Sample Derwydd:
Grimnir Norvison |
VARIANT: Spellweaving Magic System |
To use this variant Magic System, simply use the
Spellweaver document in its entirety with
the exception of sections that have been "overridden" by this document, as
indicated in the section headers below. |
NOTE: Practitioners of
(dur-WEETH-ah) are called Derwyddon (dur-WEE-thon)
collectively, or
Derwydd (DUR-weeth) singularly. |
Derwydda is a form of Nature Magic.
Derwyddon focus on
powerful Magics stemming from a understanding of the Natural World, and
channeling the very power of the Universe itself. The
Spellweaving model is used as the base
mechanic for this type of Magic, but with some changes where noted below. |
NOTE: In the
World of San'Dora,
Derwydda is associated with the Nature worship of the ancient Volkeralten
people. There are two divergent branches that survived into the modern day.
The larger and stronger branch is that of the Machtig Druids, and the
smaller branch is the spiritual leaders of them remnants of what is called
the Old Faith in the Nordmanner lands of the north, who are still called
Derwyddon. Both groupds use these rules in their entirety. |
MODIFY: Means to Power |
The general rules given in the Means to Power
section of Spellweaving apply to Derwydda, but with the following
alterations. |
In addition to their Spell Skills, Derwyddon
also must take KS: Nature Lore to represent their dedication to and
knowledge of the Natural
Order. |
Nature Lore: KS: Nature Lore |
Real Cost: 3 points |
Limitations work in the same fashion for
Derwydda as defined in Spellweaving, but an alternate list of Allowed
Limitations is used, as follows: |
Window of Opportunity
Immobile Foci (Standing Stone or equivalent)
- Incantations
- Concentration
Derwydd are able to pool their powers to achieve spectacular results. When a
group of Derwyddon who know
the same Spell Skill gather together they may attempt to cast a Spell Effect
by working in conjunction, benefiting from the Limitation value granted by the
Ritual Limitation for the number of Derwyddon participating. |
The Derwydd with the highest Spell Skill roll for the relevant Spell Effect
leads the Ritual and makes the Spell Skill roll, but all participants in the
Ritual must pay END for the resulting Spell Effect. |
It is important to note that it is possible for a convocation of Derwyddon to
gather and cast a large Ritual Spell Effect on a Trigger. Derwyddon can bring
powerful and dangerous Magics into being via this method, but until the Trigger
is activated none of the Derwydd involved can set another Trigger with the same
Spell Skill. |
This Limitation is not in the direct control of a Derwydd. Effectively, when a
particular Window of Opportunity is in effect the GM will grant an appropriate
Limitation value to a Derwydd attempting to cast a Spell Effect. Derwydd is
particularly conscious of season and calendar based Windows of Opportunity, such
as the solstices between seasons, the longest and shortest days of a year, the
end of one year and the beginning of another, the end of a millennia, and other
similar "windows". |
It is typical for Derwyddon to cast powerful Spell Effects on Triggers during
Windows of Opportunity, retaining such effects for later use. However they can't
set another Triggered Spell Effect with that Spell Skill until they use the
Triggered effect. |
Derwyddon use large Standing Stones (or some other equivalent at the GM's
preference) as potent devices to gather and focus Natural energies. These mighty
objects are too large to be carried around, so Derwyddon go to them. |
When a Derwydd casts a Spell Effect in the Presence of one or more Standing
Stones (or equivalent), they gain a bonus to their Magic Skill roll equal to the
Limitation value available for the specific configuration of that Standing
Stone. |
For a single Standing Stone use the following Limitation: OIF Immobile (-1 1/2) |
For a Stone Circle use the following Limitation: OIF Immobile (-1 1/2),
Arrangement (-1/4) |
It is typical for Derwyddon to cast powerful Spell Effects on Triggers while in
the presence of Standing Stones, retaining such effects for later use. However
they can't set another Triggered Spell Effect with that Spell Skill until they
use the Triggered effect. |
Since Derwyddon are not in direct control of their other allowed Limitations,
Incantations and Concentration are important options when casting Spell Effects
on the fly. |
The variations on these two Limitations are generally allowable, such as
Concentration or Incantations Throughout a Constant Spell, but the Complex
modifier for Incantations is not relevant. |
Derwyddon are Nature Magic users, and they
must use their Magic appropriately. Each Derwydd's understanding of the
Natural Order will guide their powers; the greater their understanding of
Nature the more successful they will be at casting Spell Effects. |
RSR: Nature Lore |
All Spell Effects cast by a Derwydd must take RSR: Nature Lore. The Limitation
can be modified to the -0 level by opting for no Active Point Penalty to Skill
Roll. Regardless, the Derwydd must make a successful Nature Lore Skill roll in
conjunction with their normal Spell Skill roll to successfully cast a Spell
Effect. |
Derwydd gain a bonus to their Spell Skill Roll for each -1/4 currently in the
RSR: Nature Lore Limitation when they cast Spell Effects exactly as they do for
their other allowed Limitations, but if their Nature Lore Skill roll is failed
the entire Spell Effect fails to take effect regardless of whether the Spell
Skill roll is successful. |
With GM Permission, a Derwydd may also have Gifts
appropriate to their devotion to Natural forces. |
All Gifts should take the "Only Usable While In Good
Standing With Faith (can't be removed; -1/4)" Limitation, which as noted can
never be removed (i.e. bought off with experience). If, at the GM's
discretion, a Derwydd is acting out of accordance with the concept of
maintaining Natural Order, these abilities stop working until the Derwydd
balances out their infringement. |
Following are a few example
Derwyddyc Gifts. This list can easily be expanded upon. |
Nature Sense: Detect (Sight): Plants, Animals,
Pure Water, (Class of Things Discriminatory) (10 Active Points); Extra
Time (Full Turn, -1); Only Usable While In Good Standing With Faith (can't
be removed; -1/4) |
Real Cost: 4 points |
Woodland Stride: Gliding: 6"; Ground Gliding
(-1/4), Only Usable While In Good Standing With Faith (can't be removed;
-1/4) |
Real Cost: 4 points |
Sylvan Tongue: Linguist; 7 points of Languages
for woodland creatures, Only Usable While In Good Standing With Faith (can't
be removed; -1/4) |
Real Cost: 8 points |
Resist Natures Lure: +15 Mental Defense;
Only vs. Woodland Creatures (-1 1/4), Only Usable While In Good
Standing With Faith (can't be removed;
-1/4) |
Real Cost: 6 points |
Wild Shape:
Multiform (100 Character Points in the
most expensive form) (x4 Number Of Forms), 3 Continuing Charges lasting 1
Hour each (+1/4) (37 Active Points); Extra Time Full Phase (-1/2), Delayed
Phase (-1/4), Costs END Only To Change (4 END,
-1/2), Only Usable While In Good Standing With Faith (can't be
removed; -1/4) |
Real Cost: 15 points |
Immunity to Poison: LS: Immunity to Poison;
Only Usable While In Good Standing With Faith (can't be removed; -1/4) |
Real Cost: 8 points |
Timeless Body: Age Disadvantage; Only Usable
While In Good Standing With Faith (can't be removed; -1/4) |
Real Cost: 8 points |
A Thousand Faces: Shapeshift
(Sight Group; Cellular (does not count as Magical), Imitation, Variety of
Shapes: Limited Group of Shapes), Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2) (60 Active
Points); Extra Time 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), Only to Activate Constant or
Persistent Power (-3/4), Only Usable While In Good Standing With
Faith (can't be removed; -1/4) |
Real Cost: 30 points |
Resistance to Fire &
Electricity: Armor 0 PD/5 ED, Hardened (+1/4) (9 Active Points); Only
vs. Fire & Electricity (-1 1/2), Only Usable While In Good Standing With
Faith (can't be removed; -1/4) |
Real Cost: 3 points |
Derwyddyc Hibernation: (Total: 48 Active Cost,
33 Real Cost) |
Simulate Death (+5 to roll) (8 Active Points); Only
Usable While In Good Standing With Faith (can't be removed; -1/4) (Real
Cost: 6) |
Life Support , Eating: Character does not eat, Immunity: All terrestrial
diseases and biowarfare agents, Longevity: Immortal, Safe in High Pressure,
Safe in High Radiation, Safe in Intense Cold, Safe in Intense Heat, Safe in
Low Pressure/Vacuum, Self-Contained Breathing, Sleeping: Character does not
sleep (40 Active Points); Only Usable While In Good Standing With Faith
(can't be removed;
-1/4), Linked to Simulate Death (-1/4) (Real Cost:
27) |
Total Real Cost: 33
points |
Derwydd occasionally bestow gifts on others that assist
them in maintaining the Natural Order, or as a blessing on champions of
causes important to them. Granting of such Gifts is accomplished via the
Transform Spell Skill. Some variation of the following Spell Effect can be
used to do this, using the rules for adding Powers to others under
Transform. |
GRANT GIFT: Major Transform +1d6 (Normal Person
to Gifted Person, Appropriate Transform) (15 Active Points); Requires A
Skill Roll (Nature Lore; -1/2) |
Real Cost: 10 points per +1d6 |
NOTE: A GM might allow a non-Derwydd character
to take Derwyddyc Gifts as part of their character, paid for with character
points rather than tacked on with Transform. This could be used to make a
character that is a Champion of the Derwydd, and be handled as part of their
background prior to starting adventuring. |
However, those who Gifts are granted to are marked by
the alterations made to them by the Derwydd. Those with mystic senses can
detect their unusual nature. All recipients of Granted Derwyddyc Gifts have
the following Disadvantage added to their character sheets permanently, or
until such time as the Gifts are removed from them. This can take characters
over their Disadvantage maximum. |
Derwydd Touched: Distinctive Feature:
Derwydd-touched (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction;
Detectable By Magic Detection) |
Disadvantage Value: -10 Points |
Following are some sample Derwyddyc Gifts. It is
recommended that GM's put some limit on the number of Gifts an individual
character might bear (unless the Gifts are taken as part of the character's
normal abilities, paid for with character points rather than being added on
via Transform). It is also recommended that the GM moderate Derwyddyc Gifts
and keep them modest in ability; around a Real Cost of 10 points for
instance. |
Gift of Spring Breezes: Gliding 8",
Usable As Leaping (+1/4) |
Real Cost: 10 points |
Gift of Mountain Winters: +8 CON (16 Active
Points); Only When In Contact With The Ground (natural earth, stone, and
soil only; -1/2) |
Real Cost: 11 points |
Gift of Summers Glories: PowD (10 points) |
Real Cost: 10 points |
Gift of Autumn Twilights: |
Stealth 11- |
Tracking 11- |
Shadowing 11- |
Real Cost: 9 points |
Gift of Spring Fortunes: Luck 2d6 |
Real Cost: 10 points |
Gift of Summer Winds: Defense Maneuver I-IV |
Real Cost: 10 points |
Gift of the Autumn Storms: Physical Damage
Reduction, Resistant, 50% (30 Active Points); BODY Only (-1/2), Costs END
(-1/2), Restrainable (Must Be Able To Move; -1/2), Nonpersistent (-1/4) |
Real Cost: 11 points |
Gift of Elemental Bounty: Regenerate 1 BODY,
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (20 Active Points); Extra
Time 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4) |
Real Cost: 9 points |
Gift of Winter Winds: +3 with DCV (15 Active
Points); Only When Outdoors (-1/2) |
Real Cost: 10 points |
VARIANT: Creating New
Magic Items |
Derwydda does not use Codeci. However, Derwyddon do carve
symbols on some Standing Stones that serve the exact same purpose. Replace
the Scribe Codex Skill with PS: Create Standing Stone. The same rules for
making a Codex apply to carving a Standing Stone. |
Standing Stones (or some equivalent) play an important
part in Derwydda, and thus the means of creating and consecrating them is an
important consideration. |
The creation of a Standing Stone is a laborious
undertaking. First, a Monolith for each Stone involved must be raised from
the Earth by casting the following Spell Effect with the Transform Spell
Skill: |
Raise Monolith: Minor Transform 17d6 (standard
effect: 51 points) (Raise Monolith From Ground) (170 Active Points) |
After all of the Monoliths are raised, a minimum of one
Derwydd per Monolith must be gathered for a convocation on a day of some
significance (i.e. during a Window of Opportunity), and the convocation must
successfully cast the following Spell Effect as a Ritual on each Monolith: |
Create Standing Stone: Minor Transform 17d6
(standard effect: 51 points) (Monolith Into Standing Stone) (170 Active
Points); Requires A Create Standing Stone Skill Roll (Active Point penalty
to Skill Roll is -1 per 20 Active Points; -1/4) |
Note that the Requires a Create Standing Stone Skill Roll
on the above Spell Effect is a special exception to the restriction against
Limitations not on the Allowed Limitations list. Extra time can be taken
during the casting to grant a bonus to the Create Standing Stones Skill Roll
as normal for Spell Skill rolls. |