The basic model of Stoburu can be easily altered or expanded upon for a number of
uses with minimal effort.
One way to alter this Magic System is to make it topical, such as limiting effects
around types of items. This is really just a matter of the GM sitting down and making
high level declarations of what sort of effects may go in which sort of items. Any
axis could be chosen as a limiting factor to suit preferences. For instance, it
could be done by Active Points, Power types, an arbitrary hierarchy or cultural
requirement, or whatever is appropriate.
Example 1: Bob the GM likes the mechanical model laid out in this document
but wants to focus the system around Staves in particular and wants to narrow the
focus over all to Staves, Wands, and Rings. He creates the adjoing chart defining
AP caps based upon types of item.
Example 2: Joe the GM wants to impose some structure about what kind of effects
can appear in what kind of items. He creates the adjoing chart indicating his preferences.
Weapons, Wands, Jewelry
Jewelry, Garments
Jewelry, Footware
Special / Stop
Sign Powers
Not Allowed
Example 3: Harry the GM defines an elaborate secret Order of "Wizards" for
his setting that uses Stoburu more or less as is for the root mechanics. Harry has
written up a detailed background of this Order describing its history and
organization. As part of this effort he has specified various ranks and roles (driven
by Perks).
Harry has decided that specific types of items carry certain values as status symbols
for ranks and roles, and also carry traditional significance. Accordingly he arbitrary
dictates guidelines about what sorts of items these practitioners can make across
the course of their "careers" and places AP caps upon them tied to ranks as illustrated
in the adjoining chart.
Apprentice can make, 30 AP cap,
each higher rank allows 30 more AP
Lesser Ring or Wand
Journeymen can make, 30 AP cap
Ring or Wand
Master can make, 45 AP cap
Ring of Power
Archmaster can make, 60 AP cap
Wand of Power
Archmaster can make, 60 AP cap
Apprentices can make, 15 AP cap,
each higher rank allows 15 more AP
Masters can make, 45 AP cap,
each higher rank allows 30 more AP
Weapon (non-staff)
Only members of elite Archon role; 60 AP cap,
each higher rank above Master allows 30 more AP
Misc Items
Any rank or role, with a 10 AP cap per rank
Stoburu is simply a label; you can always change the name of the Magic System from
Stoburu to something else as you prefer, or have several groups of Magic Users based
on this mechanic but with social or "flavor" differences and different
Example: Bob the GM calls Stoburu "Resomancy" in his campaigns, while Joe
the GM calls it "Fabricosa" in his, and Harry just uses the general term "Wizard"
since his campaign does not already use that term to refer to something else.
Another excellent method for altering the feel of this type of Magic is to create
custom Package Deals that are tied directly into a setting.
Example: Harry the GM designs custom Package Deals defining each rank and role
of an elaborate Order of Wizards, using Stoburu's root mechanics. These Packages
include setting appropriate and related skills, perks, and details that help to fully describe
the concept he is going for.