic High Fantasy implementation with all the basic tropes of the subgenre. While at its most basic this paradigm should be very familiar to players and GM's alike, it can be expanded in a variety of directions making it a powerful starting point for a campaign.
A primary distinguishing factor of the World of Generica is the prevalence of Magic not only for Magic Users, but for non Magic Users in the form of plentiful Magic Items. Further Magic is very reliable, and is generally at least as useful in a combat situation as a weapon would be. Magic Users are often dangerously powerful.
However, non-magical extraordinary abilities are also common and non Magic Users are competitively competent and capable, particularly at higher power levels. While a powerful Magic User might be able to level mountains, a powerful Warrior might be able to slay mighty beasts or take on entire armies singlehandedly and so forth.
High Fantasy is most often found in role-playing; the most prevalent example is most of the various D&D settings such as Greyhawk, Forgotten Realms, Planescape, Ebberon, and so forth. Competing or derivative products such as World of Warcraft, Everquest, Earthdawn, Lodoss, Exalted, and Battlechasers can fall into this category as well with some minor modification. A few recent literary forays into the realms of High Fantasy include the Wheel of Time series by Jordan, and the Rune Lords series by Farland.
In the World of Generica Magic is a steady, reliable, pervasive force. It can be counted on, and almost always works. Using Magic is not usually unduly difficult or straining on a Magic User, though their ability to cast Magic over a particular period of time might be finite. However, there are a number of competing Magic Systems in use in the World of Generica, and each has its pros and cons. It is even possible for an individual to practice more than one Magic System, though it is usually inefficient to do so.
Despite the prevalence of Magic in this paradigm, characters that don't use Magic are still generally very capable and powerful. While Magic Users have open ended capabilities via their Magic System, non Magic Users usually have abilities that are conceptually "skills" or other forms of learned or trained ability, but which are expressed as either Power Constructs or expensive implementations of Skills and Talents beyond the norm.
So for example a "Rogue" style character might be so skilled at Stealth that they are effectively invisible to a degree that violates common sense, while a "Fighter" style character might be so skilled and durable that he is effectively invincible by normal foes in a way that is clearly not realistic, but which is entirely appropriate to the subgenre.
The following options are assumed to be in effect for the World of Generica paradigm.
Option Selected Option
No Formal Race Package or NCM   X Formal Race Package with NCM
END Cost = Active Points / 10 X   END Cost = Active Points / 5
Knockback X   Knockdown
Generalized Damage X   Hit Location Damage
No Long Term Damage X   Injury & Impairment Damage
Literacy Standard   X Literacy Not Standard
Super Skills Available X   No Super Skills Available
Combat Luck Allowed X   No Combat Luck Allowed
No Deadly Blow Allowed   X Deadly Blow Allowed
No Armor Proficiency   X Armor Proficiency
No Skill Maxima X   Skill Maxima
No STR Minima   X STR Minima
Equipment Costs Points   X Equipment Doesn't Cost Points
Bases & Vehicles Cost Points   X Bases & Vehicles Don't Cost Points
Followers Cost Points   X Follower Don't Cost Points
Superheroic CSL Conversion X   Heroic CSL Conversion
No Encumbrance   X Encumbrance
No Long Term Endurance   X Long Term Endurance
Normal Damage Default   X Killing Damage Default
World of Generica characters get hurt with some frequency at the lower power levels, less so at higher power levels. Regardless, Magical Healing is usually fairly accessible, and characters often have the Rapid Healing Talent. 
It is assumed that new characters in this paradigm start with 75 Base Points and up to 50 points from Disadvantages. This value can be altered by the GM at will.
This paradigm is expected to explode on the higher end of the point scale. A GM can easily kick start the campaign to a higher level of play by granting large chunks of Experience to characters to represent their status as veteran adventurers when the campaign starts. Similarly the GM could downscale the characters to represent that they are somewhat green when the campaign starts
The following chart vaguely indicates relative status levels by adjusted character points. The status titles are not intended to have any literal meaning; they are just intended to give an idea of the status of a character with that many character points.
Relative Status Base Max Disadvantage Points Starting Experience Max Starting Total Points
Sheltered Neophyte 50 25 0 75
Neophyte 50 50 0 100
*Youngblood 75 50 0 125
Seasoned Youngblood 75 50 25 150
Veteran 75 50 50 175
Seasoned Veteran 75 50 75 200
Hero 75 50 125 250
Champion 75 75 150 300
Famous 75 75 200 350
Legend 75 100 225+ 400+
* Assumed Default
Many different Races are appropriate to High Fantasy, but for purposes of convenience it is assumed that the following classic fantasy Races exist and are available for play as PC's in the World of Generica paradigm. Note that individual GM's might add or remove Races, branch Races in to multiple subtypes, and that they might keep some or all of the listed Races but with a different Race Package.
Default Assumptions
Human (Skilled) Human (Athletic) Half Elf Half Orc
Elven Blooded Elf Wood Elf Gnome
Hill Dwarf Mountain Dwarf Tallfellow Halfling Hairfoot Halfling
Goblin Orc Lizardman  
Numerous Magic Systems are appropriate to the World of Generica; also many Magic Systems can be mixed and matched to good effect as well. The following Magic Systems are assumed to exist in the World of Generica, but individual GM's might add more or take some away as they see fit.
Default Assumptions
Wizardry Sorcery Elementalism
Stoburu Runecrafting Magecrafting Aeldenaren
The Psionics System described on this site is usable in its entirety in the World of Generica.
Characters can have "super skills", generally called "Heroic Knacks" or "Combat Tricks", or "Feats", etc. Such abilities can take many forms, and represent a significant means for characters (particularly non Magic Users) to distinguish themselves. The GM exercises veto privileges over all such abilities.
Fighting Styles, both formal and informal, armed and unarmed, are available in the World of Generica. The GM exercises veto privileges over Martial Arts Packages, Damage Classes, and so forth.
A very broad variety of Profession are appropriate to High Fantasy. In general High Fantasy Professions tend to be very powerful, with individual characters being quite competent. While all manner of Professions are likely to fit well in a High Fantasy campaign, the following Professions are assumed to exist in this Paradigm. This list can be expanded or modified by individual GM's as they see fit.
Default Assumptions
Warriors Rogues Wizards Clerics
Bards Druids Pugilists Psionicists
Sorcerers Elementalists Stregarans Magicians
Aeldenaren Runecrafters Stoburans