Ray of Frost
Wizardry Evocation Level 0
Real Cost: 3 Active Points: 15
Provider: eepjr24 Source: D&D 5e PHB
Evocation, Attack, Cold, Running
A beam follows your pointing hand to strike one target. The target takes cold damage and are slowed down for an additional phase.
[Ray] 1d6-1 Ranged Killing Attack versus ED (10 Active Points); 1 Charge (-2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Extra Time: Delayed Phase (-1/4), Concentration 1/2 DCV (-1/4), Beam (-1/4), Limited Range: 20m (-1/4)
[Frost] Change Environment: Slowed (-2m Running), -1 Temperature Level (5 Active Points); 1 Charge of 1 Extra Phase (-1 1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Extra Time: Delayed Phase (-1/4), Concentration 1/2 DCV (-1/4), Linked to Ray: Must use both (-3/4), Beam (-1/4), Limited Range: 20m (-1/4)
HERO System 6th Edition