TODO: Add a Sample Stregaran
VARIANT: Vancian Magic System
Stregari Sample Spells may be found
The style of Magic described in this document is not a complete Magic System with
it's own mechanics; instead it is intended to extend, override, and/or change the
look and feel of a more fully described Magic System, which is referred to as a
"base Magic System".
To use this variant simply use the guidelines given for one of the base Magic System
listed below in their entirety with the exception of any sections that have been
"overidden" by this document, as indicated in the section headers below.
EXPOSITION: by Killer Shrike
Back when I used to play D&D one of the character types that always seemed overlooked,
and oddly so, was that of a Witch or a Warlock, or even a Hedge Wizard. A brand
of magic that had a more visceral, esoteric, and organic feel than the very crisp
and organized Wizardry schools and other forms of magic. Later variants, kits, and
base classes hedged around this area but I was never fond of any of them other than
the Shaman class from the 3e Oriental Adventures.
At any rate, Stregari is a stab in this general direction. It's basically identical
to Wizardry or Sorcery (as you prefer), and has access to many of the same spells.
However, I explicitly ommitted certain kinds of spells and effects from them, and
in return added in some effects normally reserved for Divine magic such as some
healing and some animal oriented effects, plus a handful of exclusive effects. I
also reduced the number of schools as compared to Wizardry / Sorcery which in the
HERO System offers up some point savings, and also is friendly to even more focused
specialization as there are fewer bases to cover.
NOTE: Practitioners of Stregari (streh-GAHR-EE) are called Strega
(STRAY-gah) singular or Stregarans (streh-GAHR-ens) plural.
Stregari is a variant system that is intended to have more of a "witchcraft"
flavoring, and demonstrates how an xD&D concept such as Wizardry or Sorcery
can be altered to create a distinct style of Magic.
The basic concept of Stregari may be implemented with each of several base Magic
Systems as described below.
To implement Stregari with Spontaneous
Casting use the rules set forth in the Sorcery
document, except where overridden below. Thus, the Stregari School Skills given
below replace the Sorcery School Skills, the guidelines given for creating Magic
Items replace the guidelines for doing so in the Sorcery document, and the Packages
provided replace those provided for Sorcery.
To implement Stregari with Prepared
Casting simply use the rules set forth in the
Wizardry document, except where overridden below. Thus, the Stregari
School Skills given below replace the Wizardry School Skills, the guidelines given
for creating Magic Items replace the guidelines for doing so in the Wizardry document,
and the Packages provided replace those provided for Wizardry.
To implement Stregari with Gestalt
Casting use the rules set forth in the
Arcanis Magnicus document, except where overridden below. Thus, the
Stregari School Skills given below replace the Arcanis Magnicus School Skills, the
guidelines given for creating Magic Items replace the guidelines for doing so in
the Arcanis Magnicus document, and the Packages provided replace those provided
for Arcanis Magnicus.
Some settings could support Stregarans built on up to all three of the base Magic
Systems described above concurrently without any ill effect. This might be used
to represent several rival traditions of Stregari magic, or some other similar situation.
Alternately, the separate base Magic Systems could be assigned to different eras
to demonstrate a progression over time; perhaps a tradition of magic started off
as a Spontaneous System, slowly developed into a Gestalt System, and eventually
solidified into a Prepared System over some long span of time.
OVERRIDE: Magic School Skills
Stregarans use the following Stregari School Skills. Stregari is also compatible with
KS: Conjuring
Spells incorporating Magic dealing with non-planar Summonings and Transmogrifications
A complex and diverse School, with a lot of indirect offensive capability but also
some utility Spells.
Wizardry Parallels: non-planar Conjuration, and Transmutation Spells that deal with
adding things (rather than changing things).
KS: Divining
Spells that incorporate fortune telling and the summoning of spirits.
Perhaps the most focused of the Schools, and the most overlooked. Providing very
little offense or defense, Divining Magic can nonetheless be incredibly enabling
due to the vast amounts of information that can be gained via its use.
Wizardry Parallels: Most Divination Spells and spirit-based Necromancy.
KS: Hexcasting
Spells that incorporate illusory effects and alteration of the senses.
Hexcasting is one of the more complex and difficult to understand Schools of Magic.
Lacking the direct physical effects of the less conceptual Schools, Hexcasting can
nonetheless be used offensively, defensively, and augmentively.
Wizardry Parallels: Most Illusion Spells, some Enchanctment and Evocation Spells
that affect the senses.
KS: Binding
Spells that incorporate planar Summoning and the creation and tasking of the corporeal
Undead and Golems.
One of the most powerful and dangerous of Stregari Schools, Binding deals with dark
forces and commanding them to do the Strega's bidding.
Wizardry Parallels: planar Conjuration, and Necromancy dealing with physical Undead.
Binders can also create Golems.
KS: Cursing
Spells that negatively alter the fortunes of others.
A Stregari specialty, laying down curses, banes, and haights upon those that displease
Wizardry Parallels: Transmutation Spells that change a target for the worse, Spells
using negative Adjustments, and some Change Environment effects.
KS: Bewitching
Spells that command the wills of others, command Magic directly, or involve concepts
so basic that Magic Use would not be possible without them.
The Bewitching group contains Spells that belong to no one School and encompasses
both the most powerful and the most unassuming of Spells. All Spells dealing with
the manipulation of others as well as universal concepts such as Luck or Time, direct
crossing of Dimensional boundaries, or the powerful reality warping Wish Magic fall
into Bewitching, alongside the most rudimentary building blocks of Stregari.
Wizardry Parallels: Enchantments that deal with Compulsions, and Universal Spells.
Item Creation Skills
Brewing & Concocting
KS: Brewing & Concocting
Used to create simple Ephemeral "potions" and "charms" with
30 Active Points or less.
All other guidelines given in the base Magic System document regarding Magic School
Skills other than the Skill List above apply.
OVERRIDE: Creating New Magic Items
By default Stregaren cam make simple Ephemeral Magic Items of 30 Active Points or
less using the KS: Brewing & Concocting Skill; following the guidelines for
creating such items described on the Creating
Magic Items Page. Potions, salves, ointments, poultices, fetishes, and other
such items are typical but just about anything is possible with GM permission.
OVERRIDE: Package Deals
A number of Package Deals for Stregaren are provided