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Brotherhood of Stahryc


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Variant: The Order Of Esow Variant: Brotherhood of Stahryc Variant: Derwydda
Sample Spellweaver: Vadim Ardovich
VARIANT: Spellweaving Magic System
The Brotherhood of Stahryc uses the Spellweaving Magic System in its entirety and without modification.
Details Of The Brotherhood
The Brotherhood of Stahryc (STAHR-eek) is a guild of spellcasters that uses the Spellweaving Magic System. Individual members of the Brotherhood are called Stahyrca (star-EEK-ah) singularly and collectively.
The Brotherhood actively seeks to identify, recruit, and train new members to keep the Order's ranks filled, serves as a political lobby for the aggrandizement of Stahryca, and as a self-protection network for its members. In return members are expected to champion the organization and occasionally carry out tasks when directed to do so by the leaders of the society.
NOTE: In the World of San'Dora, the Brotherhood exists in the Nordmanner lands of the north, and is strongest in the south eastern counties. They compete with several other groups of Spellweavers as well as practitioners of Metier.  Their great rivals, to whom they are underdogs, is The Order of Esow.
Though it is technically an esoteric society, with the principle design of advancing the magical knowledge and potency of its members, the Brotherhood is also a temporal organization that endeavors to advance themselves politically and financially on the behalf of both the Brotherhood as a whole as well as individual members within it.
The Brotherhood of Stahryc is a smaller organization, and functions in a somewhat clandestine fashion, with a public face that reveals little and a good deal of obfuscation and misdirection, which they believe helps them be successful in their competition with rival organizations and individuals. As the organization has limited resources, they make a habit of doing more with less, relying on subtlety, and being opportunistic.
Many members of the Order are skilled at a wide variety of undertakings, many of them of a less than upright nature. It is not unusual for a Stahryca to be an effective spy, smuggler, saboteur, second-story man, schemer, or all around agent provocateur in addition to their skills with magic. Due to this dichotomy of skill sets, Stahryca are often less advanced in their mystical studies than rival organizations' Spellweavers of the same age and general experience.
As implied by the name, the Brotherhood is a fraternal Order; women are not allowed. Although there are some women who serve the Brotherhood in some fashion, they are not initiated into the magical practices of the group and are not in fact members. This policy has come under attack from time to time over the years from within by more liberal members of the organization, but has always represented a minority position.
The Brotherhood only has a few public order houses, which are called Grian (GREE-ahn). However, they have many secret or semi-secret meeting places, sanctuaries, and private havens hidden behind fronts, which are all called Killeen (KYLE-leen) regardless of their size or use.
The Brotherhood is a meritocracy, with each Master, called a Marasgal (mar-OZ-goal) generally operating autonomously save for adhering to the current set of bylaws and any special directives put into effect based upon irregular (meaning when needed) meetings that have at least twentyone Marasgal in attendance (which is the minimum number required to reach quorum), which are called Comracc (KHAM-rack). 
Each Marasgal has a single vote in business that comes before a Comracc, but politics are very much in place, with maneuvering for support, long term sects, temporary alliances, and leveraging of surprise proxies before and during a Comracc to ensure a vote goes one way or another being not only common, but expected.
Stahryca pride themselves on being "practical realists" and thus eschew elaborate formal ranks and roles. They recognize only four ranks, one of which is largely ornamental.
Cost Rank Description
1 Apprentice
Newly accepted to the Order, an Apprentice is put under the direct supervision of a Master; typically the same Master that they either approached or who approached them to join the Brotherhood in the first place. An Apprentice has anywhere from 0 to around  15 points spent on Spell Skills and knows anywhere from 0 to around 5 different Spell Skills depending on where they are at on their training.
Most Apprentices are between the ages of 12 and 20.
2 Journeyman
A Journeyman has somewhere between 16 and around 30 points spent on Spell Skills and knows between 6 and 11 different Spell Skills depending on where they are at in their progression. Journeymen are typically given tasks directly by a regional Comracc, which they are typically expected to carry out within a period of time, but often are given broad latitude in how they go about it.
Most Journeymen are between the ages of 16 and 30.
3 Master
A Master has at least 40 points spent on Spell Skills and knows at least 12 different Spell Skills. Masters are basically autonomous, and do whatever they think best to advance themselves and the Brotherhood, save from occasional special tasks asked of them (or which they volunteer for) by a Comracc.
Most Masters are at least 28 years old, and most are in their 30's and 40's.
4 Paragon
A Paragon is a Master that has proven themselves to be exceptionally advanced at magic, or who have done something that greatly advanced the Brotherhood in some meaningful way. No special responsibilities or privileges come from this rank directly, though such a personage likely would have supporters and / or admirers and thus have great political clout. This is essentially an honorary rank intended to reflect notable respect and prestige.
The Brotherhood is very flexible and eschews rigidity and structure, and thus while there are some common roles that a Stahryca might fill from time time, the Brotherhood does not go so far to formalize them with official titles and appointments.
The Brotherhood has some symbology that they use, more because some kind of visual representations or symbols are expected in the somewhat baroque Nordmanner lands than for any real desire to have one. However, as the organization prefers to avoid the limelight for much of its concerns, they only use such symbols when it serves their purposes, and never when it does not. They are also not above manipulating and using symbols not of their own and taking advantage of any misconceptions that might arise there from.
The official Crest of the Brotherhood is a sable (black) cartouche (oval) bearing a shining four-pointed star Argent (silver) oriented saltire (with the rays aligned diagonally, similar to an X).
NOTE: In Heraldry left and right (sinister and dexter) are from the perspective of the sigil, which is to say they are reversed in respect to the viewer. Left is right and right is left.
An extraordinarily simple blazon; the star in the darkness represents the beacon light of esoteric knowledge that guides the seeker through dark mysteries,.
The few Grian display this symbol openly, but discreetly, and it also adorns some communal property of the Brotherhood. Stylized versions of it are sometimes used as surreptitious sigils or marks by members as signage to one another. It also adorns the back of the Brotherhood's signature amulets.
The Brotherhood has only one symbol commonly recognized or that is given any significance; namely each member has a small oval amulet, made of silver, which has the symbol of the Brotherhood on the back, and on the front a sigil marking ones Rank. These amulets are typically worn under the clothes (or not at all), but are worn openly at all Comracc, and are often used to gain entrance (along with a few code phrases) to a Brotherhood order house in the case that a Stahryc isn't recognized by sight.
Membership in the Brotherhood has some privileges. Brothers primarily benefit by sharing esoteric knowledge with other members. They also benefit from the efforts of the society on their behalf should they fall on hard times or get themselves into a jam, particularly if they do so while on Stahryc business. They can also call on the order for aid if needed, though of course they may be called on in turn as well. However the amount of support forthcoming is determined greatly by an individual's relationship and stature within the Brotherhood.
For the most part, these benefits can be represented by taking the Contact Perk and defining the Brotherhood as a Group Contact with Useful Skills and Resources, with which the Brother has a Very Good Relationship. A Stahryc that does not have such a Contact might occasionally gain some boon from the Brotherhood based solely upon their membership rank perk (and some good role-playing), but a Stahryc with such a Contact has sufficient clout and influence that they can sometimes gain support simply by demanding it. Stahryc that can get even greater support, or more reliable support, or both should simply upgrade the Contact to have Very or Extremely Useful Skills and Resources, and / or raise the reliability of the roll to 11- or higher.
Contact: Brotherhood of Stahryc (Contact has useful Skills or resources, Very Good relationship with Contact), Organization Contact (x3) (12 Active Points) 8-
Real Cost: 12 Points
Members are expected to at the very least not work against the Brotherhood, to aid their fellow members in need, and to occasionally work on behalf of the Brotherhood at the direction of a Marasgal (in the case of Journeymen and Apprentice) or a Comracc (in the case of Masters). A Stahryc's obligations to their guild is represented by taking a Social Limitation Disadvantage.
Social Limitation: Guild Duties (Occasionally, Major)
Disadvantage Value: -10 Points
Being a very lose and "practical" organization, though a Stahryc could definitely get themselves into poor graces by failing to aid their fellows or refusing the directives of a Comracc without good cause, or severely failing to honor the bylaws and edicts, it is actually pretty hard to get kicked out of the society entirely. Particularly once the rank of Master is reached.
However, it does happen from time to time that a Brother screws up very badly, or irritates enough others, or just flat out quits, in which case they are stricken from the Brotherhood. Such ex-Stahryc are called Jiooldit (jee-OOL-deet), and their names and descriptions are circulated (eventually) throughout the Brotherhood so that they wont find welcome by traveling to an area they are not known of directly and using their knowledge of the inner workings of the society to abuse their resources. If possible a Jiooldit's amulet is recovered from them.