Sample Urzali:
Shevinan Thurisis |
VARIANT: Adeptology Magic System |
To use this variant Magic System, simply use
Adeptology document in its entirety with the
exception of sections that have been "overridden" by this document, as
indicated in the section headers below. |
NOTE: Practitioners of
(ER-ZAH-dreck) are called Urzali (ER-ZAH-LEE) collectively, or Urzal
(ER-zahl) singularly. |
Urzadrek is a form of Divine Magic based on
ancestor worship. The heroes, rulers, and notables of past millennia, as
well as some mythological or aggregate characters, have been "deified",
which is to say they have been added to the catalogue of "deities" known as
the Roll of Urzed. |
There are over 1300 such "deities" on the
Roll of Urzed, though the vast majority are regarded as being lesser or
minor entries. This number grows a little every century as new "deities" are
identified and added to the list. Most "deities" are regional, some are even
the purview of individual powerful families. An individual person is
probably only aware of a relative handful of "deities", but the most
important dozen or so are generally well known. |
MODIFY: Means to Power |
The general rules given in the Means to Power
section of Adeptology apply to Urzadrek, but with the following
alterations. |
Urzadrek requires a
custom Talent called "Magical Adept (Urzadrek)" that can only be taken at Character
Creation to allow access to the Magic System. This is described more fully
under Restrictions below. |
A character with the
Magical Adept
(Urzadrek) Talent can at any point in their careers join the priesthood and start purchasing an Adeptology
Variable Power Pool defined as follows. |
- 0 Phase Change (+1)
- No Skill Roll Required (+1)
- Only Divine Magic (-1/2)
- Variable Limitation (-1/2; each Spell must take -1 of Limitations
from Extra Time, Gestures, Incantation, Limited Range,
Increased Endurance in
any combination at a MINIMUM)
- All Divine Spells Must Take "Only In Accordance With Religious
Beliefs"; (-1/2)
- Spells May Not Have Any Other
- All Spells Must Cost END
- (Spells may cost END only to Activate
where allowed)
Control Cost per 10 Pool =
6 Real Points |
Total Cost per 10 Pool = 16 Real Points |
Each Urzali must have a KS: Roll of Urzed and PS: Urzali
Skill, which represent their knowledge of the religion, and their
understanding of how their priesthood works respectively. |
In addition to their Magic, some Urzali also have some
unusual abilities stemming from their faith. |
Some, but not all, Urzali are able to Turn
Undead. The following is an example of such an ability: |
Turn Undead: +50 PRE Only To Make PRE Attacks
(-1), Only vs. Undead Creatures (-1), Full Phase, Delayed Phase (-3/4),
Limited Effect (-1), Only Usable While In Good Standing With Faith (can't be
removed; -1/4) |
Real Cost: 10 Points; +5 PRE for 1 point |
NOTE: Fantasy
HERO for 5th Edition page 107-108 gives rules for how to use PRE to Turn
Undead. |
Some Urzali seem to receive special
protection from the deities of the Rolls of Urzed. |
Divine Favor:
2 Levels of Combat Luck (6 PD/ 6 ED); Only Usable While In Good Standing
With Faith (can't be removed; -1/4) |
Real Cost: 10 Points |
Some Urzali are protected from mental
interference by the deities of the Rolls of Urzed. |
Unshakeable Faith:
+10 Mental
Defense |
Real Cost: 10 Points |
Some Urzali are protected from physical
interference by the deities of the Rolls of Urzed. |
Refusal: +10
Defense |
Real Cost: 10 Points |
Some Urzali are able to channel one or more
of the deities of the Roll of Urzed so directly that they are able to speak
with the voice of one of the deities from time to time, having a great
effect on mere mortals. |
Divine Speech: +35
PRE Only To Make PRE Attacks (-1), Full Phase, Delayed Phase (-3/4),
Required Skill Roll (KS: Roll of Urzed; -1/2), Only Usable While In Good Standing With Faith (can't be
removed; -1/4) |
Real Cost: 10 Points |
MODIFY: Restrictions |
The general rules given in the Restrictions
section of Adeptology apply to Urzadrek, but with the following
alterations. |
As mentioned above a Urzali must take a Magical Adept Talent at Character Creation. |
An Urzali is born attuned to the spiritual forces of
the Urzedrek religion. This ability may only be taken at character
creation. |
Magical Adept (Urzadrek) Cost: 5
Points |
Available Spells |
Urzadrek use the "Divine Adept" restriction on available
Powers, repeated here for convenience: |
Divine Adepts may only use up to half their total Active
Point maximum for Spells based on Attack, Body-Affecting,
Movement, and Size Powers. |
Divine Adepts may not build any Spells based on FTL,
or any Special Power. |
Spells built with any Stop Sign Power require prior GM
Permission on a case by case basis (and GM's are encouraged to heavily
restrict or effectively forbid the use of such powerful destabilizing
effects in a Cosmic VPP). |
Divine Adepts may use the full Active Points of their
VPP for Spells based on all other types of Powers. |
Example: Yendosh has 60 Pool in his Urzadrek VPP allowing him to
cast Adjustment, Defense, Mental, Sense-Affecting, and Sensory Powers (that are
not also Special, Attack, Body-Affecting, Movment, or Size Powers) with up to 60
Active Points. |
He may only use Spells involving any Attack, Body Affecting, Movement, or Size
Power (if they are not also Special Powers) if they have 30 Active Points or
less. |
He may not use any Spell built with FTL, or any Special
Power like Duplication. He must have the GM's prior express permission to use
any Spell built on a Stop Sign Power like Transform, EDM, Desolidification, or
Clairsentience. |
Details of the Organization |
Urzali are born naturally attuned to the
spiritual power of their peoples ancestor worship and are able to tap into
the collective unconsciousness it represents to create Magical Effects
appropriate to the beliefs of the faithful. Urzadrek is pantheistic, and
Urzali represent all the dieties of the Roll of Urzed. |
The Magic of the Urzali is believed to come
from attracting the attention of various "deities" to intercede in matters
of interest to them, based upon the dogma surrounding each "deities"
addition to the Roll of Urzed and the things that "deity" is believed to be
concerned with. Urzali incantations take the form of calling on specific
"deities" to intercede via whatever Spell Effect the Urzali is trying to
cast, and many of their SFX take the form of spectral entities manifesting. |
Urzali congregate in large step-sided ziggurats called
Anurzedak (ahn-UR-zeh-DOCK), with a large distinctive square loop rising
from the top. The Anurzedak are traditionally built aligned along the
meridian of the sun on midsummer's day, and the courtyard to the west of the
ziggurat usually has some form of a solstice measurement worked into its
design. |
Whatever stone is locally available is used to construct
the ziggurats, with more concern being given to consistency of material than
to some overriding aesthetic. Most ziggurats include at least one level
underground, where the actual residences of the priesthood and other
practical requirements of habitation are located. In locations where that is
not practical, a smaller ziggurat housing such facilities is constructed to
the north of the main ziggurat and connected via a covered corridor at
ground level. The ziggurats are usually enclosed in a walled off square
enclave. |
The top Urzali in an Anurzedak is called a Anurza (ahn-UR-zah)
and effectively rules that Anurzedak by the issuance of edicts, within the
confines of edicts issued at a higher level than them and of course the
customarily accepted dogma of the religion as a whole. |
In communities where Urzadrek is the principal or at
least a significant religion, they also have significant regional political
clout, for the faithful look to the local Anurza as their spiritual guide
and are definitely influenced by their edicts. |
The following Rank Perks differentiate levels of
authority within the Urzali. Given in the description of each Rank is the
typical size of Urzadrek VPP, as well as the typical levels of the KS: Roll
of Urzed and PS: Urzali Skills of Urzali at that Rank. However these are
just typical ranges; a Neophyte with a large VPP, or a Under Priest with a
KS: Roll of Urzed +4, or an Elder Priest with a small VPP are all very
possible. |
Rank is awarded based a combination of mystical power,
dogmatic adherence, age, and especially inter-religion politics. Many Enza
achieved their status via political maneuver rather than spiritual
attunement. Also within each Rank, while each Urzali of that Rank are
theoretically equal, individuals wield widely different authority based upon
their clout within the priesthood. |
NOTE: Joining the priesthood in
the middle of a campaign can take a character out of play for several years
of game time (at least) as they rise up the Ranks of the priesthood
sufficiently to be allowed enough independence to be viable as a PC. Thus,
it is far better to start a character as a Under Priest, Priest, or perhaps
Senior Priest rather than attempt to progress into it during play. |
1 |
(OH-lur) |
New to the priesthood, Neophytes usually have between 0 and 10 Pool in
their VPP and their KS: Roll of Urzed and PS: Urzali skills are
typically one point familiarities. Their duties mostly entail doing a
variety of tasks that more senior priests don't want to be bothered
with. They rarely leave their Anurzedak unless accompanying more senior
priests. |
2 |
Junior Priest
(OO-lah) |
Past their initial induction and knowledgeable in the basics of the
priesthood, Junior Priests usually have between 10 and 20 Pool in their
VPP and their KS: Roll of Urzed and PS: Urzali skills are typically full
skills. They usually take on tasks dealing with the community
surrounding their Anurzedak. |
3 |
Under Priest
(ah-NILL-zoe) |
Competent in the ways of the priesthood and trusted to take on important
tasks, Under Priests usually have between 20 and 50 Pool in their VPP
and they typically have around a +1 in their KS: Roll of Urzed Skill.
They usually are active as missionaries, or in supporting enclaves of
the faithful that don't have an established Anurzedak. |
4 |
(IN-dra) |
Experienced in concerns both spiritual and worldly, Priests usually have
between 50 and 70 Pool in their VPP and they typically have around a +2
in their KS: Roll of Urzed Skill and a +1 in their PS: Urzali Skill.
They are often responsible for a small or new Anurzedak, but in larger
Anurzedaks they serve as assistants to Senior or Elder Priests. |
Some Priests are members of a special group called Urvaza (UR-VOZ-ah),
which are described below. |
5 |
Senior Priest
(IN-goh) |
Rising in power in the priesthood, Senior Priests usually have between
70 and 90 Pool in their VPP and they typically have around a +3 in their
KS: Roll of Urzed Skill and a +2 in their PS: Urzali Skill. They are
typically responsible for a mid sized or growing Anurzedak, but in the
major centers of the religion they serve as assistants to Elder Priests. |
Some Senior Priests are members of a special group called Urvaza (UR-VOZ-ah),
which are described below. |
6 |
Elder Priest
(IN-zah) |
Having risen to the very top echelon of the religion, Elder Priests
usually have between 90 and 120 Pool in their VPP and they typically
have around a +4 in their KS: Roll of Urzed Skill and a +2 in their PS:
Urzali Skill. They are usually responsible for a large Anurzedak, but in
the largest centers of the religion there are usually several Elder
Priests who administer jointly. |
+1 |
Head Priest
(ahn-UR-zah) |
As noted previously, the Head Priest of an Anurzedak is called an Anurza.
This Status is a +1 point Perk. |
+1 |
Entrusted Priest
(UR-VOZ-ah) |
Some Priests and Senior Priests are members of a special group called
Urvaza (UR-VOZ-ah) and are entrusted as the temporal agents of the heads
of the priesthood. They pursue special concerns and missions on behalf
of a group of Enza. |
Urvasa have some key privileges, including immunity to the edicts and
command of local Anurzas; they are selected by at least a quorum of
three Enza. This Status is a +1 point Perk. |
NOTE: An Urzali cannot be both an Anurza and a Urvaza at the same
time. |
Use in the World of San'Dora |
Urzadrek is the religion, and an integral part of the
social structure, of the Empire of Zadesh in my campaign setting of
. I genericized it somewhat in the above write up to make it somewhat
reusable for others, but the basic ideas represented are consistent with how
it is used in my campaign. |
One of the primary guiding principals behind the
San'Dora setting is to include as many competing systems of Magic as
possible, and to tie those Magic Systems directly into the history of the
world and its peoples. |
Because Adeptology is such a powerful form of Magic,
being based on effectively Cosmic VPPs, that I wanted to place some
restrictions on its availability within the setting. Also, being such a
potent form of Magic, it definitely should have a major impact on the
history of the setting. |
Once a great empire ruled what are now the southern
expanses of the Danoshorvas continent and the northern parts of the
Ullushorvas continent (and some lands that are now deep below the sea), and
was populated by large group of Human kind. This Empire was originally
called Aran-Osh, but eventually this morphed into Aranash, and it's people
were called the Aranashi. |
During the Ages of Legend, the Aranashi built their
Empire by bartering with otherworldly powers and over time were altered by
this congress with external powers. After the raising of the Caul, the
Aranashi were split; the southern, civilized lands remained mostly together
and eventually becoming the Empire of Zha'iir, but the more remote northern
Aranashi drifted apart from their roots, spreading out and managing to
survive by becoming subsistence farmers; eventually the formed into what
would come to be known as the Undari and the Zadeshi over several thousand
years. |
The Aranashi are unique among the races of San'Dora
in that some of their number have the potential to be Adepts. This potential
is a by product of the alterations that were made to the Aranashi long ago
by external powers, and exists in all of them, but takes different forms
among the various subgroups of Aranashi. |
Thus, the entire system of Adeptology and all of it's
variants is tied directly to a sub race of humanity called Aranashi in the
setting. |
I also added some other distinctions to make the
Aranashi stand out from baseline humanity; primarily in the form of a
separate Race Package. They are small and spindly and have a distinctive
yellowish skin tone, but are also quick and witty on average. |
The Aranashi have proven to be adept Empire builders
over many millennia and in several regions. |
The ancient Empire of Zha'iir on the southern continent
has been in fluctuation since the Caul was raised many millennia ago, but
has had eras of resurgence; however the Empire has been fractured into many
successor states (but is still remembered) for over a thousand years now.
Zha'iirian Adepts are Volomancers. |
The Undari were shaped into a grim Empire long ago by
the first of the Thanomancers, based on a massive population of poor
commoners and a ruling elite of Thanomancers and their military pawns. The
Thanomancers ruled by promulgating a false religion in the form of a death
cult, and used many of their common subjects as human sacrifices to power
their Magic. They ruled unopposed for millennia until the Machtig arrived on
the continent and destroyed the Undari capital, slaying all the Thanomancers
and their guards that didnt flee. This touched off a rebellion that spread
across the Undari Empire like a wild fire as the oppressed commoners rose up
to crush their rulers. However, ever since the Empire was shattered into
many petty, weak splinter states. Undari Adepts are usually Thanomancers,
but some are Volomancers. In the modern era Thanomancers must practice their
Magic secretly or suffer the death penalty. |
All Zadeshi people in the modern day belong to the
Empire of Zadesh, located on the eastern side of the Dursha Mountains on the
Danoshorvas Continent. The Empire of Zadesh is a caste based and highly
structured culture, and is also extremely expansionary. In modern times they
have annexed three Undari nations; Akosa, Famor, and Arvanis and were only
stopped from taking more by a chance meeting with a Herodi-led horde of
Machtig raiding from the Vold. In the current age, this is the most dominant
group of Aranashi, growing in to their strength and trying to annex as many
of the Undari splinter states as possible. The Zadeshi practice the ancestor
worship of the Roll of Urzed, and Urzadrek is the state religion. Zadeshi
Adepts are either Urzadrek, or more rarely Volomancers. |
The Urzadrek religion is tightly coupled with the ruling
caste of Zadesh; originally there was but a single fishing village known as
Zed, and it's people practiced a primitive form of ancestor worship. A
powerful priest of this proto-Urzedic religion earned the religion converts
in other nearby villages, and temporal power followed to the chief of the
village simultaneously. Ever since those humble early beginnings, the
expansion of the Zadeshi Empire has been preceeded by the expansion of the
Urzadrek religion. The head priests of the religion are always among the
most influential advisors of the ruling elite, and in many ways the leaders
of the religion is often the tail that wags the dog. |