Survive Elementals
Wizardry Abjuration Level 0
Sphere Elemental Level 1
Sphere Protection Level 1
Real Cost: 5 Active Points: 15
Provider: Killer Shrike Source: D&D 3e Core
When spell is cast select SFX from list; the first 6 BODY you take from a source of that SFX is taken from the Body provided by this spell, effectively not really harming the protected person. When all 6 BODY are gone, spell ends.
+6 BODY, 1 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Day each (+0), Variable Special Effects (fire,acid,cold,sonic,electric) Limited Group of SFX (+1/4) (15 Active Points); SFX Must be chosen when cast (-1), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Concentration 1/2 DCV (-1/4)
HERO System 5th Edition