GM Notes on Metruvius
Metruvius (meh-TRUE-vee-us), practitioners of which are generally called Metruvians
(meh-TRUE-vee-ans), is a flexible and adaptable Magic System allowing a very broad
selection of abilities and a high degree of individuality among practitioners.
Metruvius is oriented around the concept of understanding and applying common
principles of Magic to modify a wide variety of base effects dynamically at casting
time and many different combinations.
More so than many other Magic Systems, special care must be given to an individual
Metruvian's design to ensure internal synergies exist and to assess their collection
of base effects and modifiers holistically, looking for workable combinations.
Casting Model
Rather than learning to cast static Spells, Metruvians master the secrets of basic
building blocks of magical power and essential theories of manipulating that power
in very abstract and broadly applicable ways.
Metruvians use a hybrid Model mixing Familiarities and Naked Power Advantages, plus
a required Metruvian Lore Power Skill.
By combining their knowledge of basic principles, which are called Famillia
(fah-MILL-ee-uh) with advanced methods of manipulating expressions of base effects,
called Facillia (fah-SILL-ee-uh), Metruvians are able to manifest a bewildering
variety of finely nuanced Magic.
Base Power Constructs without Power Modifiers which are paid for as Familiarities.
Naked Power Advantages that are applicable to any appropriate Famillia which are
paid for as Powers.
Each Metruvian purchases a familiarity for each base effect they are able to manifest,
which are called Famillia. Additionally, each Metruvian must also purchase one or
more Naked Power Advantages, which are called Facillia. To manifest an effect, a
Metruvian combines a Famillia and one or more Facillia. Famillia and Facillia are
defined below and makes a Metruvian Lore Power Skill Roll.
To make a Famillia, a Power Construct is designed using the normal HERO System Power
rules, except no Modifiers (Advantages or Limitations) may be applied. Rather than
pay the Real Cost of this Power Construct, a Metruvian instead purchases a Familiarity
with the resulting Power Construct.
The cost of this familiarity is equal to the Active Points of the Power Construct
divided by ten (10), as illustrated in the adjoining table.
Power's Active Points / 10
EXAMPLE 1: Thia the Metruvian can manifest a Power called Occult Orbs, defined
Occult Orbs: EB 12d6 (vs. ED); Active Points: 60 (6 END)
Thia does not pay for this Power directly; instead he buys a Familiarity called
Occult Orbs. This Familiarity costs (60/10) = 6 points.
Real Cost: 6
EXAMPLE 2: Thia can also manifest a Power called Deepest Darkness, defined
Deepest Darkness: Darkness to Sight Group (3" Radius); Active
Points: 30 (3 END)
Thia does not pay for this Power directly; instead he buys a Familiarity called
Deepest Darkness. This Familiarity costs (30/10) = 3 points.
Real Cost: 3
To make a Facillia, a Naked Power Advantage (NPA) is designed using the normal HERO
System Power rules, but with some restriction as indicated later.
A Metruvian must pay the full Real Cost of each Facillia NPA they know, as indicated
by the adjoining table.
Full Real Cost of Naked Power Advantage
- Any Advantage can serve as the bases for a Facillia (except for Charges that become
an Advantage)
- Each NPA used as a Facillia must have take the Required Skill Roll Limitation,
defined as using a General Power Skill called Metruvian Lore.
- The various options available for RSR may be used, but the modified Limitation must
be worth at least -1/4.
- In addition to RSR: Metruvian Lore, each Facillia must also have a minimum of -1/2
in further Limitations selected from the following list:
- Extra Time
- Concentration
- Increased END
- No other Limitations may be taken on NPA's used as Facillia without GM permission.
Normally an NPA is bought and applied to a single specific Power Construct or to
any Power Construct using a particular base Power (such as an NPA Autofire usable
with any RKA).
Metruvius allows Facillia NPA's taken by Metruvians to be applied to any
appropriate Power Construct it can legally be applied to as represented by a Famillia
that they have paid character points for. Thus a Metruvian that has an NPA for the
Autofire Advantage purchased as a Facillia can use that NPA with every Power Construct
they have a Famillia for designed with an Attack Power (or made into an Attack via
the Usable As Attack Advantage).
EXAMPLE: Thia knows several Famillia that represent Power Constructs built
around Attack Powers; in addition to Occult Orbs he also has Familiarities with
the following three Powers:
Blinding Blast:Sight Group Flash 12d6; Active Points: 60; Real
Cost: 6 (6 END)
Splintering Shot: RKA 4d6 (vs. ED); Active Points: 60; Real
Cost: 6 (6 END)
Confining Coffin: Entangle 4d6, 6 DEF (Opaque to Sight Group); Active
Points: 60; Real Cost: 6 (6 END)
Thia has also purchased the following two Facillia:
Piercing: Naked Modifier: Armor Piercing (+1/2) for up to 60
Active Points (30 Active Points); Requires A Metruvian Lore Skill Roll (Active Point
penalty to Skill Roll is -1 per 20 Active Points; -1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV;
-1/4), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4); Real Cost: 17
(Skill Roll Penalty = -1; END: 3)
Maximize: Naked Modifier: Maximum Damage (+1) for up
to 60 Active Points (60 Active Points); Requires A Metruvian Lore Skill Roll (Active
Point penalty to Skill Roll is -1 per 20 Active Points; -1/4), Concentration (1/2
DCV; -1/4), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4); Real Cost: 34
(Skill Roll Penalty = -3; END: 6)
Normally these NPA would apply to a specific Power Construct, or a specific base
Power. However, in the Metruvius Magic System, both can be applied to all four of
Thia's Famillia that represent Attacks. However, note the guidance on stacking multiple
Facillia on the same Famillia given later in this document.
To manifest an effect, a Metruvian chooses one or more of their NPA's (Facillia),
and applies them to a base Power that they are familiar with (Famillia). To use
their Magical abilities a Metruvian must always combine a Facillia with a Famillia;
they cannot just use the base Power Constructs represented by their Famillia.
It is important to understand that conceptually this Magic System hinges around
the Facillia / Naked Power Advantages (NPA's) rather than Powers. All of the "spell"
like Limitations that grant a "magic" veneer to this System are taken
on the NPA's.
The following guidelines apply to the use of Metruvius Famillia and Facillia.
Each Famillia must be used with at least one Facillia each and every time it is
used. If a Metruvian has a Famillia for which they do not have a Facillia that could
legally be applied to that base Power Construct represented by the Famillia, then
the Metruvian may not use that Famillia.
For instance if a Metruvian had a Famillia for a "Blinding Blast" Power
Construct (as defined in a previous example), and didn't have any Facillia with
an NPA that could be applied to Flash then they simply could not use that Famillia.
EXAMPLE: Thia learns a new Famillia representing the following Power Construct:
Mole Movement: Tunneling 7" through 12 DEF material, Fill In;
Active Points: 60
Real Cost: 6 [6 END]
However none of Thia's Facillia represent NPA's that legally can be applied to this
Power Construct, and thus Thia can't use it at all until such a time as he gains
a Facillia representative of an NPA that can be combined with Flash.
For instance, if Thia later gained a Facillia with the following NPA he would then
be able to use the Famillia representing the Mole Movement construct since the NPA
can be applied to Tunneling:
Effortless: Naked Modifier: Reduced END (0 END, +1/2) for up to 60 Active
Points (30 Active Points); Requires A Metruvian Lore Skill Roll (Active Point penalty
to Skill Roll is -1 per 20 Active Points; -1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4),
Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4);
Real Cost: 17 [Skill Roll Penalty = -1; END: 0]
The Metruvian must pay both the END cost of the underlying Power Construct of the
Famillia they are currently using, plus the END cost of all the NPA's that are applied
to them.
EXAMPLE 1: Thia manifests the Splintering Shot Famillia with the Maximized
Facillia applied. This costs a total of 12 END per use since both Splintering Shot
and Maximized cost 6 END each.
EXAMPLE 2: Thia manifests the Splintering Shot Famillia with the Effortless
Facillia applied. This costs a total of 0 END per use since Effortless applies 0
END to whatever Power Construct of 60 AP or less that it is used with.
Each Famillia represents the maximum amount of effect available to the underlying
Power Construct; however the effect actually used can be scaled down if desired
as normal. I.e. the Occult Orbs Famillia described earlier represented a 12d6 Energy
Blast with 60 Active Points; a Metruvian that had that Famillia could chose to use
less effect each time they manifest the Power Construct.
The END cost of using a Famillia for less effect is based on the Active Points actually
used in the normal fashion. The Range of Power Constructs that have Range is also
based upon the total AP actually used (typically AP x 5 in hexes).
EXAMPLE 1: Thia has the Blinding Blast Famillia, which is defined as a 12d6
Flash vs. Sight Group with 60 Active Points. If Thia wanted to he could
chose to use a lesser effect, such as only 3d6 for 15 Active Points which would
cost substantially less END.
EXAMPLE 2: Thia manifests the Splintering Shot Famillia with only 2d6 of effect
(using 30 AP), with the Maximized Facillia applied. This costs a total of 6 END
per use since 30 AP of Splintering Shot and 30 AP of Maximized cost 3 END
More than one Facillia can be applied to the use of a Famillia at the same time.
The normal rules for using multiple NPA's on the same base Power applies. In short,
each NPA must take the full Active Points of the base Power Construct and all other
NPA's applied to it into account.
Only one Metruvian Lore Skill Roll is made per use of a Famillia no matter how many
Facillia are being used with it, but the penalty on the Roll includes the penalty
from each Facillia.
EXAMPLE: Thia manifest the Splintering Shot Famillia with
both the Effortless and Piercing Facillia applied. He makes one Metruvian Lore Skill
Roll with a combined penalty of -3 (the accumulation of the -1 penalty on both Facillia).
Scaling Famillia as described above is a common means of lowering the Active Points
of a Power Construct so that multiple Facillia can be applied to it.
EXAMPLE: Thia wants to manifest the Splintering Shot Famillia with
both the Effortless and Piercing Facillia applied. Applying a +1/2 Advantage to
40 Active Points results in a 60 Active Point Power, and each NPA used in this example
is applicable to a Power of up to 60 Active Points. Thus to use both NPA's in tandem,
Thia can only use 40 Active Points of effect from Splintering Shot. This results
in 2d6-1 AP damage for 0 END cost.
A more expensive alternative to scaling the base effect of the underlying Power
Construct is to design NPA's that are applicable to more base points of effect
than strictly necessary with the expectation that they will be used in conjunction
with one or more other NPA's.
EXAMPLE: Shapup the Metruvian has the Occult Orbs Famillia as defined previously
(12d6 EB), and also has both the Effortless and Piercing Facillia described previously.
However, his Facillia are bought to be used with more base points of effect:
Effortless: Naked Modifier: Reduced END (0 END, +1/2) for up to 90 Active
Points (45 Active Points); Requires A Metruvian Lore Skill Roll (Active Point penalty
to Skill Roll is -1 per 20 Active Points; -1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4),
Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4)
Real Cost: 26 [Skill Roll Penalty = -2; END: 0]
Piercing: Naked Modifier: Armor Piercing (+1/2) for up to 90
Active Points (45 Active Points); Requires A Metruvian Lore Skill Roll (Active Point
penalty to Skill Roll is -1 per 20 Active Points; -1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV;
-1/4), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4)
Real Cost: 26 [Skill Roll Penalty = -2; END: 4]
Thus Shapup can use the full 12d6 of effect available to him for Occult Orbs (60
Active Points) and both the Effortless and Piercing Facillia simultaneously since
60 * 1.5 = 90, and both NPA's are usable with up to 90 points of effect.
It should be noted that a given Facillia can only be used with a single Famillia
at once. Thus if a Metruvian had the Effortless Facillia, only one of their Famillia
can be manifested with it in a given moment of time.
It is allowable for a Metruvian to purchase the same type of Facillia multiple times
so that they can use them with multiple Famillia simultaneously
EXAMPLE: Shapup the Metruvian has the Glorious Glacis Famillia, which is based
on the Force Field Power. He also has the Effortless Facillia. If Shapup manifests
the Glorious Glacis Famillia with the Effortless Facillia, then none of Shapup's
other Famillia can use Effortless until he deactivates the Glorious Glacis.
In order for multiple Facillia to be used together on the same Famillia, the Facillia
must have compatible Modifiers. For instance, it is not possible to combine the
Effortless (0 END) Facillia with any other Facillia that has the Increased END Limitation
since 0 END and Increased END are incompatible.
In general severity should not prevent Facillia from being compatible however. If
two Facillia have the same Limitation but one has a more severe version than the
other, they can generally be used together unless the GM objects, using the more
severe Limitation for both Facillia. For instance if one Facillia had Extra Time:
Full Phase and another had Extra Time: Extra Phase, unless the GM objected they
could reasonably be combined, with the Extra Time: Extra Phase Limitation taking
Autofire mixes poorly in a couple of combinations that make it difficult to use
as an NPA in some cases. For starters Autofire causes Reduced END to cost more when
both are applied to the same Power, and further Autofire also costs more if applied
to a "non standard" Attack. Usually the extreme cost of such unusual or
effortless Autofires in NPA form will rule them out as viable options for most Metruvians.
However a Metruvian player willing to pay the extravagant cost for such an ability
could take an Autofire NPA that included the extra cost for unusual attacks, or
the +1 version of Reduced END as Facillia if they wanted. As a concession,
the improved version of Effortless below could still be used in the usual fashion
as a +1/2 Advantage when not being used in conjunction with Autofire.
Exotic Autofire: Naked Modifier: Autofire (5 shots; +1/2), Non-Standard
Attack Power (+1) for up to 60 Active Points (90 Active Points); Requires A Skill
Roll (Active Point penalty to Skill Roll is -1 per 20 Active Points; -1/4), Concentration
(1/2 DCV; -1/4), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4)
Real Cost: 51 [Skill Roll Penalty = -4; END: 9]
Effortless (Autofire-friendly): Naked Modifier: Reduced END (0 END, +1) for
up to 60 Active Points (60 Active Points); Requires A Metruvian Lore Skill Roll
(Active Point penalty to Skill Roll is -1 per 20 Active Points; -1/4), Concentration
(1/2 DCV; -1/4), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4)
Real Cost: 34 [Skill Roll Penalty = -3; END: 0]
Two Skills are relevant to Metruvius and are described below.
A Metruvian must make a Metruvian Lore Power Skill roll for all of their Magic Use,
making this a very important Skill that most Metruvians will want to buy a few levels
The adjoining chart illustrates relative skill levels by Metruvian Lore roll, and
the cost for each level. The associated titles don't have any actual literal meaning;
they are merely meant to be illustrative.
This Skill also serves as the equivalent of PS: Metruvian.
Power Skill (Metruvian Lore; GEN) 11-
Real Cost: 3
Any Character that wants to be knowledgeable about the basics of Metruvius, what
it is and is not capable of, its history, and notable Metruvians can buy an appropriate
Knowledge Skill.
KS: Metruvius (GEN) 11-
Real Cost: 2
There are a number of restrictions which apply to this type of Magic Use, as follows.
There is no upper limit on the number of Famillia and Facillia a Metruvian can know;
they can have as many as they can afford. However due to the efficiency of the Magic
System at the lower end there is a minimum requirement. In order to be a Metruvian
and use Metruvian Famillia and Facillia a character must know at least five (5)
Famillia and at least one (1) Facillia. Individual GM's may remove this restriction
or replace it with some other arbitrary limit.
With new characters this is easily achieved as part of the character's design, but
if a character in-play decided that they want to become a Metruvian then they must
first save up enough character points to purchase the minimum entry abilities defined
above, in addition to any other in-game necessities of finding a mentor and spending
enough time to learn the abilities.
EXAMPLE: Seaphul is a character that has been played for a while by Joe.
Joe decides that he wants Seaphul to become a Metruvian and talks to the GM about
this. The GM agrees to allow it and thus in game Seaphul seeks out and makes an
arrangement with a Metruvian mentor, but until Seaphul has enough Experience Points
available to "buy into" Metruvius all he can do is "study and practice"
in game. Once Seaphul has acquired the necessary Experience Points and put in the
required time to learn his initial complement of abilities, it all sets in and he
becomes a Metruvian.
Metruvian abilities have very broad Special Effects. Each Power Construct represented
by a Famillia must have a defined SFX (typically Force for Metruvius, but any appropriate
SFX is sufficient). Further, all Metruvian effects also automatically have the additional
SFX of Metruvian Arcane Magic, plus any Facillia used are also included in
the SFX. These mandatory SFX cannot be altered by any means, including Variable
Special Effects, though they can be hidden with appropriate use of Invisible Power
Effects or Sensory Affecting Powers.
The Occult Orbs effect is always Magic, always Arcane, and always a Metruvius Spell.
Additionally any Facillia such as "Effortless" or "Maximized"
have a "signature" that is also included in the SFX and can be detected
by and interacted with by other Magical effects.
EXAMPLE: When Thia manifests the Deepest Darkness Famillia using the Effortless
Facillia it has the SFX of Arcane Metruvian Magic with the Effortless Facillia in
addition to whatever SFX is defined for the underlying Power Construct.
Metruvians are able to wear Armor, but suffer penalties for doing so when attempting
to manifest effects as indicated by the following table. All penalties are cumulative;
thus wearing Light Armor, Gauntlets, and a Shield would result in a net -3 penalty
to all Metruvian Lore Skill Rolls, while Fully Enclosed Plate with Gauntlets would
result in a net -6 penalty.
-1 to Spell Skill Check
-2 to Spell Skill Check
-3 to Spell Skill Check
-1 to Spell Skill Check
-4 to Spell Skill Check
-1 to Spell Skill Check
-2 to Spell Skill Check
Penalty Skill Levels can be purchased at the 3 point level to offset these penalties
for all Spell Skill rolls.
PSL: Offset Armor Casting Penalties With All Facillia
Real Cost: 3 points per level
Metruvians do not create Magic Items; their Magic is far too personal for that.