- Detect A Large Class Of Things 14- (no Sense Group), Discriminatory, Increased Arc Of Perception (240 Degrees), Range, Sense, Targeting, 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Day (+0), Ranged (+1/2), No Range Modifier (+1/2) (74 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), Only to Activate, Character May Take No Other Actions, -3/4), Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Caster takes 15 LTE loss; -1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Concentration 1/2 DCV (-1/4) (Real Cost: 25)
- Sight Group Flash Defense (15 points) (15 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), Only to Activate, Character May Take No Other Actions, -3/4), Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Caster takes 1 LTE loss; -1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Concentration 1/2 DCV (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) (Real Cost: 5)
- +15 Mental Defense (15 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), Only to Activate, Character May Take No Other Actions, -3/4), Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Caster takes 1 LTE loss; -1/2), Only Works Against Limited Type of Attack (Mental Illusions; -1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Concentration 1/2 DCV (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) (Real Cost: 4)