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Skip Navigation LinksHigh Fantasy HERO>Content>Magic>Magic Systems>Metier>Styles
Metier Styles


Metier System Metierans Metier Styles
Metieran Package Deals    
Preciat Dosao Grendmere Selembri
Vorba Conde Fegoh  
Following are some sample Styles of Metier. While the below Styles are presented as examples, they are also ready for play as well.
Preciat (preh-SEE-at or pra-SAY-ot, regional) is a quick, dangerous and flashy style focusing on immediate gain and application. Highly direct, this Style is never subtle and never lasting.
Signature: The Style is renowned for its aggressiveness; Matrixes of this Style are effortless but ephemeral, and feel "furious", "temporary", or "fleeting" to those with Mystic Senses.
Required Advantages: Reduced Endurance (0 Endurance; +1/2)
Required Limitations: Incantations (-1/4), Side Effects (-1/4)
Restricted Advantages: Uncontrolled (+1/2)
Restricted Limitations: Extra Time (-1/4), IPE (-1/4)
Common Modifiers: Reduced By Range, Gestures, Incantations, Visible
Dosao (dow-SOW or doh-SAY-oh, regional) is a conforming, flexible style. Never direct, this Style is slow and metered but predictable and low risk, and often has subtle and lasting effects. The Style is known for its fluidity; however, this Style of Magic is highly personalized, and completed matrixes cannot be granted to others to be used.
 Signature: Matrixes of this Style are resistant to tampering or countering, and feel "viscous", "accepting", or "soft" to those with Mystic Senses.
Required Advantages: Reduced Endurance (0 Endurance; +1/2), Difficult to Dispel x4 (+1/2)
Required Limitations: Concentration (-1/4), Extra Time (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4)
Restricted Advantages: Usable By Others (+1/4)
Restricted Limitations: Side Effects (-1/4), Reduced By Range (-1/4), Activation (-1/4)
Common Modifers: Gradual Effect, Concentration, Gestures, and Incantations Throughout
Grendmere (GREND-meer or gren-DA-mer-RAY, regional) combines the pacing and stability of Dosao with the power and directness of Preciat. A composite Style, it is practiced by those who prefer a balance of aggression and patience, force and finesse. However this Style bypasses the effortless channeling of energy of some other Styles and can be taxing on the Stylist.
Signature: The Style is renowned for its tenacity; Matrixes of this Style are extremely resistant to tampering or countering, and feel "implacable", "inevitable", or "heavy" to those with Mystic Senses.
Required Advantages: Difficult to Dispel x8 (+3/4)
Required Limitations: Increased END Cost x2 (-1/2), Extra Time (-1/4)
Restricted Advantages: None
Restricted Limitations: Reduced By Range (-1/4), IPE (-1/4), Activation (-1/4), Restrainable (-1/4)
Common Modifiers: Gradual Effect, Concentration, Gestures, Incantations, Visible
Selembri (seh-LEM-bree or su-lum-BREE, regional) is a fast and stealthy approach to Magic, practiced by those who prefer patience and opportune action to overt force. This Style also bypasses the effortless channeling of energy of some other Styles and can be taxing on the Stylist, and long term effects can be difficult to achieve.
Signature: The Style is renowned for its subtlety; Matrixes of this Style are extremely difficult to detect, but feel "insidious", "indirect", or "sneaky" to those with Mystic Senses that manage to suss them out.
Required Advantages: IPE (at least to two senses; +1/2)
Required Limitations: Increased END Cost x2 (-1/2)
Restricted Advantages: None
Restricted Limitations: Incantations (-1/4), Visible ("Noisy" version; -1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Activation (-1/4)
Common Modifiers: Gradual Effect, Concentration Throughout, Uncontrolled
Vorba (VOR-ba or vor-BAY, regional) is an unusual Style known for its rigidity and attention to minutiae; Matrixes of this Style are resistant to tampering or countering due to their complexity. However Matrixes of this Style are very difficult to form in the first place due to the intricate hand gestures used.
Signature: Matrixes of this Style feel "structured", "inflexible", or "complex" to those with Mystic Senses.
Required Advantages: Difficult to Dispel x4 (+1/2)
Required Limitations: Gestures (Complex, -1/2)
Restricted Advantages: None
Restricted Limitations: Side Effects (-1/4), Reduced By Range (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Concentration (-1/4)
Common Modifiers: Gestures Throughout, Reduced Endurance, Increased Endurance, Extra Time
Conde (KOND-ay or con-DAY, regional) is a purely offensive Style known for its destructiveness. This Style only has attack oriented Matrixes.
Signature: Matrixes of this Style are typically simple and single-purposed, and feel "hot", "volatile", or "dangerous" to those with Mystic Senses.
Required Advantages: Armor Piercing (+1/2)
Required Limitations: Gestures (-1/2)
Restricted Advantages: Line of Sight (+1/2)
Restricted Limitations: Reduced By Range (-1/4), Concentration (-1/4)
Common Modifiers: Gestures (Both Hands), Reduced Endurance, Autofire, Extra Time (Delayed Phase)
Fegoh (FAY-go or fa-GOH, regional) is a highly specialized Style based entirely around enhancing movement. This Style only has movement oriented Matrixes.
Signature: Matrixes of this Style are typically simple and single-purposed, and feel "swift", "efficient", or "quick" to those with Mystic Senses.
Required Advantages: Combat Acceleration/Deceleration (+1/4)
Required Limitations: Concentration (Only to Activate, -1/4)
Restricted Advantages: Persistent (+1/2)
Restricted Limitations: Side Effects (-1/4), Extra Time (-1/4)
Common Modifiers: Reduced Endurance, Concentration, Non Combat Acceleration/Deceleration, No Turn Mode