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Skip Navigation LinksVancian Magic>Vancian Spells>Arcane>Sortilege>Interrogation>Level 6
Spell List
Record Count: 6

Advanced Empathic Perception View
Sortilege Interrogation Level 6
Real Cost: 17 Active Points: 105
Provider: Killer Shrike Source: New Content
Using advanced knowledge of behavior patterns, the Sortiligist is able to determine the emotional state of observed subjects within sight, even animals.
Telepathy 5d6 (Human and Animal classes of minds), Lingering up to 1 Turn (+1/2), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1/2), Area of Effect Cone: 15" (+1) (105 Active Points); 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Turn (-1 1/2), Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), Only to Activate, -3/4), Empathy All Emotions (-1/2), Concentration, throughout (1/2 DCV; -1/2), Stops Working If Mentalist Is Stunned (-1/2), Receive Only (-1/2), Sense Affected As More Than One Sense Mental and SIght (-1/2), Requires A Skill Roll (Active Point penalty to Skill Roll is -1 per 20 Active Points; Interrogation; -1/4), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4)
HERO System 5th Edition

Emotion Manipulation View
Sortilege Interrogation Level 6
Real Cost: 23 Active Points: 105
Provider: Killer Shrike Source: New Content
Mind-Affecting, Compulsion
The Sortiligist uses advanced understanding of behavior patterns and magic to manipulate the emotions of those he wishes.
Mind Control 4d6 (Human class of minds), Requires A Skill Roll (No Active Point penalty to Skill Roll; Interrogation; +0), Telepathic (+1/4), Lingering up to 1 Minute (+3/4), Cumulative (96 points; +1), Invisible Power Effects, Hide effects of Power (Fully Invisible; +1), Area of Effect Cone: 17", Selective (+1 1/4) (105 Active Points); 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Minute (-1 1/4), Extra Time (Extra Segment, Only to Activate, Delayed Phase, -1/2), Emotion Manipulation Only (-1/2), Concentration, throughout (1/2 DCV; -1/2), No Range (-1/2), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4)
HERO System 5th Edition

Eyebite View
Sortilege Interrogation Level 6
Real Cost: 32 Active Points: 105
Provider: Killer Shrike Source: New Content
Charm, Mind-Affecting, Sleep, Fear
The Sortiligist is able to convey much to a target with but a glance.
Eyebite: +15 PRE (15 Active Points); 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Turn (-1 1/4), Offensive Use Only (-1), Extra Time (Delayed Phase, -1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Requires A Skill Roll (Active Point penalty to Skill Roll is -1 per 20 Active Points; Interrogation; -1/4) (Real Cost: 4)
+15 PRE (15 Active Points); 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Turn (-1 1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Extra Time (Delayed Phase, -1/4), Requires A Skill Roll (Active Point penalty to Skill Roll is -1 per 20 Active Points; Interrogation; -1/4) (Real Cost: 5)
Ego Attack 2d6, Lingering up to 1 Turn (+1/2) (30 Active Points); 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Turn (-1 1/2), Requires A Skill Roll (Active Point penalty to Skill Roll is -1 per 20 Active Points; Interrogation; -1/4), Extra Time (Delayed Phase, -1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) (Real Cost: 9)
Drain STUN 2d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1/4), Lingering up to 1 Turn (+1/2), Ranged (+1/2) (45 Active Points); 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Turn (-1 1/2), Requires A Skill Roll (Active Point penalty to Skill Roll is -1 per 20 Active Points; Interrogation; -1/4), Extra Time (Delayed Phase, -1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) (Real Cost: 14)
HERO System 5th Edition

Imperative View
Sortilege Interrogation Level 6
Real Cost: 18 Active Points: 105
Provider: Killer Shrike Source: New Content
Mind-Affecting, Language-Based, Compulsion
The Sortiligist issues a Command, which will be followed by weak willed targets.
+105 PRE, Requires A Skill Roll (No Active Point penalty to Skill Roll; Interrogation; +0) (105 Active Points); 1 Charge (-2), Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 1/4), Only vs 1 Person (-1), Language Barrier (-1/2)
HERO System 5th Edition

Probing Inquiry View
Sortilege Interrogation Level 6
Real Cost: 18 Active Points: 105
Provider: Killer Shrike Source: New Content
Mind-Affecting, Language-Based, Compulsion
The Sortiligist simply bores down and takes the information he wants, with no time for subtlety.
Telepathy 21d6 (standard effect: 63 points) (Human class of minds), Requires A Skill Roll (No Active Point penalty to Skill Roll; Interrogation; +0) (105 Active Points); 1 Charge (-2), Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), Only to Activate, -3/4), Receive Only (-1/2), Concentration, throughout (1/2 DCV; -1/2), Language Barrier (-1/2), Limited Range (Conversation distance; -1/4), Normal Range (-1/4)
HERO System 5th Edition

Tale of the Past View
Sortilege Interrogation Level 6
Real Cost: 22 Active Points: 100
Provider: Killer Shrike Source: New Content
Mind-Affecting, Language-Based, Compulsion
While in a semi-trance state the Sortiligist is able to relate events centered on Interrogation subject. For up to 8 others nearby his voice fades into the background and they magically see and hear the events that transpired as well
Retrocognitive Clairsentience (Sight And Hearing Groups), Requires An Interrogation Skill Roll (No Active Point penalty to Skill Roll; +0), 1 Continuing Charge lasting 6 Hours (+0), Usable Simultaneously (up to 8 people at once; +1) (100 Active Points); Incantations (throughout; Complex; -1), Retrocognition Only (-1), Extra Time (1 Minute, Only to Activate, Character May Take No Other Actions, -1), Concentration, throughout (1/2 DCV; -1/2)
HERO System 5th Edition